Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance, Emergency Medical/Dental Coverage & More...

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Signature Travel Insurance by Global Rescue

The development of this unique program now provides Global Rescue members comprehensive one-stop protection wherever they go. Signature Travel Insurance policies start at just $20, and are priced on a trip-by-trip basis depending on the duration and total cost of the trip.

Travel Insurance Highlights:
  • Trip cancellation insured up to $100,000
  • Trip interruption insured up to 150% of trip cost insured
  • Up to $2,500 for lost luggage/baggage delay
  • $100,000 emergency medical/dental coverage
  • $100,000 common carrier AD&D coverage
  • Up to $2,500 for sports equipment rental
  • Cancel-for-any-reason coverage 75% of trip cost
  • Interrupt-for-any-reason coverage 75% of trip cost
For more information see flyer below or download attached pdf file.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I would be more than happy to discuss.




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Signature Travel Insurance Now Available to Non-U.S. Residents

Global Rescue is pleased to announce that Signature Travel Insurance (SM) is now available for purchase by non-U.S. residents.


As a traveler, you understand that experiencing the world means being prepared. Signature Travel Insurance, created exclusively for Global Rescue by IMG*®, is a best-in-class travel insurance product that is tailor-made for adventurous travelers.

Benefits include:
  • Trip cost up to $100,000 per person - Trip cancellation protection
  • Up to 150% of trip cost insured - Trip Interruption protection
  • $100,000 - Emergency Medical Insurance
  • $1,000 - Emergency Dental Insurance
  • $100,000 - Common Carrier Accidental Death & Dismemberment
  • $2,500 / $500 - Lost or Stolen Luggage / Baggage Delay
  • $2,000 - Sports Equipment Rental
  • Up to 75% Cancel for Any Reason (if purchased within 20 days from initial trip payment)
  • Up to 75% Interrupt for Any Reason

Learn more at
Global Rescue - How TotalCare Works

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Why does Levison Wood Trust Global Rescue?

After an accident in the Himalayas sent his car flying off the edge of a cliff at night, author and explorer Levison Wood shares why he trusts Global Rescue.

Why does Levison Wood Trust Global Rescue? by Global Rescue posted Aug 30, 2019 at 7:52 AM
Your Pre-Travel Guide to Passports and Visas


10 Reasons You Need A Travel Protection Membership​


You’ve traveled before with no incidents. Why do you need a travel membership today? Here are 10 ways a travel membership can have your back.

1. You Are Ill or Injured While Traveling​

A travel protection membership evacuates members from the point of illness or injury to the nearest appropriate hospital, clinic, or medical provider.

2. You Need to be Transferred to a Different Care Facility

Perhaps the hospital doesn’t provide the care you need. A travel protection membership can transport members to a vetted medical center or their home hospital of choice.

“The closest medical facility isn’t always the right one. Global Rescue gets you to the most appropriate hospital for your illness or injury,” said Dan Stretch, operations manager at Global Rescue.

3. You Have a Medical Question​

Sometimes you just have a question about a symptom. Available 24/7/365, a travel protection membership team can direct you to the best local medical resources around the world so you are not left guessing about how to best address your health concern.

“Our team of medical professionals includes paramedics, nurses, and doctors. We handle calls for cuts and stomach upsets to more severe illnesses and injuries, like chest pains and serious trauma,” said Michael Lovely, operations supervisor at Global Rescue.

4. You Have a Travel Question​


How do I replace my stolen passport? Where is the nearest pharmacy? Travel questions are answered by in-house experts on your first call.

“The process to get an appointment for passport replacement could take weeks. The Global Rescue team handled it completely, got it hammered out within a couple of hours, and got me into the embassy for an urgent passport replacement appointment,” said Maredith Richardson whose passport was stolen in France.

5. There’s a Terror Attack or Civil Unrest​

One call, email or in-app message will put you in touch with a security team with years of military special operations expertise to provide the best advice for your situation.

“You can’t just have one plan. You need to have secondary and tertiary plans in place. We develop redundant air providers and ground options for operations related to civil unrest or terrorism. Just in case,” said Harding Bush, a former Navy SEAL and associate manager operation for Global Rescue.

6. A Tragedy Happens​

Death overseas is not a frequent occurrence, but a mortal remains transport is a service included in a membership.

“Every travel adventure comes with risks including the ultimate hazard, the loss of life. It’s rare but it happens, and when it does, surviving loved ones face a slew of end-of-life tasks, including how to bring the deceased back home from their trip. Having mortal remains transport services as part of your travel protection saves your family and friends time, money, paperwork, and unnecessary guesswork under duress,” said Bill McIntyre, Global Rescue communications director.

7. You Need Coronavirus Testing Before, During, and After Travel​

A travel protection membership can help travelers find coronavirus-capable hospitals and testing facilities.

“A member traveling with his family called on Global Rescue to help identify local urgent care centers where he and members of his family could be tested for virus antibodies and infection. The Global Rescue medical operations team investigated the area, vetted multiple resources, and provided the member with the needed information,” said Jeff Weinstein, a paramedic and medical operations supervisor for Global Rescue.

8. Your Travel Includes High-Risk Activities​


It doesn’t matter if you are climbing Mount Everest, paragliding in the Everglades, or scuba diving off a remote island shore. Membership covers your adventure activities with no limitations.

“We’ve rescued injured climbers stuck in a remote Pakistan mountain range, an adventure racer suffering a dangerous infection in Fiji, a group of Middlebury College students caught up in the civil unrest known as Arab Spring, and honeymooners from Nepal following a massive earthquake,” said Dan Richards, CEO of Global Rescue.

9. One-stop Destination Information​

Travelers don’t have to puzzle together a patchwork of sources to sort out entry requirements, immunization recommendations, or safety levels. A membership includes destination reports for 215 countries with up-to-date travel information — medical, security, and intelligence data — in one place.

“The pandemic has redefined how we travel. Travelers looking to get back on the road are re-examining what precautions and protections they need in the current environment. We know the must-haves for any trip in today’s world,” Weinstein said.

10. Peace of Mind​

With a travel protection services membership, a vacation is truly time to relax, escape and enjoy. Travelers have access to a virtual team of experts: a doctor, a paramedic, a translator, a logistics expert, an intelligence analyst, and a security advisor.

“Global Rescue kept me settled, calm, and informed,” said U.K businessman Michael Blease-Shepley regarding a dangerous quarantine in Nigeria.

It’s no surprise that a Global Rescue travel protection membership can provide assistance for all 10 reasons. It’s the perfect way to travel prepared, no matter where your travels take you.
What are the nationalities that you cover?
Nationalities and citizens of EU member states?

Are there any nationalities that you do not cover?
Safekeeping Your Travel Documents

Keeping essential travel documents and information safe — and accessible — during travel requires planning and preparation.

If damaged or lost during travel, replacing these documents can, at best, be an inconvenience and, at worst, alter your trip plans from vacation enjoyment to bureaucratic Embassy and consulate visits.

“Important documents during international travel go beyond just your passport,” says Harding Bush, a former Navy SEAL, an expert in high-risk travel, and associate manager operation for Global Rescue. “Travel paperwork includes a driver’s license or other identity cards, medical insurance or evacuation service information, medical prescriptions, bank and credit cards, and your contacts list.”

Make Copies​

Have physical and electronic copies of your passport, visas, and entry stamps. The visa and entry stamp clarify the legal status of your visit.

One copy will stay at home with a friend or family member. The other copy you’ll bring with you. Sometimes it is a requirement travelers carry their passports at all times and sometimes a copy is sufficient.

“Understand the laws of the country you are visiting,” Bush said. “The country you visit determines this requirement — not your home country.”

Start With a Travel Document Organizer​

First, you need a place to put your travel paperwork. There is a multitude of travel organizers, travel wallets, and passport wallets on the market. Choose one that works for you. You will also need clothing with zippered pockets and a small backpack with multiple zippered compartments.

The most crucial document you carry with you overseas is your passport. Your passport identifies yourself as well as your nationality and your legal status in the country you are visiting. You should always keep your passport close at hand: in a zippered pocket on your person.

Other essential items, like copies of your travel paperwork, can be kept in a backpack. The backpack carries items you’ll use throughout the day: a rain jacket, sweater, water bottle, snacks, and other items specific to your activity. The backpack goes everywhere with you — do not check it at the gate when offered by the airline. It goes in the taxi with you — not in the trunk.

Use the room safe to store your passport if it’s not with you.

Accessibility Is Important​

“Ensure the documents required are accessible. You want to be streamlined and not have to fumble or search for these items when needed,” Bush said.

He suggests carrying a few dollars in your pocket “so you don't have to take your wallet out for smaller transactions, such as tipping or buying a bottle of water,” he said.

Electronic Storage​

Most travel documents can be conveniently stored on a smartphone. It’s fine to do so, just make sure all your information is backed up with physical copies. This includes phone numbers, which are usually just stored on your phone.

“If your battery dies, you may not be able to recharge quickly enough and, in the meantime, you have lost access to a lot of important docents and information,” Bush said. “I have seen instances where the airline’s electronic reader was malfunctioning, and only those passengers with paper boarding passes could board.”

You should have electronic copies of everything — passport, visas, credit cards, and prescriptions. In addition to photos of each document saved in your phone, consider keeping them on a password-protected thumb drive. You can also e-mail this information to yourself or save it in drafts, making it permanently accessible.

Other Digital Considerations​

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology uses radio waves to identify people or objects.

An RFID-protected wallet is essential to help protect the digital information on all your cards.

You should also protect your documents and electronic devices from physical damage, especially in a maritime environment. This means zip lock bags for the documents in your backpack and shockproof and waterproof protection for your smartphone. Your backpack should have a carabiner on the top carrying strap so you can secure it while onboard a boat. If you plan to use your phone while onboard, it should be in a waterproof container with a lanyard attached to your person.

According to the U.S. Department of State, water-damaged passports need to be replaced. There are also descriptions of what is considered damage and what is considered natural wear and tear. The U.K. government has similar guidelines.

If You Lose Your Passport​

As soon as you realize your passport is missing, you should notify local law enforcement and your home country’s consulate or embassy.

Your hotel or guide service can likely assist you with contacting law enforcement to report the missing passport. Embassies will require a police report to move forward with replacement. There is also a good chance your lost passport could be turned into the police if found.

“The police report can also function as a way to board aircraft for a domestic flight without having the usual required identification,” Bush said.

Keep in mind: once you have reported your passport lost or stolen, it is invalidated by the State Department and cannot be used if it is found.

The embassy will not consider a lost passport an emergency, and the replacement process will happen on their schedule, not yours.

“You may have to wait over a weekend for the embassy to open or divert your travel for a visit to the consulate or embassy, a potentially inconvenient and expensive process,” Bush said. “U.S. embassies can issue an emergency passport, which may not be suitable for onward travel to countries other than the United States.”

Losing your passport is inconvenient, but it’s not the end of the world — especially if you are a Global Rescue member. When Maredith Richardson lost her passport in Paris, Global Rescue security experts stepped in, managed the international administrative challenges, and quickly helped her obtain a passport replacement in less than a week. It’s just one of the many benefits of a travel protection services membership.
More Than Medevac: The Range Of Global Rescue Services


Global Rescue may be best known for medical evacuation, but it’s far from the only service we offer our traveling members. Here’s what else you need to know.

“I had no clue how expansive the operation and services of Global Rescue were,” said Joe Betar, executive director of the Houston Safari Club Foundation, during a February 2022 “Hunting Matters” podcast where he interviewed Harding Bush, operations manager at Global Rescue.

Betar was under the impression that Global Rescue only specializes in emergency medical evacuation from remote corners of the world. And that’s not his fault. Because of the unique (and sometimes extreme) medical evacuations heavily covered in the media for adventure-travel types — think mountaineers seeking to bag their next big summit to paragliders, cave divers, heli-skiers, hunters, and anglers — it’s natural to assume that’s what we do exclusively.

But there’s a lot more to Global Rescue than dramatic helicopter rescues. From enterprise travel risk management, information and destination intelligence, and emergency evacuation to general advisory services, Global Rescue’s services are broad, comprehensive, and essential.


What does Global Rescue do and how might it apply to your unique travel situation? How are our operations centers structured, and who’s answering the phone when a member calls? Here’s an overview.

Not Just Reactive, But Proactive Services​


Global Rescue may be better known for our reactive services, meaning, that when a member experiences a serious emergency during travel, they contact us to get the life-saving help they need. Depending on the level of severity, the situation may require an evacuation or extraction of the individual.

There are two types of emergency reactive situations:
  • Medical Emergency: When a member becomes severely injured or sick (including COVID-19), they contact our medical operations team to get the care and transport they need. “It could be from the side of a mountain to the nearest clinic or medical facility, where they will be evaluated, stabilized and we determine what follow-on care is required,” Bush said. “Then, if additional hospitalization is required, we get them all the way home.” If necessary, Global Rescue will also deploy a paramedic, nurse, or physician bedside to help oversee the care provided and coordinate an evacuation.

  • Security Emergency: If a member encounters an unforeseen natural disaster, civil unrest or armed conflict and cannot evacuate on their own, our security operations team helps you get home — or to a safe location and then home. Our security services are available as an upgraded membership.
“That’s the reactive part of what we do — meaning an incident happens, you call us and we help you get out of trouble,” said Bush, who served 20 years in the U.S. Special Operations forces and 12 years in international and corporate travel security. “But we don’t want you to get into trouble in the first place, so that’s why we also have all the non-emergency advisory and support services for both before and during your travel. This is the proactive part of what we do.”

There are two types of non-emergency proactive services:

  • Prior to Travel: We help with research for any member’s trip. For example, say you’re planning a trip to India. What kind of risks — prevalence of certain diseases, potential security threats, or other destination details — should you be aware of before going?

    Global Rescue’s intelligence team maintains detailed destination reports for 215 countries and principalities, which members can access through the My Global Rescue app. “Or give us a call, and we can have a direct discussion,” Bush said. “You might be surprised to learn satellite phones are illegal in India. If you bring one, you could be arrested or fined.”

  • During Travel: What if you’re traveling and you simply have a medical question? “You might develop a rash, but it’s not something you necessarily want to go to an emergency room for in a place like Botswana,” Bush said. Contact us anytime — 24/7/365 — and get medical advice and support you know you can trust. Global Rescue can also help locate coronavirus-capable hospitals and testing facilities.
We also offer advisory services related to general travel questions: visa and passport issues, translation, legal locators, and real-time security events that may unfold during your trip.

Who’s on the Line When You Call​


No matter your situation — emergency or not, medical or security, prior to or during travel — you call just one number and one number only: +1 617-459-4200. This is the number you should program into your cell or satellite phone (you can also send us messages via WhatsApp or contact us via the My Global Rescue app). It’s also a good idea to have this number written down (it’s located on your Global Rescue membership card) in case your phone dies or breaks.

Your call will always be answered by an on-staff employee, specifically, one of our Member Services associates, which includes former 911 operators, customer support analysts, dispatchers, and more. Member services personnel will ask a few questions to transfer you to the appropriate contact in one of the following operations departments:

  • Medical Operations: In the case of a medical emergency or question, you speak directly with a registered critical care paramedic, all of whom are overseen by our team of medical directors. We also work with board-certified physicians, clinicians, and specialists from Elite Medical Group and the Johns Hopkins Emergency Medicine Division of Special Operations.

    “Our doctors specialize in all sorts of things: emergency medicine, high-altitude medicine, infectious disease, and more,” Bush added. Whatever your issue, we have a doctor with the appropriate medical specialty.

  • Security Operations: In the case of a security emergency or question, you’ll speak directly to a team that is made up of veterans of the military special forces community, including former Navy SEALS, Green Berets, Pararescuemen, Army Rangers, and Intel Officers.

    Not only does the team’s background include military experience in every major conflict from Desert Storm to the Syrian civil war, but they have enterprise-level security experience. “This is very, very important to understand the needs of our corporate clients and consumer members,” Bush said.
Our member services team and integrated medical and security operations are all based in-house in Global Rescue’s international operations centers. That means there is no call center — you speak with a real medical or security expert immediately to get the care or answers you need.

Have More Questions About Our Membership?​

Fire away: That’s what our member services team is trained for. We’re available 24/7/365 to take specific pointed questions related to anything — our COVID-19 services, how we differ from our competitors, what is field rescue, and how our membership differs from travel insurance.
International Travel For Students And Grads This Summer


Post-grad travel? Summer internship? Revenge travel is kicking in for students of all ages, and they are including international trips in their summer plans.

This year’s group of approximately two million U.S. college graduates have spent the last two years pursuing their academic and professional ambitions despite campus closures, online classes, and remote internships.

Now, revenge travel is kicking in for students of all ages: high school, college, and newly graduated. Whether it is a chance to see the world before the 9 to 5 starts or an internship to add market value to classroom education, students are including international travel in their summer plans.

Travel Protection Across the Globe​


What makes the best gift for a student planning to travel? A Global Rescue membership, which provides 24/7 travel advisory services and emergency medical evacuation services. It certainly came in handy when Jordan Glovsky, a rising sophomore at the University of Arizona, was in Africa on a summer internship.

“Jordan was living in Cape Coast, Ghana, and working in a hospital,” said Eileen Glovsky, his mother, and a change management consultant. “He had met a number of gap-year students and traveled to Togo for a weekend with this multi-lingual group of young men and women.”

At some point during his trip, he started to experience severe pain while breathing.

“Local shoppers noticed his discomfort and immediately stepped in to assist. Initially, Jordan went to a local clinic, but the services were less than adequate,” Glovsky Eileen said.

Jordan went to the U.S. Embassy for assistance. The helpful staff directed him to a local private hospital and called Eileen. Jordan is also called Global Rescue.

“The embassy was really happy that we had Global Rescue to assist us,” Eileen said.

Glad to Have Global Rescue​


Eileen and Jordan were also happy to have Global Rescue.

“Global Rescue reached out to me to let me know they were working with Jordan and would assist him while in the hospital,” Eileen said. “This was extremely helpful since he was in a French-speaking country. One of his traveling companions who spoke French did stay with him, but having someone to translate medical information was very helpful.”

Multiple tests were run in an attempt to identify the issue, but nothing specific was ever identified. Global Rescue kept the family in the loop the entire time.

“Results and medical history questions were posed to me (with Jordan’s permission) so I could be an active participant in decisions about his care and the decision to travel back to the U.S. for further diagnostic testing,” Eileen said. “I was pleased with how communicative Global Rescue was through the whole process. I never felt the need to jump on a plane to join Jordan. I knew he was in good hands as I got about three calls a day to keep me posted.”

While Jordan was able to take a commercial flight home, the last-minute scheduling would’ve been cost-prohibitive for Eileen. She estimates his flight home on a commercial airliner after his hospital discharge would have cost more than $5,000 without a Global Rescue membership.


“Global Rescue offered to meet him at the airport in Boston. They even called a few days after he arrived back to check in on him,” Eileen said. “I can’t tell you how much it meant to have Global Rescue as a partner.”

Jordan, now a certified AEMT, hasn’t done much traveling in the past two years, but the Glovsky family will continue to purchase Global Rescue for lengthy or adventure-specific trips or destinations with insufficient medical care or security.

“Even if you think you have coverage from a travel program (business, school, Peace Corps) invest the money in Global Rescue,” Eileen said. “You won’t be dealing with a third party to figure out what services you have. The program that Jordan was a participant in allegedly had coverage, but I never heard from them until he had been transported back to the U.S.”

Graduation Gift Idea​


A Global Rescue membership may have saved the life of Lily Goodman, whose parents called Global Rescue when she started vomiting blood on a school trip to China. Global Rescue’s medical experts translated records and correspondence between Lily’s family and the Chinese doctors, providing a detailed review of all medical reports.

It was essential for Maredith Richardson, who lost her passport in Paris the day the pandemic lockdown ended. Global Rescue streamlined the replacement process for her. Tenn Hildebrand, studying abroad during a gap year, was bitten by a wild dog shortly after he arrived in India. Global Rescue provided translation services, reviewed medical records, and helped him obtain and administer the medication he needed.

Global Rescue student travel memberships are annual memberships available to full-time students under the age of 35. Students will have access to updates on restrictions, quarantines and hotspots; experts who can provide immediate information regarding appropriate nearby health care facilities all over the world, and emergency medical evacuation services to a hospital of choice. An annual student membership starts at $275.
How To Avoid Six Common Travel Illnesses


From traveler’s diarrhea to an itchy rash to dental pain, we’ve all had (or heard) our fair share of travel horror stories. A recent Global Rescue survey confirms six common travel illnesses — and our experts explain how you can avoid them.

It’s not uncommon to hear a cringe-worthy travel story when chatting with a fellow traveler while scanning Reddit Travel or during travel. Travel nightmares — from traveler’s diarrhea to dental pain to migraines — have happened to most of us. But you don’t have to suffer alone — or at all.

In the summer 2022 Travel Safety and Sentiment Survey, we asked Global Rescue members — some of the most experienced travelers in the world — what illnesses have ever happened to them during a trip? The survey confirmed six common travel illnesses, and our experts explain how you can avoid them.

Number One: Traveler’s Diarrhea​

It’s no surprise to hear that 60% of travelers have had a diarrhea horror story, according to the Global Rescue survey. It is the most common illness in travelers, states Johns Hopkins Medicine, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirms traveler’s diarrhea strikes 30 to 70% of travelers.

Because traveler’s diarrhea is caused by drinking water or eating food that has bacteria, viruses, or parasites, your best bet is to watch what you eat and drink while on the road. Your second-best option: bring along doctor-approved medications when you travel to high-risk locations.

In general, you may want to curb your adventurous eating unless you have an iron-clad stomach.

“Spit-roasted cuy (guinea pig) is a delicacy in the Ecuadorian highlands. My brother and I ate a cuy in Quito and it was delicious,” said Adam Aronson, owner of travelhelix and a Global Rescue Safe Travel Partner. "But unless you were raised in a Quichua village, it’s perfectly normal to not want to eat a grilled guinea pig. In some parts of the world, you may find yourself less likely to take certain risks due to the quality of or access to medical care.”

Number Two: Cold and Flu Symptoms​


Adults get an average of two to three colds a year. Children have six to ten colds a year, and people older than age 60 usually have one cold annually. Odds are you may suffer cold or flu symptoms during travel, like 47% of our survey respondents.

“The risk of illness is very large in a foreign country. There is a surfeit of illnesses in foreign countries not found within the United States. It is completely appropriate to ask your primary care physician for prescription medications to take with you — with instructions — just in case you are overcome with an illness,” said Ian Pierce, senior specialist in medical operations at Global Rescue.

It’s important to eat well, stay hydrated, wash your hands frequently and get enough sleep.

[Related Reading: How to Avoid Illness When Traveling]

Number Three: Vomiting​

According to our survey, 22% of travelers have thrown up. Motion sickness? Flu? Food poisoning? We didn’t ask, but we can assume there are several culprits at play.

The best thing to do, once you are able, is to stay hydrated. “Start by sipping a clear liquid, like bottled water or broth,” said Carlene Merola, senior specialist in medical operations at Global Rescue. “If liquids are staying down, eat bland foods, like crackers or bread.”

“A good street tactic for water-borne illness: drink a warm bottle of Coca-Cola if you find your stomach a little unsettled. Follow this up with plenty of bottled/filtered water and you may fix the problem rather easily,” Pierce said. “Please see a doctor if you are experiencing stomach illness, which includes severe diarrhea and excessive vomiting.”

Number Four: Rashes and Skin Irritations​

Global Rescue members (17%) list dermatologic problems as their number four. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists it as the number one traveler complaint.

“While traveling your skin is exposed to lots of new potential irritants that can cause itchiness and irritation,” said Garret DeJong, senior specialist in medical operations at Global Rescue. “Rashes can be caused by many things including viruses, bacteria, fungi, insects, plants, chemicals or medical conditions.”

Want to avoid skin issues while traveling? Here is advice from Global Rescue:

  • If walking in the woods or forest, do your best to stay on trails and do not touch or eat things you are not sure are safe.
  • Make sure that you wear properly fitted clothing appropriate to your planned activities. Proper clothing allows freedom of movement without pinching, binding, or rubbing.
  • Keep clothing as clean and dry as possible. Make sure that you change out of wet or dirty clothing as rapidly as possible.
  • Use an appropriate insect spray and sunscreen to protect your skin from rashes caused by insect stings or sun exposure.
  • Make sure you are up to date on all of your vaccines including measles and chickenpox (varicella-zoster), as rash is a major symptom.
  • If you notice your skin red, itchy, or irritated, wash it with soap and water.
  • Wash any wound with clean water and soap immediately, then use an antibiotic ointment and place a bandage over the wound to prevent rashes caused by infection.
  • If you have sensitive skin, bring body care products that work well for you.
“Members can call Global Rescue and our operations center can monitor symptoms and rash and provide advice on how to manage, what over-the-counter meds to use and when/where to go for an in-person evaluation,” DeJong said.

Number Five: Severe Headaches or Migraines​

Why do 14% of travelers get headaches or migraines?

“Stress, lack of sleep, dehydration, pressure/altitude/climate changes, increased or decreased levels of caffeine, usage changes in alcohol and nicotine, decreased or increased exercise, motion sickness, and new or different stimuli can all be contributing to getting a headache/migraine while traveling,” Merola said.


Fortunately, there are many ways to keep your head from hurting:

  • Making a travel plan can help mitigate some of the stress of travel.
  • Make sure you are well hydrated several days before travel and during long legs of travel.
  • Try your best to get a good night’s sleep before travel.
  • If you are a coffee drinker, plan to have access to caffeine or bring some with you. If you know you won’t have any on hand, take a few weeks to wean yourself off before travel. Try to avoid substituting caffeine for lack of sleep.
  • Carry a water bottle with you and make sure you drink lots of water. “Drink more if you’re active, in hot climates or high-altitude environments. Dehydration is a major trigger for many people,” Merola said.
  • Try not to overindulge in alcohol and sweets, which can increase your risk of getting a headache.
  • Pay attention to what seems to trigger you and make a plan to avoid or reduce exposure. For example, motion sickness while being on a bumpy road or on a boat can also trigger headaches. “Bright lights or loud noise can also trigger headaches and migraines,” Merola said. “Pack sunglasses, sleep masks, earplugs, and noise-canceling headphones.”
It may also help to practice mindfulness.

“When traveling we are often tempted to fit every activity in during our stay,” Merola said. “Make sure to take time to relax and be in the moment. Try not to overdo any activity and space out the fun.”

Number Six: Dental Pain​

Causes of dental pain can include a cavity, infection of the gums, injury to the teeth or gums, loss of a dental cap, crown, bridgework, filling, or poorly fitting dentures. And 13% of survey respondents report having some type of dental pain during travel.

“Our operations center had a case in Mexico City where the member lost a dental cap. Ops was able to locate a suitable material used in Wilderness First Aid in a local pharmacy to replace lost dental caps or fillings for the member,” DeJong said. “Another member was traveling in New York City and required root canal surgery urgently. Global Rescue located a periodontist able to see him in a timely manner.”

Travel Sickness Safety Net​

Before every trip, Global Rescue recommends getting a pre-travel consultation with a health professional to equip and prepare yourself with the necessary preventive measures and medications.

Then, sign up for a Global Rescue membership, which provides 24/7/365 medical advisory services. You’ll speak to an in-house Global Rescue expert on the first call if one of the common travel illnesses happens during travel.

When You Travel, Anything Can Happen​


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