Unexpected First Trip !!!

Mark Biggerstaff

AH legend
Feb 28, 2017
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Hunting reports
This will be my first trip to South Africa, I have been following on AH for awhile now and ask any for any advise the seasoned hunters may have. I have had dreams of going for over two years now and had been planning on a 2019 or 2020.

But thanks to Gerrit with Bos en Dal Safaris it has been pushed to June of 2018 !!!
I won a trip from them on their Facebook Page!!!

I don’t even have a Passport!
So here are what i think priorities may be and any input would be greatly appreciated.
1. Start Passport process this week.
2. Airline Tickets. Will call Lori at Travel Express from what I have learned on AH
3. Finalize dates depending on airline flights.
4. U.S. Customs forms ( taking my own rifle)
5. SAPs paper work.

Questions I can think of being a first timer and going it alone.
Do I need to get help for rifle permits and paper work? From a service like Rifle Permits?
Do I need medical like Global Rescue?
Travel Insurance?
I know i will have more questions.
Any help or advise will be appreciated.
So excited don’t really know where to start or what to do.
Passport, call lori , get rifle permit help as for a first timer a go way to spend 150 for the ease of getting it done. Then call gerrit with dates and let him handle the rest. You will be in good hands and enjoy.

I don't think you need global rescue for a trip to SA and travel ins if you think you may need to cx trip but I never have bothered. Make a check list and cross stuff off as you back your bags.

Then when you come back write report and share the 100's of pictures you took.

Have a great hunt

Rifle permits definitely suggested

Global rescue...not necessary I believe for SA

Congratulations on winning a hunt.

Keep asking questions, you'll get answers.
I strongly disagree with those that say a service like Global Rescue isn't needed. Unless you are Warren Buffet and in the same shape as Michael Phelps, spend the small amount of money it takes for a month of Global Rescue. I would do travel insurance also. One never knows what's going to happen. A medivac flight back to the U.S. can cost $250,000 or more and they'll want that up front. You can read the horror stories of the cost of short medivac trips in Africa but let's just say no one is going to transport you by air for less than $20,000 and they'll have that money up front also, thank you.
This will be my first trip to South Africa, I have been following on AH for awhile now and ask any for any advise the seasoned hunters may have. I have had dreams of going for over two
years now and had been planning on a 2019 or 2020.

But thanks to Gerrit with Bos en Dal Safaris it has been pushed to June of 2018 !!!
I won a trip from them on their Facebook Page!!!

I don’t even have a Passport!
So here are what i think priorities may be and any input would be greatly appreciated.
1. Start Passport process this week.
2. Airline Tickets. Will call Lori at Travel Express from what I have learned on AH
3. Finalize dates depending on airline flights.
4. U.S. Customs forms ( taking my own rifle)
5. SAPs paper work.

Questions I can think of being a first timer and going it alone.
Do I need to get help for rifle permits and paper work? From a service like Rifle Permits?
Do I need medical like Global Rescue?
Travel Insurance?
I know i will have more questions.
Any help or advise will be appreciated.
So excited don’t really know where to start or what to do.

My 2 cents.

Global Rescue for travel insurance. I get the insurance in case of lost firearm, oversees medical emergency (just in case I get hurt or sick and have to cut my trip short). Time and again (USA) airports and airlines: last minute cancellation, delay, etc. could cause a hunter to not make an expensive hunt a reality after expenses have been paid. The insurance reimburses you for property and/or monies you might lose.

Henry Rifles Permits is recommended mainly because of the pre approval and they make sure you properly filled out the SAPS 520, 8 page form.

Rifle permits, if Gerrit is picking you up at the airport I think a service is unneeded, but it is insurance especially with the pre-approval. I still use a service when I'm on a tight turn around or going to another country, again insurance.

Global rescue, check them out and make sure you understand what they do. It's more than just coming to get you if you're in a remote area of a third world country, they get you HOME, to the hospital of your choice. I have them for mountain hunts here in the states too, not just when I go to Africa, again insurance.

Travel insurance, again it's insurance, see above. Some get it and some dont. I always "self insure" but it depends on how much money your risking and whether you can afford to lose that amount.

Passport you've got time, but you're right to start NOW.

Enjoy every moment !
As Columbo would say "uh, one more thing". If you travel by air frequently, consider TSA Pre and Global Entry. These will help facilitate your trip through immigration and customs on return.
Regarding airline tickets, if you are using the Delta non stop to Joburg run, consider the economy plus upgrade. Makes for a somewhat more "comfortable" trip.
TSA pre will be automatic if you buy the Global Entry for $100. As I travel weekly it has been well worth the money paid.
Great news! I am sure youre going to have a great time!

A small recommendation: pay the extra $60 and have your passport expedited..

Your hunt is still 4+ months away.. but you dont want to delay getting everything in order.. Time is going to start passing by pretty quickly while you get everything else in order.. youre going to need your passport in hand before you can apply for your permit to take your rifle to South Africa.. If you dont expedite it takes 4-6 weeks to get your passport back after you apply for one.. thats after you take a day to get passport photos knocked out, fill out the paperwork, and stand in line at your local post office, etc.. to get your application submitted..

You need another month + for getting your paperwork submitted to riflepermits.com so that they can get your permit in order in advance..

IMO its a lot better to get all the "administrative" aspects of the safari knocked out well in advance.. you dont want that sort of thing looming over your head and taking your focus off of more important things like daydreaming about stalking one of Gerrits big kudu, or spending additional time at the range practicing and figuring out what the perfect gun/bullet combination is going to be for this first African hunt :D
Mark, I think everyone has covered it pretty well. Most of the info is here on AH.
I like Rifle Permits and they will make getting from the arrival concourse through customs to and through SAPs easy. Especially good on your first trip.
Global Rescue, if you’re young, healthy and not hunting dangerous game, you should be fine without. Didn’t use them my first trip, but hunted buff my last trip and just felt more comfortable using them.

Have a grand trip and enjoy the planning as well!
Thanks guys for all the positive responses. Going to start Passport work tomorrow and call Lori about flights.
Will probably do Global Rescue. I am 54 and traveling by myself so its added Insurance i think.

As for guns and ammo. Thats all worked out.
7mm STW with hand loaded 160 gr Barnes TX and a 375 HH with hand loaded 235 Barnes TX.

Question is. Does ammo need to be in Factory Boxes or is plastic reload box acceptable? I know ammo has to be in a separate locked box in checked baggage
Sure Gerrit will assist you with most of your questions. Enjoy your hunt!
Congratulations with the price. Enjoy the whole excursion.,..
Travel insurance, yes !

Rifle permits, cleared on my own four times without any issues.
For communications back home, if your camp has it available for clients, you can do wi-fi calling. For places where you don't have access to wi-fi, onesim.com sells simcards and has plans considerably cheaper than the American wireless carriers charge for international usage. One of my hunting partners arrived home to find $500 dollar plus charges on his bill. The usual disclaimers apply, chargeable business calls, phone compatibility, etc.
I use a Samsung Galaxy 6 and swap out my Sprint card in Atlanta and when I arrive in Africa, I check in with my ph to verify we're on as planned.
Another thing to look at is to download the what's app. Widely used in Africa. It's like our texting and we just had our kids and friends download the app and we could send pics home (for bragging) and stay in touch with everyone. We didn't get the SIM card so it would only work for us when we had wifi. Places where we stayed always had wifi. But it's free!!! Also we stayed in touch with our PH and camp that way
I was 72 when I went on my first hunt. I did purchase a Global Rescue Medical only plan, a World Wide Health Insurance Policy for 30 Days, and used Henry at Rifle Permits for firearms importation. I am booked for a safari this July and will be purchasing the same "insurance" packages. For sure it costs a little more, but you will sleep a lot sounder. If you still can, I'd book Economy Comfort seats, the extra width and leg room makes that 16 hr. flight a lot more bearable. I also had to upgrade my Verizon (smart phone) package for one month to assure service in Africa. For the most part I had service in the bush as well as at the lodge.

You are in for a treat. Be sure to check out all other associated costs i.e. dip and ship, taxidermy, VAT, Tips, etc. You need to preclude any and all "surprises" at the end of the hunt. Take a look at the checklists posted previously on AH. Enjoy your hunt, it is like nothing you've ever done before.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?