Very Successful Safari with Kwalata Safaris 2024


AH legend
Jul 26, 2013
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Hunting reports
South Africa,Namibia, Alaska,lower 48
Well its 2 AM and I am up going through the readjustment jet lag process, so thought I would start my report.

Have been trying to get a Cape Buffalo hunt for my wife together since 2019. Booked a hunt in Mozambique with another outfitter for the 2020 season.
Mr COVID jacked up the world that year. Moved the booking to 2021 and had family issues and unable to go so cancelled and outfitter refunded my deposit.
We met Jaco at the 2022 DSC show and my wife and I talked with Kwalata and several other outfitters working in Mozambique. With my wife having back surgery scheduled at the end of 2022, we wrote off any hunting trips for 2023 so she could recover and get back in shape for a buffalo safari. At the 2023 DSC show we booked with Kwalata for September 2024. Lot of work and preparation went into getting ready. Booked our travel with Gracy Travel and waited for the calendar to roll around to 30 AUG 2024. A very early drive up to the airport and we were on our way. All our flights were on time and had no problems. Spent the night in City Lodge upon arrival in South Africa. Caught the Airlink flight to Pemba where we were met by the charter flight crew on the tarmac. They assisted with the gun paperwork and customs. 45 minutes later we were in the air. Landed on the dirt runway beside the camp in Niassa L9 block. Jaco and AJ met us along with the crew. My hunting buddy Gary and his son were hunting with Aj and my wife and I were hunting with Jaco. My report will be a bit different than my usual chronological day by day report. First and foremost my priority was for my wife to fulfill her dream of a cape buffalo hunt. As much as I want to tell the buffalo hunt in detail it is her story to tell and the spoiler is she is putting together a submission for the Rigby award contest. I am very proud of her! She took a proper 13 year old dagga boy. I will encourage her to also do a hunt report once she has her writeup submitted to Rigby. She may not have the oldest or ugliest buffalo but you will remember her story.

Hunt Location: L9 block Niassa Game reserve
Dates: 1-11 September 2024
Outfitter: Kwalata Safaris
PH: Jaco Strauss
Rifles used: My wife Interarms 375 H&H, Myself Krieghoff Classic 500/416
Animals seen: Elephant, Cape Buffalo, zebra, waterbuck, impala, bushbuck, red diker, Sharpes Grysbok, Sunni, warthog, bush pig, croc, sable, baboon, civiet, genet, kudu plus several more I am sure i am forgetting and to tired to track down my notes.
Animals on our hunt list: My wife Cape Buffalo, Niassa Wildebeest, Bushbuck
Myself Hyena, Sunni, Red Diker, Sharpes Grysbok
Animals taken: My wife Cape Buffalo Myself Zebra, bush pig, Sunni, Red Diker
Lessons Learned: Will detail at the end of the report
Would we hunt with Kwalata again, and or reccomend to others. A VERY LARGE YES!!!! and have already recommended to several of my friends who called me in the last day.

I will start this off by saying the the entire booking process, information exchange to a very sucessful completion of the safari was handled in a first class manner and everyone in the Kwalata team was a pleasure to work with.

More to follow as i am headed back to get some more sleep.
Almost spit my coffee out when I first read Animals on our hunt wife.
Looking forward to your report!

Almost spit my coffee out when I first read Animals on our hunt wife.
Looking forward to your report!

I've seen her shoot. He wouldn't stand a chance. :)
Looking fwd to this report!
We were looking forward to the charter flight into the Niassa concession and the charter pilot and his guys met us coming off the Flight from Joberg to Pemba. Coming in over the blue ocean was a beautiful way to get things started. Got everything loaded on the charter plane and were on our way. The flight was about a hour and a half and was smooth and landed on the dirt strip right beside the camp. Exiting the plane we were met By Jaco and AJ along with their teams. Waved good bye to the plane and pilot and we were right beside the range so rifles were checked. My wife's rifle was spot on, my buddy gary's rifle was spot on, and mine was 2 1/2 inches high so a couple adjustments to the RMR and we are ready to hunt tomorrow.


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Well it's 7am now here in Arizona and you've managed two posts in 5 hours....pick it up man! :cool:
With a 0400 wake-up call (For those that don't know my better half ISN'T a morning person) 0430 breakfast and 0500 in the cruiser and headed along the road north looking for 1-3 bull tracks. Once we found a suitable set of tracks, everyone loads up and we get on track and start off after the buffalo. we would follow tracks till the wind shifted or we caught up with the animals and evaluated them for a shooter. Along the way we would keep a eye out for the animals on my list. Since @BRICKBURN requested "Get a monster Suni to make me envious!" I will start with that hunt. The morning after my wife harvested her buffalo, (She slept in) Headed out with Jaco and team and were looking for Suni. We started in the riverine areas slowly stalking along the elephant trails. This is one of my favorite ways to hunt the small antelope that inhabit this area. WE had been moving slowly and quietly for a couple hours when the tracker gave us the hand signal to stop. Jaco evaluated a Suni that was slowly feeding our way, (which was nice as all we had seen before were going mach 1 trough the bush). he asked me if I was comfortable take a free hand shot shoot trying to get the sticks set up was going to spook the little guy. Since I practice bench, sticks and free hand all the time I gave him a north south shake of my head. So each time the Suni had his head behind some brush I moved into a patented One foot 10 inched higher than the other, 3/4 squat shot above a branch and below another waiting for Mr Suini to walk into the opening. One 400gr northfork solid a couple inches behind the shoulder and we have a Suni DRT. Hand shakes and congratulations we head the couple miles back towards the truck looking for a suitable place to take photo's. after my wife's buffalo stalks this hunt was my favorite of the trip for my list animals.


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The Suns we managed to see were experiences that lasted about as long as seeing a lightning bolt and were just blurs. Well done!

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Read more at the link about our 40000 acre free range kudu area we will also be posting a deal on the deals page soon!
Our predator control is going very well
Looking for brass or reloads for 475noz2 Jefferies ammo. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Charles