SOUTH AFRICA: Cape Buffalo With Ken Moody Safaris

Fred Gunner

AH elite
May 3, 2017
Reaction score
Hunting reports
I've been trying to write this since we returned. Tried to channel my inner Hemingway and having failed here it is a travel log of a most amazing adventure:

Day #1 May 28 6AM Mr & Mrs. Gunner Depart Burlington Vt Airport to Newark International Depart on Lufthansa 1st class for Frankfurt. Zero issues with firearms or covid tests Note: nobody cares we’re fully vaccinated…only want to see neg test less than 48 hours old.

Day #2 May 29 Arrive Frankfurt Germany. No issues or questions about Firearms. Nobody gave two flips we are vaccinated, Test please. I was stationed in Germany for 5 years…Frankfurt airport is a Ghost town. One brotchen shop open in the main terminal. The First Class lounge is open with nothing available but comfy chairs. The German Mask Police all carry HK MP5 Submachine-guns…full compliance unquestioned. This will be a loooooong layover.

Day#3 After a late evening departure from Der-Father-Land. The Sun Rises over Johannesburg on Sunday May 30th. We deplane and are greeted by our escort from Afton Safari lodge with our SA firearms permits in his hand. Our Guide whisks us through SAPD Firearms police and directly to the waiting Afton Safari lodge shuttle. Afton Safari lodge is simply amazing service, staff, accommodations, food and booze (top shelf and flows too freely) are all 5 Stars with knife and fork. The Airport and the lodge did need to see our covid test…My worthless CDC Vax card has been retired to the bottom of my bug out bag.

Memorial Day 2021: The Suns Also Rises to Captain Ken Moody’s Stand-To Orders. The whole outfit parked in the courtyard. Our Professional Hunter Tavi Fragoso, first impression walks talks and looks like a professional Buffalo hunter should. The man was born to hunt dangerous game and brother did he ever prove it. Next the captivating Mrs. Virginia Moody. Ken left no doubt that he’s the ramrod of this safari. Miss Virginia is the hart and soul of this outfit. She brings southern hospitality to the wilderness. She’s the type of lady that makes sunshine on a rainy day…more on that later. Our Cook John Carelse a Master Chef, and the trackers and skinners.

Before we start hunting Buffalo maybe you’d like to know why I picked Ken Moody to take my wife and I on our first Cape Buffalo hunt. It starts with the U.S. Cavalry brotherhood. I found out early on Ken Commanded a Tank Company in Germany. I being a former Tank Commander in the 2nd Armored Cavalry gave us an instant starting point. Next Ken is an American citizen and runs his Safari business out of the great state of Tennessee. Ken will hunt anything that’s legal but his specialty and his passion is Cape Buffalo. Ken received nothing but praise from the members who replied to my request for references.

Then I made Mr. Moody a ridiculous request that I was sure he’s pass on. Would he take my wife and I on a two on one buffalo hunt. We requested to hunt cape buffalo in South Africa in as near to a “Free Range” hunt that could be found in country. 10 day hunt for two buffalo free range? Without hesitation or equivocation Ken said yes he had just the place. With Ken’s confidence and the price he quoted us, I had to give him a shot. Brother we were not disappointed.

Memorial Day cont.
Arrive at hunting camp late evening. It’s a long drive from Joburg to Zulu Land. We’re hunting what Ken refers to a the Zululand river reserve. We can see the Phongolo river from our camp. On the other side of the river the border of Swaziland. Free Range Buffalo hunt day one Capt. Ken delivers in full. the only fences anywhere to be seen the actual border frontier of Swaziland and Jurassic park like fencing protecting massive sugarcane fields. The Buffalo are free to roam and they do swim.


June 1st. Day one of our hunt. Gunner brings the rains down to Africa.
It was too late yesterday to check our Zeros. We go to a range on the other side of highway 2 away from where we’ll hunt and check rifles. Everything is in order we head back in the rain for some game scouting.
See our first Black Rhino, a huge Kudu that Tavi scores as once in a life time (Steady Gunner remember your poor$) More Rain the kind of rain you could blame for a clean miss. We make several stops looking for tracks dung etc. We run into a wildlife group like conservation NGOs? Surprisingly friendly not at all anti hunting. They inform us the buffalo crossed the river.
Great start!
June 2nd (No Rain) We pile in the Toyota Hi-Lux and cross the Phongolo river old school safari river crossing. Fresh rain water over tops the tires. My bride has a white knuckle death grip on the roll bars, eyes shut tight. Dead bloated hippo floating just up river…This is the Africa we dream of.

We run into our first tower of giraffe, the name fits, breathtaking. Tavi and Ken find fresh tracks and one set from a big bull. I’m the first shooter as designated by my loving wife. Tavi and I go in just the two of us. I expected maybe Ken and one of the trackers you know like on tv? Nope Just Gunner and his PH, I like this. The stalk is maybe 70 yards and Tavi brings me to a small clearing. Across the clearing more thick sickle thorn bush with a dark opening. There he is my first Cape Buffalo not more than 30 yards. Tavi whispers take him. I’m on the sticks. I can clearly see his massive head. The scope is set on 1.5X but with the shadows I can’t see his shoulder clearly. I find his front leg and as I’m tracking the reticle up he turns away and bolts..Poof Gone Busted. Tavi calmly says that was a shooter. All in not more than 3 seconds, but I was too Damn Slow lesson learned.

We find more tracks do several more stalks, miles of duck walking through the sickle thorn. We’re close to this herd you can hear them snorting we can even occasionally see the white birds landing on their backs. They never give me another shot. With the sun setting we cross back over the river. Danielle trusts our driver enough to open her eyes just in time to see the dead rotting hippo. I want this hunt to give her memories to last a life time…I’m a great husband!

You mentioned not being able to channel your inner Hemingway, but count me as hooked! This promises to be a great adventure to listen to! Looking forward to hearing the rest and thanks for sharing!
June 3rd Rain.. Ken mumbles “Never seen it rain like this” Ken Ken poor Ken…(Did Gunner fail to mention his historically bad hunting luck? oops)
Never say die back across the river we go, we few, we happy few we soaking wet band of brothers and one wet sister. More giraffe our first Crocodiles lots of big-ins. But the rain is relentless. The rain is washing away tracks.
We re-cross the river to dry out in camp and get a break in the weather. It’s getting worse you can’t see across the river from Camp…The Vote is unanimous the Buffalo will get in a pile in the deepest brush and never move…Busted. Miss Virginia to the rescue shopping trip.


June 4th: Happy 16th Anniversary Mr’s Gunner:

How many wives let their husbands send them off with a stranger to hunt one of the most dangerous animals on the planet as an anniversary gift? This very well could end like the “Short Very Happy Life of Gunner Macomber?” It’s not raining so back across the river we ford. We spend the morning stalking through the sickle thorns. We staked out a mud wallow for lunch. The Rains started in again late afternoon. We head back to camp as the sun sets.

When we arrive in camp Virginia Moody and Chief John Carelse have set out the most amazing anniversary banquet imaginable.


Master Chef John Carelse calls this "Cowboy Cooking?"

This ends Part One of our Cape Buffalo Hunt...Part two is incredible Spoiler Alert...Who here know a Hunter that goes by the name Stan Burger???
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Nice start! Subscribed...
Great start. Looking forward to more of your hunt.
Keep it coming. Enjoying the read.
Part Two: What did the Safaris of old do when the hunting in one part of the country was bad? They packed up the whole shooting match and moved to greener dryer pastures. We’re on day 5 of a 10 day hunt. Mrs. Gunner has yet to try her hand. Gunner missed the only real opportunity to put Black Death in the Salt.

Professional Hunter Tavi Fragoso has a plan. Prior to guiding for Ken Moody Tavi was one of Stan Burger Safaris Professional Hunters. Some here may know of the former President of the PHASA and the man personally responsible for ending captive bred lion hunting in SA. He is one of my African hunting heroes.

But before we move 581 KM to Iwamanzi Game Lodge I’ve forgot to tell you about our Sunset Phongolo river cruise. Pictures are worth a thousand words.



Oh Crap...In case you missed it I've skipped ahead and missed half a day....
Now we'll need to start all over from the Beginning...
"[1] In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. [2] And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

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