SOUTH AFRICA: Hunting South Africa With KMG Hunting Safaris


AH member
Jun 15, 2021
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Silver Lake NY
Hunting reports
My first safari to South Africa was different than originally planned two years ago but was an incredible adventure. I wanted to give back to this site for all the information I have received so thought I would report my trip.

I initially contact Marius at @KMG Hunting Safaris in June of 2021. Due to ongoing COVID issues I decided to schedule for May of 2023 with anticipation that the virus would be under control. My wife had decided to not accompany me so my neighbor and hunting partner decided he would go along. Our hunt would be for ten days starting on May 20, 2023. My list initially was: Kudu, Bushbuck, Impala, Warthog, Blue Wildebeest and Fallow Deer. The Fallow was changed to a Nyala, as Marius said there may be extra travel time for the Fallow. This would change when I arrived at camp after conversation with Marius and our PH Nick. My partner’s list included Kudu, Impala and Springbuck.
On December 17th, almost exactly 5 months before departure, my life changed. I fell from a roof and suffered multiple fractures of both heels. Surgery followed two days later with screws holding the bone together and everything realigned. The first question I asked my surgeon was if I would be able to walk in time for my trip. He said that if everything went well I would be walking but cautioned, and I have learned, this is a slow healing injury and it will take one or two years to heal completely. I used this as motivation. I was confined to a wheelchair until March 20th.With two months to go I joined a gym to try any machines that were non weight bearing but would help me get some conditioning. My surgeon said my healing was on schedule so I contacted Marius and let him know of my injury and that I anticipated being able to walk no more than two miles per day and would have difficulty on rough terrain. He assured me that this would work and that they would adjust to my capabilities.

Travel began on May 18th and I was concerned about how much walking and standing would be needed. I had walked as much as three miles on level ground in a day up to this point but standing for any extended period of time was quite painful. The day began with a United flight from Burlington VT to Dulles, then transfer to Ethiopian Air to Addis Ethiopia then Johannesburg. We would fly Airlink from Johannesburg to East London where we would spend the night and be picked up at 10am on the 20th. My partner had found a deal on the business class tickets on Ethiopian air and this turned out to be a great decision. I was able to put my feet up and rest which would have been impossible in economy.

Day 1:
We were picked up by Marius as scheduled at 10am. We stopped for milkshakes which I had heard much about and were on our way to camp! Travel was about an hour to Outspan Camp which was picturesque. Here we met our PH Nick. After lunch we were able to shoot the 308 rifle we would be using for the hunt. After a few shots we were off for the rest of the day to a nearby property. I was up first. I was anxious to see how I would manage the terrain. The first walk was short but was a test for me. I needed to go much slower than anticipated and I now found how hard it was going to be to stand for any period of time. We watched a female warthog for a while and then a female Bushbuck browsed in the area. Suddenly Nick said get on the sticks. It was a Bushbuck! I was on the sticks but was not able to get on target. My footing was not sureand I was having difficulty standing and sighting. Finally I found the Bushbuck and fired. The Bushbuck dropped but was back up. I was back on it for a second shot that felt much better than the first. Nick was shaking and telling me that it was a very mature animal. Into the Bakkie and across a deep stream to the Bushbuck we went. The Bushbuck was incredible. First afternoon and first game on salt.
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Looking forward to the rest. I pretty much shattered on of my heel bones in a car wreck. Not fun
Heck of a first half day! Congrats
Love the bushbuck, eager to read and see more!
Great start Paul, lookng forward to the rest of the adventures.
Was a great week sharing evenings and the days hunting stories with you guys.
Good Ram. Being ready to make sure is so important. Well done.
Day 2, first full day:


The day started cool at 4 Celsius but with an impressive sunrise. We had intermittent showers in the afternoon. Game was scarce this day with a few female and one bushbuck ram seen. Buddy, one of the tracking dogs has been sick.

Day 3:

The day started with my hunting partner ill but he was determined to hunt today. We left camp at 5:30 for a different property that was a distance away. First stop was to a steep hill with much stone. I only made it 1/3 of the way up before I couldn’t continue and stopped. PH Nick and my partner continued on. While waiting for their return I heard something in the area and glimpsed a male Kudu headed away from the area. My partner missed a Kudu on this walk. PH Nick decided he and I would walk and spot. He spotted a very nice large bull with a few females at 425 yards but in a very difficult area. Tracker Themba tried to circle around to drive the Kudu to us. While waiting, a very nice Waterbuck stopped broadside 100yds from us for about 5 minutes. The female Kudu finally went from our right to left at 200 yds but we never saw the Bull. We believe the bull went behind us instead of following the females. We continued on in the Bakkie and saw much game to include Impala, Springbuck, Warthog, Blesbuck, Eland, Sable and Gemsbuck. PH Nick spotted a Gemsbuck and we started a stalk. We closed to 385 yds. I had never tried a shot close to this distance but Nick was able to use short sticks and let me sit so that I was very stable. First shot was a hit but he did not drop. A second shot was on target and he dropped. With the Gemsbuck down, before we retrieved it, Springbuck were in the area and Nick started a stalk with my partner. The Springbuck was hit at 230 yds but walked off. They followed and were able to finish. We loaded the Springbuck and went back for the Gemsbuck. Unfortunately, Buddy the sick dog was looking worse all day. We dropped him off for treatment on the way home this evening.


Day 4:

This day started with another great sunrise but unfortunately my partner did not feel well enough and stayed behind for the morning. PH Nick received bad news that Buddy passed away during the night. Nick took me to another different property to look for Kudu. We glassed one hill while Themba went to another area. Themba called us to come look at a Bull he spotted. The bull was at 420 yds and Nick said that there were two mature bulls. We decided to go for the older bull that looked wider. I asked Nick if we could get closer and we were able to get to 380 yds. Nick again was able to let me sit and use the shorter sticks. The shot was on target and the bull dropped. The bull was down in a steep area and the carry out was difficult. After dropping off for skinning we went for lunch. After lunch my partner felt a little better and we went to the same property. Another Kudu bull was spotted so Nick and my partner were off. Unfortunately they could not get closer than 490 yds and were not able to take the bull.

Day 5:
We returned to the same property for Kudu. After a short drive a mature bull was spotted. My partner set up on the sticks for a 450 yd shot and the bull dropped. We dropped the Kudu at the skinning shed and after lunch were looking for a Blue Wildebeest on the Camp property where we had been seeing them a few evenings and early morning. We spotted two bulls and I set up on the sticks. The Bull was quartered facing us and Nick advised to shoot. The bull dropped and rolled but was back up. I was standing and had difficulty again getting on target and was not able to follow up. The tracking dogs followed and PH Nick did an incredible job in following up. It was dark and in steep terrain when the bull was dispatched.


Day 6:
We returned to retrieve the Wildebeest with extra help and dropped off for skinning. We were off to another property for Impala and Fallow and Warthog. The property was more open and we spotted game as soon as we arrived. First sited were a group of Impala with a nice ram. My partner was up first and it looked like it was to be an easy 130 yd shot until the group was off. Another stalk took place but was not successful. We spotted a few Fallow deer after the last stalk on the Impala group. There were two Bucks very similar in size, one chocolate and one lighter. I decided on the chocolate but was open to either if the opportunity was there. The deer moved off before we could stalk and we followed in the Bakkie. The deer slowed and we started a stalk. We were waiting for the chocolate male to clear some females at about 250 yds when they were off again. After a short drive we set up in an area where we believed they would move to if driven. Before the drive could begin we spotted a female with the male we were looking for behind and Nick was able to stop him broadside at 150 yds. I had wanted to be able to hunt Fallow since the first time I had seen one in Scotland. I was fortunate that Nick was able to put this hunt together for me. We then were off after the original group of Impala. We were able to find them and my partner and Nick stalked them and took a very nice ram. It was a great property with great animals and terrain. A very enjoyable day.


Day 7:
We were off to another different property and looking for an Impala and Warthog. This was another nice property with easy terrain. A nice ram was spotted and we were off. We were able to do a great stalk to 150 yds and the ram dropped. A very nice Impala. The last animal on my list was a warthog. I now understood how difficult finding a nice pig was going to be. Nick and I walked and were able to stalk within 10 yds of two but both were female. We had seen plenty of pigs during the week but no mature animals.


Day 8:
We decided to take part in a local charity shoot this morning. The shoot was 8 stations of clays with teams of four. It was an incredible time. After the shoot we were off to a different property for a Warthog for the rest of the day. It was a very difficult day for walking with a few failed stalks. At the end of day after a stalk ended we sat and called for the Bakkie. As soon as we heard it coming the pig we were after jumped up. We had thought it had run off with others. I took a difficult running shot and heard the hit but the pig kept running. I was not able to connect again and it went out of sight. Nick found a spot of blood and the tracking dogs followed with no success. It was a difficult evening knowing I did not do my job and should have waited. The Warthog was found by the property owner about 800 yds away after we left.

This was the end of hunting. I could not be happier with Marius and his quick response to all communication. Also to PH Nick. I was not as able as I thought I would be and he always did what he could to get me in best position for great trophies.
Good report, nice animals taken. Glad you were able to hunt through your injury. KMG do a great job.
Great hunt, congrats and thanks for sharing !
Great hunt and report. Happy to see you were able to get around and still enjoy the trip. Congratulations on some fine animals!! Thanks for sharing.

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John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?
Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.