Ukrainian Alligator Rifle


AH ambassador
Jul 6, 2013
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South Africa, Canada, USA
Not as sexy as a javelin but seems to be a potent piece of equipment.

Not really.

I guess it would be effective on a truck's engine block, but an explosive round would never penetrate even the side armor of an IFV, much less a MBT. An armor piercing round might on something like a BTR at fairly close range, but all one would achieve is a 14.5 mm hole and the possibility of maybe hitting a crewman on the inside while generating a storm of automatic weapon return fire. For the same weight, an infantryman can carry a real anti-tank weapon.

It of course could be used as a long range sniper rifle. Technically, it would be a violation of the Geneva Convention, but our guys have become expert aiming at belt buckles, helmets, and buttons with the Barrett as an "anti-materiel" weapon. :unsure: :cool::cool: :W Sniper:
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but all one would achieve is a 14.5 mm hole and the possibility of maybe hitting a crewman
Interesting, so what function do these anti-material rifles have? I assumed there is a benefit achieved through ricochet after penetrating the exterior of a troop carrier. Thanks for the clarification. Interesting stuff.
They aren’t really anti-materiel. They are for long range sniping. To have any hope of penetrating an armored vehicle the shooter would have to be very close (velocity). Technically, using a .50 cal or larger as a “rifle” against personnel is a war crime. Hence, these big sniping rifles are described as “anti-materel” weapons.
this 14.5 Its for plinking. (no, thats a joke) But there are bigger guns then this

This rifle is built around 20 mm hispano cartridge. AAA.

However, 14.5 can be well used.
During siege of Sarajevo, they found one old russian antitank rifle, I think Simonov. cal 14.5x114.
This rifle was partly effective against the tanks at early stage of ww2, but when the armor improved, it wasnt so, and some were obviously delivered to partisans during ww2. Production stopped at 1945.
So, one remained in Sarajevo museum.

During the siege, they took it out of museum, found some ammo for it (or smuggled some ammo), and succefuly used against serbian bunkers and military installations.
There is one unconfirmed story of sarajveo big caliber sniper duel, when serbian 50 BMG machine gun, was shooting rapid fire at sniper at approximate location of sarajavo shooter in one of Sarajevo buildings. 50 BMG was crushing the floor and walls above and around the sarajevo shooter, and he was just below, in dust and rubbles, and and in heat of moment managed to take good aim with this simonov 14,5, and destoreyed 50 bmg, and its handler with one shot. A duel between 14,5 and 50 bmg.

(if it was american conflict, I am sure this story would be made in Hollywood block buster movie, of the type enemy at the gates...)
Reminds me of the 20mm bolt action. At 25kg, it’s not easily deployed, but formidable.
Come on mate 25kg is a diddle to carry for a young fella like you. With a few pockets full of ammo imagine the fun you could have with an afternoon of sniping prairie dogs.
Ah the fun.
Holy shit the pain.
Come on mate 25kg is a diddle to carry for a young fella like you. With a few pockets full of ammo imagine the fun you could have with an afternoon of sniping prairie dogs.
Ah the fun.
Holy shit the pain.
Or someone can get their hands on one and we’ll see them shooting baboons on TV.
Made to "eliminate vehicles" hahaha , but much more practically used to shoot individual soldiers. The soldiers might be wearing armor and it will probably be penetrated lol

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expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Total con artist! Bradley Joseph Clemens!
expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Regarding Senga Senga. Brad Clemens. Do your research with him. He owes people money…took deposits, no hunt! Two words, for anyone who wants to hire him…..background check. His character shows and this character follows every aspect of his life. Not to be trusted at all!
Grandpa Moose wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Thanks for the advice/help. Hope the kids get a good plug from my mis post. Rain like crazy here