Hello Jbeach,
Whomever you book with probably already knows this trick but if not, placing your bear skull in a shrimp pot (aka shrimp trap) and leaving it in deep water a day or two, will have it super cleaned of all soft tissue, including the brains.
Then you can also enjoy the fresh shrimp that come up with your cleaned bear skull.
If it turns out that you hunt some area that is not so good for shrimping, ask your guide about him supplying a wire mesh cage of sturdy design to submerge the skull in anyway, because the sea lice will scrub it super clean as well.
Last but not least, if you hunt an area that has not had much hunting pressure, you will see some bears.
At the moment, we are over-run with the hairy rascals and they generally are some of the best eating meat in N. America, especially if they've been subsisting on wild berries and/or green grass, as most of them do.
If you end up in Anchorage during transit and have a little time to kill, please look me up.
I will be happy to recommend some restaurants, gun stores, museum and places to avoid, (unless you're into extremely loud music and being stabbed in the parking lot - LOL).
Velo Dog.