SOUTH AFRICA: Hunting With KMG Safaris


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Dec 18, 2012
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Hunting reports
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Sci,nordisk safariklub.
Namibia, south africa
I had the pleasure off hunting With Marius goosen from the 15.10.14 until the 24.10.14...
the hunt was planned a long time in advance, and the waiting time was long..
All planning and all comunication With Marius was 200 % , never a thing to be in doubt off and always a quick reply...
When we landed in joh burg we were met by a guy from the proffesional hunting organisation, as we had done all paperwork in advance With them, it took 5 minutes , and then we were done... amazing, can only be recomended....
After this we were picked up by Marius and we went With rental car up to the first hunting area which was Close to Hoedspruit... here we hunted 2 Buffalo , the hunt was brilliant and we were able to shoot the 2 Buffalo out off the same herd...
All in all a super experience and all the People involved were super....
After this we drove back to johburg the NeXT morning and flew to port elisabeth to stay at kmg safaris New lodge in the eastern cape.. here the plan was to hunt caracal on dogs, as my friend wanted to hunt With his handgun, i told him he could get the chance for caracal, i never imagined we would get 2...
But as a matter off the fact we did get Lucky ( skill from the doghandler and Marius) and shot 2 Nice caracals...
we were also able to shoot a Nice impala, and a bushbuck and the last animal was a blesbuck....
All in all a super hunt With a super outfitter, i can only reccomend him and his crew to the all....
i hope i will be able to convince my wife off the importance off going back...
In a case anybody would like to know more please fell free to contact me...
Karsten Hansen

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Another good hunting report for KMG and Marius...(y) :)

Looks like some great animals you were able to obtain....:D Beers:

Really like the Bushbuck. :P Cowboy:

What are the sizes of the trophy's

Thanks for posting your report
Hi there thanks for looking
the animals were sizewise
small Buffalo worn Down badly 34 inches
the second one 37
the bushbuck 14,5

Not that it really matters to me, i just enjoy the hunt.....
(y)Nice gnarly old bulls...good job. Great bushbuck and caracal too!
Congrats on the hunt and thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing your hunt.
Congratulations on a couple of doubles!
Very nice buffs! Congrats on your fine hunt sir. Bet you are already planning the next trip.
Marius does a good job. Congrats on a great hunt. Love the bushbuck. Good looking buf. Nice job on the caracal. Bruce
Congratulations on your hunt. Thanks for sharing with us.
Congrats! Some fantastic trophies there!
cracker trophies,karstan
short , sweet and 100% positive ,report.
nicely done ,mate.
chalk up another big grin for marius

Great trophies... I'd rather have a worn down gnarly old bull anyway. You know you've earned them....
Great trophies there Karsten, love the shape of the Bushbuck! Congratulations!!
Very good..
As always Marius provided an outstanding hunt and Trophies. Congrats and thanks for sharing.
As the second hunter on this trip to Marius and KMG Safaris I feel it's appropriate for me to join Karsten in giving KMG all the praise they deserve. Perfect hunt, wonderful people, beautiful lodge, and stellar trophies.

Royal27: I totally agree with you ;-) The gnarlier the better.

It will, unfortunately, be a few years until next time I can afford a hunt like this, but it was worth every Rand/Dollar/Euro :)

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Congrats on your hunt, Karsten and Nils, and welcome to AH.

"Not that (measurements) really matter to me, I just enjoy the hunt" (y)
Awesome trophies Nils, congrats on your hunt.

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
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