SOUTH AFRICA: Hunting Report With 3S Safaris


AH senior member
Feb 9, 2015
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Hunting reports
Hunting South Africa with 3S Safaris

PH Hennie Von Jaarsveld and Tahalita , Tracker and Skinner Longman

Dates 3/3/2018 to 3/10/2018 plus travel days

Game hunted: Springbuck, Blue Wildebeast, Black Wildebeast and Red Lechwe

Game seem on property and not hunted: baboon, duiker, eland, gemsbuck, hartebeest, impala, jackal, reedbuck, sable, springbuck, vervet monkeys, zebra, waterbuck, cape buffalo, warthog, wilder beast blue, black and golden.

How this hunt came about? Well it started when my wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I saw an ad for 3S Safaris on AH and sent it to her at work. Thinking I would be a smarty pants and my wife would say no way. I was surprised she said ok book it! I wasted no time in booking the hunt. However I had hunted the animals in the original package on my first trip. My wife also wanted to go in the Indian Ocean, shop, and see ADDO Elephant Park with other side trips (read shopping).

I spoke to Ken Shaw the USA representative for 3S Safaris who made the arrangements for the hunt and answered all my questions by phone or email every day. I never had to wait for a call back or for a response. Thanks Ken.

Flight arrangements were handled by Jennifer Ginn of Travel Express. Thank you Jennifer for your help in booking the trip and confirming our reservations when we were not able to in Africa.

About a week before the hunt Hennie, our PH contacted me through social media about the hunt. I explained the hunt was more for my wife to see Africa and experience the beautiful continent.

I also disclosed my health issues to Hennie and confirmed that Kent passed the information along. I am partially disabled but I refuse to believe it, but I did learn a good lesson on this trip. Hennie and I communicated everyday through social media and put a plan in place. We would hunt one day then it was my wife, Pam’s turn to sight see. About three days before we were to leave Hennie asked if we would like to hear lions at night and would Pam be ok with that. Pam communicated with Hennie for a while and we changed where we were staying so we could hear the lions! Hennie made all the arrangements and there were no extra charges. The chalet we stayed in was fully equipped and very comfortable and exceeded our expectations. More on that later on.

WE arrived in joberg and called Hennie as he requested. Hennie said Tahalita and Longman would meet us in Port Elizabeth.

Tahalita and Longman collect us and our baggage at Port Elizabeth airport without out a hitch. They loaded up the bakkie and we left for the camp. We arrived in camp around 6 pm. Dinner was waiting for us when we arrived. Our baggage was taken to the chalet and we cleaned up to have dinner.

Day 1 the hunt: Hennie asked me why I was hunting the same game I had already hunted? I told Hennie it was in the package and explained the trip was more for my wife to see Africa. Hennie told me to select something else to hunt and we would swap them out. So we select a blue and black wilderbeast and I add a Red Lechwe and kept the spring buck. Thank you Hennie and company so much for being so flexible!

We had a lovely breakfast and were off to the range. I shot ok and we loaded up to go hunting. We saw a spring buck in the distance and started a stalk. I took the shot about 400 meters and the Springbuck was down. Longman and Hennie loaded the springbuck and we returned to camp. We had lunch, rested a while and then went out to hunt again. We spotted a Red Lechwe after about an hour of traveling around. We parked and Longman stayed in the backkie to direct us to the Lechwe. After a 15 minute stalk we could finally see the group of Lechwe. There was a nice one in the group and Hennie gave me some instruction on which one to shoot. I fired a shot and spinned the Lechwe he fell but stood up again and I shot again and he was down. We could not see the Lechwe and Longman had to direct us around the hill and then up the hill to find the Lechwe. AS we approached the Lechwe tried to get up and I shot again and it was over. The second shot hit him between the neck and shoulder but just missed the vital areas. Back to camp we had food from the barrai and then dinner and dessert. A very good meal again!

Day2 Off to Addo Elephant Park. We took a short cut which was supposed to be a paved road it wasn’t. The road was a single track worse than a jeep trail and took several hour to navigate. So much for a short cut. Finally arrived at the elephant park. We did see many elephants and most plains game plus lions. We had lunch and this was Longman first time in a restaurant. Had a great time there. Back to camp for another delicious barri and dinner.


We got up to a cold and windy day. We were going to hunt a Blue Wilderbeast today. Had a lovely breakfast and got ready to hunt. We rode around for a while and spotted some Blues about 500 yards away. We started a stalk and got about 350 yards and got busted. We tried to go around the mountain and cut them off but they didn’t show up. We came across another group of blues and got busted again. We drove down to the valley and saw some more Blues heading for water. We drove to the back end of the tank about 100 yards from the tank. We walked to the edge of the tank and Hennie peeked over the top to see the Blues on the far end of the tank. Hennie set up the sticks and called me up to the sticks. He picked out a nice bull and I set up on it. The Bull was facing me and I aimed for the middle of the chest and fired. At first we thought I missed the shot about 100 yards away. The Blues took off with one much slower, Hennie said I hit the bull in the knee cap and the chase was on. The herd took off uphill but the wounded bull stayed on the valley floor. We chased it for an hour before I could get another shot. The bull was about 450 yards away and I aimed at the shoulder a little high. I fired and we heard a loud whack, and the bull was off again. We chased him for another hour and Longman and Hennie were tired. Hennie said let’s get the dogs as the brush was very thick and there was no way of keeping up with the bull. We pick up the dog from Hennie’s father who rushed out with the dogs and meet us on the road. Thank you Hennie’s DAD. We found Longman again and put the dogs on the trail. The dogs picked up the trail and chased the bull up the mountain. After about an hour’s chase the bull was finally down. The second shot hit the bull near the back of the lungs and the bullet looked like it hit sideways, perhaps it hit some brush?? Or the Bull turned. I don’t know for sure but we found it dead. Everyone was exhausted and there was no way to get the bake to the bull. We left to get help to recover the bull. We had 8 men carry the Blue down the mountain to the truck. With the bull loaded we returned to camp for refreshments and dinner. I was upset with myself for botching an easy shot. I have been hunting for more than 55 years and never experienced this before, it was soul searching for me.

Day 4:

We were not hunting today and Pam and I are going to the beach. WE went to Port Alfred to stick our feet in the India

Ocean, sort of a tradition for us. We had a lovely lunch at a seafood restaurant. As usual Talitha and Longman were wonderful companions and guides.

Day 5:

Back to hunting this time for a Black Wilderbeast. It was cold and foggy today almost chilling with high winds. I am tired from all the continuous travel and feel like a piece of rubber. We had breakfast and decided to wait for the fog to lift. In the meantime Hennie and Longman fixed our sliding door which was sticking to our chalet. The fog started to lift and we packed up the backkie to go hunting. We selected a water hole about 500 yards away from a ridge where we saw some blacks. There were other plains game, impala and spring buck, between us and the blacks. Another herd of spring buck came over the ridge on our left, almost right on top of us. We got busted and the blacks took off along the ridge over the top. We called the truck back and decided to circle around behind the next ridge and set up an ambush. We left the truck and walked to some trees near the bottom of the ridge. The blacks came over the ridge and kept going to the next open area, about a half mile from us. It is now late afternoon and we decided to go back toward the water hole because Longman said he saw some more blacks coming over the ridge again, but still a ways from the water hole. We arrived just minutes before the herd of blacks appeared. There was a nice bull in the herd so we set up the sticks, it was a long shot close to 500 yards with no cover between us. I thought I could make the shot so Hennie said to take it. I shot and the bull jumped and started to run. I shot again at the running bull and it looked like I missed. It was off to the races again. Hennie said it looked like I gut shot him, ugh. We pressured him to the next ridge where we climbed up the ridge than had to cross about 250-300 yards of very rocky terrain and the bull was standing on the other side of the ridge in the valley. It was almost dark and Hennie asked if I could make the valley quickly, I said I had to rest and it would take a while for me to get there. Hennie said it would be dark soon if I can get a shot would you mind if I take it? I told him take the shot I didn’t want this to last any longer than necessary. I felt it was best for all involved. It took a while to recover the black wilderbeast. I did hit it with my second shot where the tail meets the body nearly taking the tail off. So what did I learn from this? First trust your PH”s judgement, and second know your limits. I am old and broken and I guess I finally realized this on this trip. I can no longer climb mountains like a young man or chase game for hours. Know you limits as your PH will appreciate your honesty.

Day 6:

Hennie and Tahilita took us to the Valley of Desolation Park. Very pretty views and we enjoyed their company all day. We had a terrific time! We also received 3s hats to wear very nice touch.

Day 7: We rested for the day and packed up to leave for home. We made new friends and had a wonder adventure we will remember forever. Thanks 3S Safaris.

Rating from A excellent to D poor.

Food =A+

Accommodations = A


Touring =A-, jeep trail ugh



Clients’ needs/wants = A++

Rifle rental = A- My issue, I am not use to bolt gun. I usually a shoot a single shot rifle.

Trucks= A+

For the Ladies out there who wonder about a trip like this?

Pam my wife had a great time. She went shopping and was catered to continuously. All of her requirements were far exceeded. Pam is not a hunter, but she did accompany me hunting and finally understands African hunting. The food was American style, breakfast bacon eggs, French toast juices, fruit, sausage, yogurt cereal. Lunch nice box lunch if you were out and about. Dinner, lasagna, steak, chicken, sea food, deserts and salads. Pam even tied spring buck, blue wilderbeast and Red Lechwe and liked it. Accommodations, full bath, shower, closets, safe, nice king bed, couches and coffee bar. Pam recants the trip daily since we been home and told every about our wonderful trip. My wife recommends you go with your husbands and see and learn about South Africa, you won’t be disappointed!

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Sounds like a great trip. I'm going over next May with my wife- her first trip. I am really excited for her to experience Africa with me.
Would love to see any pictures you took. Thanks for the report.
Thanks for the report. We've all been down that road of less than stellar shooting. Great advice, "know your limitations".
Congrats, seems like you really enjoyed Africa.

But...we miss your pics :)
Thanks for the kind words. The pictures were put on this site twice by 3S Safaris, so I didn't include them here. I will try to find the link to the pictures.
Thanks for the kind words. The pictures were put on this site twice by 3S Safaris, so I didn't include them here. I will try to find the link to the pictures.
Please feel free to upload them here in the thread. (y)
Congrats on a great trip!
Congrats on your hunt and thanks for sharing!
Hi, there is a full grown man lying behind the blue wilderbeast holding him up in that picture. It took eight men to retrieve him.
There is always a magic man behind some of the interesting trophy shots.
Congratulations on your hunt!! I leave for my first hunt in August with 3S Safaris
Go get ‘em! Roll Tide
I love the way that blue wildebeest is set-up for pictures!

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.