Stage 1 for the SCI 2023 AH Dinner

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BnC 04

AH elite
Jan 30, 2011
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Hello fellow Ah'ers,

With the 2023 SCI Convention on the horizon and with several members asking about a possible AH dinner I reached out to Jerome about the idea. I am happy to announce I have received the go ahead for the group dinner planning and several venues have already been identified that are within close proximity of the convention site. At this point what is needed is a good attendee count so that I can identify, eliminate or add the venues that would work best.

If you know you will be attending the convention or in the area and would like to attend, please reply within this thread with the number of persons within your group.

I will keep count via the thread and by December we should have a fairly accurate number so I can pursue the venue/restaurant(s) and keep the ball rolling.

Looking forward to the continued planning and seeing everyone in Nashville.
Obviously you were never in the NAVY (Never Again Volunteer Yourself).

Although I'm sure several here will much appreciate your efforts. Best of luck with it.
Hello fellow Ah'ers,

With the 2023 SCI Convention on the horizon and with several members asking about a possible AH dinner I reached out to Jerome about the idea. I am happy to announce I have received the go ahead for the group dinner planning and several venues have already been identified that are within close proximity of the convention site. At this point what is needed is a good attendee count so that I can identify, eliminate or add the venues that would work best.

If you know you will be attending the convention or in the area and would like to attend, please reply within this thread with the number of persons within your group.

I will keep count via the thread and by December we should have a fairly accurate number so I can pursue the venue/restaurant(s) and keep the ball rolling.

Looking forward to the continued planning and seeing everyone in Nashville.
My wife and I are in!!!
This will be the first SCI convention for my wife and myself. We finished our first safari last June and want to check out SCI before our next trip. We would love to share a table with more experienced traveling hunters and make connections.

I'll be at the convention, so probably...

Hello fellow Ah'ers,

With the 2023 SCI Convention on the horizon and with several members asking about a possible AH dinner I reached out to Jerome about the idea. I am happy to announce I have received the go ahead for the group dinner planning and several venues have already been identified that are within close proximity of the convention site. At this point what is needed is a good attendee count so that I can identify, eliminate or add the venues that would work best.

If you know you will be attending the convention or in the area and would like to attend, please reply within this thread with the number of persons within your group.

I will keep count via the thread and by December we should have a fairly accurate number so I can pursue the venue/restaurant(s) and keep the ball rolling.

Looking forward to the continued planning and seeing everyone in Nashville.
Good TN man!!!
+2 for the Wife and Myself.

+1 possibly 2
I’d like to say I’m in but it depends which evening you choose. I’m planning to attend SCI one day (probably Thursday). I’ll watch for a Stage 2 post…
Hello fellow Ah'ers,

With the 2023 SCI Convention on the horizon and with several members asking about a possible AH dinner I reached out to Jerome about the idea. I am happy to announce I have received the go ahead for the group dinner planning and several venues have already been identified that are within close proximity of the convention site. At this point what is needed is a good attendee count so that I can identify, eliminate or add the venues that would work best.

If you know you will be attending the convention or in the area and would like to attend, please reply within this thread with the number of persons within your group.

I will keep count via the thread and by December we should have a fairly accurate number so I can pursue the venue/restaurant(s) and keep the ball rolling.

Looking forward to the continued planning and seeing everyone in Nashville.
We are doing a Red Solo Cup Club get together at RPB.
I am in, my wife said to bring Doug3006 to keep me out of trouble, so there will be two of us. To those who will attend this function, please keep an eye on Doug as he has been known to sometimes consume more whiskey than his weight would allow. I have 40 lbs on Doug and should not be an issue.
Looks like we are currently at around 20 attendees.
We will be there as well. I would go with 3 of us most likely.
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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg