Trophy shipping costs


AH veteran
Feb 5, 2011
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namibia,zambia, Zimbabwe,Botswana, South Africa
Just got my bill from Badger Cargo International In Johannesburg SA for my trophies to be shipped to Chicago USA. There has been a few inquiries on rising airline costs as of late. My crate contains dip and pack only for kudu skull, horns and cape, same for wildebeast, sable , gemsbuck and impala. The cubic weight was 86 and the total cost to include air ($899.72), insc (183), transport ($65), agency ($114), and discount ($75) for a total of$1188. Obviously higher than what it used to be. My dip and pack from @SPLITTING IMAGE TAXIDERMY was $1230.
The next set of charges will be from @TROPHY SHIPPERS who have already warned of price increases. The good news is that all companies thus far have maintained excellent communication. For those of you preparing for your first safari this will give you some idea of the added costs. I’ve always said a safari is an adventure that just keeps on charging!!
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So is that out of line with what everyone else is being charged??
My dip and ship taxidermy is flying out of Johannesburg next Friday to Chicago. I have an impala, blesbok and wildebeest capes, horns and backskin as well as an impala skull and horn for a euro. My shipping was $600
So is that out of line with what everyone else is being charged??

I guess all depends on the company you use in South Africa. They all seem to have different rates.
Dip/Pack I use charges $180 for PG.(skull,horns,cape and back skin)
DG are different prices.
No crate fee and $100 for paperwork/permits.

If you have a Big Five in crate there are not much options on freight I found out. Turkish Airways is it for a big five in crate.
So is that out of line with what everyone else is being charged??
Most I've ever paid for dip pak in South Africa was 180.00 per animal and that included crate and paper work. I'm hunting in the cape this summer and they want us to use Splitting image. The price list they sent us was an average of about 150.00 per animal. So did they up charge you for crate and paper work beyond their price list ? They also seem to have a trick on how fast they process dip pak . Told me 3 months but every one I talk to says they get it ready to go ---and then get permits etc. Making it 6 months plus. How long did yours take from delivery to shipping ? When I hunt the Limpopo I always use Swift Dip their current price is 100.00 per animal average. They ship out in 3 months from the time they receive it. They have never missed in the 3 time I've used them, once they were under by 2 weeks.
Just got my bill from Badger Cargo International In Johannesburg SA for my trophies to be shipped to Chicago USA. There has been a few inquiries on rising airline costs as of late. My crate contains dip and pack only for kudu skull, horns and cape, same for wildebeast, sable , gemsbuck and impala. The cubic weight was 86 and the total cost to include air ($899.72), insc (183), transport ($65), agency ($114), and discount ($75) for a total of$1188. Obviously higher than what it used to be. My dip and pack from @SPLITTING IMAGE TAXIDERMY was $1230.
The next set of charges will be from @TROPHY SHIPPERS who have already warned of price increases. The good news is that all companies thus far have maintained excellent communication. For those of you preparing for your first safari this will give you some idea of the added costs. I’ve always said a safari is an adventure that just keeps on charging!!
Was you cubic weight in kilograms? If so, and I read your quote correctly, $899.72 ÷ 86 = $10.46 per kg.
Last week I paid $9.75/kg for my shipment of completed taxidermy. This compared to $4.05/kg in 2019.
It's ugly.
@Milo that's the best way to compare. How much per kg
Not by Blesbok/Kudu/Impala/Sasquatch or horns/skulls/backskins/finished mounts/mouse turds.
I paid Splitting Image on 10/01/2021 for my dip and pack. There were understandably delays due to Covid and they shut down for about a month over the holidays. They kept me informed of these scheduling issues all along the way.
I prefer trophy solutions - good people and pricing 2X
My latest outfitter uses SBS Logistics, has anyone used them? They have my trophies and are working on crating and permits now. My customs broker ( Coppersmiths) gives them very high marks. Just curious as there is nothing I can do about it now.
This was the first time I hunted SA so I just used the taxidermist recommended by my PH, which I have always done in several other countries. Looks like there might be better deals out there but I just trusted my PH. The main point of the thread was to give first time hunters and idea of the additional costs of a safari. Regardless of who you choose it’s not an insignificant amount. Cheers
On a plus side, the cost of my taxidermy work only went up 5% in slightly over 3 years. It was just the international air cargo that was brutal.
I'm using Life-Form Taxidermy in South Africa for the dipping and packing of:

1 - Cape Buffalo - skull with horn, cape
1 - Baboon - Skull and complete skin

Cost - $ 1,115.00 (includes all the various fees)

I'm using Safari Cargo Systems for the shipping to Atlanta:
Total Cost of shipping - $1,119.03 (includes surcharges, fees, and $13,000 of insurance coverage)

(I also had to pay $1,000 to get the trophies shipped from Mozambique to South Africa)

So, a total of $3,234.03 for 2 animals that were taken in Mozambique.

But, I'm not complaining. Everyone has been great to deal with, so far.
My simple shipping charges were $9.50/kg.
My friend hunted SA last September, he took blue wildebeest, gemsbok, impala, waterbuck. Dip and Pack, 800.00, shipping 1800.00.
Safari Dave, why pay for dip& pack twice? Didn’t your animals have to be dipped & packed to come out of Mozambique? I know things change but in 2014 my trophies were dipped & packed, vet certified in Mozambique sent to South Africa cleared SA in about a week and shipped to Atlanta. Once they left quarantine in Moz it took them about 2 weeks to make it to the states. Does Life Form taxidermy work out of Moz?
Just got my bill from Badger Cargo International In Johannesburg SA for my trophies to be shipped to Chicago USA. There has been a few inquiries on rising airline costs as of late. My crate contains dip and pack only for kudu skull, horns and cape, same for wildebeast, sable , gemsbuck and impala. The cubic weight was 86 and the total cost to include air ($899.72), insc (183), transport ($65), agency ($114), and discount ($75) for a total of$1188. Obviously higher than what it used to be. My dip and pack from @SPLITTING IMAGE TAXIDERMY was $1230.
The next set of charges will be from @TROPHY SHIPPERS who have already warned of price increases. The good news is that all companies thus far have maintained excellent communication. For those of you preparing for your first safari this will give you some idea of the added costs. I’ve always said a safari is an adventure that just keeps on charging!!
Here is my problem…everything shipped correctly from Africa to Atlanta and I was fine with all costs…then the final shipper schedules the delivery to my home for last Friday only to then call and say they can’t find it within their warehouse though they know it’s there…lol

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.