USA: I Finally Scored


AH ambassador
Jun 15, 2010
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South Africa (Limpopo, Eastern Cape & Kalahari), Nicaragua, FL, CA, SD, GA, SC, CO
I finally scored, and got myself a big body 8 pt whitetail deer.

Yesterday I took the day off to go hunting, feeding times were going to be real good both AM & PM. Sat in the stand all morning, and all I got to see were fat squirrels, and nothing more. The afternoon came around, and I was in my stand by 4:30. Around 6 PM, I was texting with my wife, and out of nowhere there was doe standing no more than 10 yds to my right. I put the phone away, and stayed motionless for which seem an eternity. Then another doe pops up from the same area. Since it was still early, I decided to pass on the does, and wait a little longer. I told my wife I had two does, and her text was "shoot one" LOL!!! The does walked the length of the field (about 265 yds), and stayed on the far corner for almost 20 min. They both turn around, and started heading my way. I told myself that if they got to the feeder, I would shoot one.

As I'm checking the does, I noticed that one is looking in my general direction, but not quite looking at me. So, I turned my head slowly to myleft, and there Mr. Buck stood less than 10 yds away. He was looking straight at the does, and not moving. Seems like an eternity has passed, and finally the buck decided to move in the directions of where the does where standing. He was walking away, and I didn't have a shot. Finally at around 85 yds the buck turned around, and stood broad side. I aligned the cross hairs and press on the trigger until the shot surprised me. As I reloaded, I noticed that the deer was standing there not moving. I'm like WTF, I couldn't have missed. As I'm about to hit him again, he takes about 10 normal steps, and then he wobbles and fell to the ground. He was down.

Took him to get process, and the owner of the place estimated his weight 185-190 lbs. I'm very happy, and wife is happy that we have venison in the freezer. Life is good. (y)

BUCK 1.jpg
Congrats on a nice buck!
Well done!
Congrats !
Well done!
Always nice to get a buck. Congrats
Fine looking buck for sure! Congratulations!
Thank you gents!!! The first words from my wife after she congratulated me was "When are you shaving?" LOL!!!!
Congratulations sir! He is nice.
Way to go! Nice made a good shot when it counted..............well done.....................FWB
Congratulations. Waiting for him to move away would have taken all the patience I could muster.
Congrats and well done on a great buck!
Congrats on your buck
Congrats on a good buck!!

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1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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