@ArmyGrunt, I do not speak Italian so did a search in French on Google under "transport de viande de gibier en Europe" which means "transporting game meat in Europe" or " transport of game meat in Europe".
Here is the link a page that I found which will give you the information that you are after in perhaps too much detail:
As the page is quite long I would recommend you translating it through the google translate tool at
https://translate.google.com. To translate the whole page just copy and paste the link to the article into the first box, select the French as the original document language and then select for the translation to be in English. Once that is done just click on the active link in the second box which will take you the translated page in English.
If you do not want to read the whole thing, use the search function to search for specific keywords like "hunter", "game meat""transport" and more... It seems that the first CHAPTER relates to hunter and individuals transporting game meat in Europe.
Here is a small part:
3. Les exigences de la présente directive en matière d'échanges ou d'importations en provenance de pays tiers ne s'appliquent pas aux trophées ni aux pièces entières de gibier sauvage mis à mort transportées par des voyageurs dans leur voiture personnelle, dans la mesure où il s'agit d'une faible quantité de petit gibier sauvage ou d'une seule pièce entière de gros gibier sauvage et où il semble exclu, d'après les circonstances, que la viande de ces pièces entières soit destinée au commerce ou à une utilisation à des fins commerciales et sous réserve que le gibier en question ne provienne pas d'un pays ou d'une partie de pays en provenance desquels le commerce est interdit en application de l'article 11 paragraphes 2 et 3 ou de l'article 18.
3. The requirements of this Directive with regard to trade or imports from third countries shall not apply to trophies or whole pieces of killed wild game carried by travelers in their personal car, in a small quantity of small wild game or a single whole piece of wild game and where it appears that, under the circumstances, it is impossible for the meat of those whole pieces to be for trade or for commercial purposes and provided that the game in question does not come from a country or part of a country from which trade is prohibited pursuant to Article 11 (2) and (3) or Article 18.