My problem is that I am pretty long in the tooth along with a few years ago a back that was broken in 4 places , arteries severed and intestings and parts of organs removed. Not sure if I will ever hunt elk in new mexico ever again, but I did ok in Kamchatka this last spring. I'm still catching hell from my Norwegian wife of mine.
Yep! We've chewed some of the same dirt! Killed many a bear on McIntyre Mountain and big mountain bucks right in Trout Run. I've even shot at the original 1000 yard range more than once and I've even loosened a tooth or two at the Trout Run Firehouse over the years.
Groundhogs you say? I not only kill um.....I eat um as well, but on the lines that I head shoot. I too practice on a collection of farms in a different county than Lycoming. This family must own close to 50 sections loaded with game including the dumbest turkeys I be ever seen. I've been fortunate.