SOUTH AFRICA: 22 Trophies In 12 Days With Andri Fox Safaris


AH enthusiast
Jun 9, 2015
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Hunting reports
I just return from the safari of a lifetime with Andri Fox. If some of you may remember I post this past winter that I wanted to go on a " sci gold Medal" hunt. I had 3 Ph that were takers and I choose Andri Fox and boy I choose wisely! 12 gold, 8 silver and 2 bronze. I will try and tell a good story and hopefully I can upload pictures. Andri arranged for my hunting partner to be with Beans in a parallel hunt to mine and he slayed them to with Beans but I will let him tell that story.


Andri picked us up sat night in JNB and we drove until like 2AM to our first hunt destination somewhere in the Kalahari in the northwest province. We were up at 5:30 and I don't think I slept at all, some coffee and toast and in the bakkie we went. Right at dawn we spotted a huge waterbuck at 250yds and andri asked if I wanted to take him from the bakie, I declined and said we have the wind lets put a stalk on him. Well that sucker was smart he saw us unload and we tracked him for 2 hrs in the very green bus and spooked him several times as he was watching his back trail for us. Finally andri called for the bakie and said we needed elevation above the brush to see him and shoot him so I was going to have to climb up and they would ease thru the bush and we would see if we could get a shot at him. when I climbed up he said to be on the look out as there was a huge kudu bull in the area and he was definitely on the menu!
So off we went slowly weaving thru the bush about 1/2 hr in the tracker goes crazy, kudu, kudu kudu and andri say OMG he is on your left shoot him NOW! Up came the 300 Winnie and OMG there stood a monster KUDU in the bush playing gray gost looking straight at me. somehow the crosshairs of the S&B settled on his chest and boom I had a 58 7/8 greater southern kudu! I was in shock don't know I made the shot to this day.
took pics and loaded him up. then onward for that elusive waterbuck.
About an hr later the tracker alarm goes off again with there he is. this time I spin to left and damn if I cant see him. andri says move your head and let me look thru your scope and line him up, volla hidden in the brush about 150 yds away is mr waterbuck quatering on. the 300 barks again and he never even winces and runs like all hell. tracker and andri say I got him good and I am nervous I didn't. tracker jumps out and finds blood I look and oh yeah its nice frothy lung blood. shortly we find my 31 inch beast of a waterbuck.
end of day one I made a major no no I drank 3 mouthfuls of kalahari tap water and by 1:30 am I was one sick stomach cramp puppy. so day 2 was a bust as I was sick most of it.
night of day 2 we left that location and drove to another concession.
Day 3 up and ready to rock andri says eland is on tap for the day. we met up with the resident Ph Jon and away we went. Ones of his trackers had located a big one and away we went. we located the old blue bull we wanted and piled out of backie to try and cut him off but he spotted us and the only shot was at his rear end. we pursued and he moved into mix with a heard of other animals I think they were hartebeest and blesbok. after several failed stalks mainly because of other critters in the way etc a clear shot finally game andnone to late as a thunderstorm was about to be upon us. the 300 roared and he got a thru and thru to the lungs he ran about 250yds and piled up and I had a 38 inch eland blue bull in a thunderstorm in Africa drought.
now some of these middle days are foggy as to which I killed when as I was sleep deprived and trigger happy.
Next day was I think red hartebeest, blue wildebeest. then the nesxt was black spring buck, black wildebeest and a very nice zebra stallion for my grandson to have a rug I promised him. then the next was a 35 inch gemsbuck which did not meet the agreed gold std so andri said no problems shoot another for free! somewhere in these middle days a big blesbbok died too.
then we left that concession and Jon big thanks to Jon and all his help!!
Next on the menu was my sable more driving and more driving to a concession that specialized in sable. loaded up a couple of there trackers and off for the sable we went and I must admit it was rather uneventful we drove around the edge as it was late am and it was sleeping woke up about 50yds away in the bush told andri to stop and he couldn't see it all I could see was head and neck above the bush, bang popped in neck and down but not out it wanted to nail us with the horns as it was spined but not dead. so andri offered his 357 sig and I finished it to the heart for a combined rifle pistol kill 42 1/2 inch!
loaded up and on the rd again more miles.
next day a nice red lechwe and they are beautiful animals.
then on the rd again off to the karoo and some spring buck fun. spent 1 day slamming all the rest of the spring buck kinds and colors, reg, copper white etc. that was fun and calls for some long rtange popping and the wind really blows as the day heats in the karoo. I must admit one shot was pure luck on the white one the wind was blowing like hell the shot was 325 and I couldn't hold her steady but let the rd go and hit it right in the head wasn't pretty or where I aimed but the taxidermist can fix it.
then we drove more again and on to beans and andris turf the eastern cape. there I got a nice 47 cape kudu, a bush buck and a steenbuck and a big impala and a white blesbuck and my 2nd gemsbuck a holy grail 40 3/4 whopper.
I hope I haven't bore you guys but all I can say is I think Andri Fox is 2nd to none the greatest PH he w above and beyond the call of duty to arrange such an awesome hunt for me and I want to thank Beans too for how good he took care of my best friend and his hospitality at his place.
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You took some great animals with andri. I wish we could of helped you more but you did very well with your hunt and that I am glad to see.Looking forward to more pictures and more of the story
Man you went on a shoot fest. Great trophies and thank you for sharing!
Great kudu and gemsbok. Sounds like you had a great ti,e and the barrel never got cold for sure. Well, cept maybe that second day. :A Banana Sad::A Ill:

I havent met Andri yet, but I'm looking forward to it when I hunt with @Tootabi Valley Safaris this summer. Those two guys have quite the reputation! :A Thumbs Up:
You took some really nice trophies. Congrats. Bruce
Royal Beans place is great he hosted us for I think 3 days. Him and Andri are neighbors and good friends they will take great care of you and the game is plentiful so bring lots of lead ;) and say hello to his dogs Rigby and Voo Voo for me
Well somebody is going to have a whooper taxidermy bill coming up!:eek: Congrats!
Those are some deep curls on that Kudu.

Congrats on surviving the water and getting some nice trophies.
I don't think I have ever seen as many huge trophies in one hunt report. My congrats to you, and most certainly to Andri Fox, a great PH.....FWB
@Buckdog thanks for sharing your hunt! Sounds like it was pretty non-stop! Congrats on your trophies.
Congrats! Those are some fantastic trophies!
Wonderful! Congrats on your trophies. Enjoyed the read, got me all jacked up. Leaving in 2 days for South Africa and Namibia with son and future daughter in law.
here is a picture of our joint african carnage taken at Beans place, it is missing my friends caracal a big tom by the way, my zebra, the 35 gemsbuck, and one of my spring bucks. We definitely put some lead in the air!

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That gemsbuck your buddy is holding is a monster to. Those horns are think from bases to the top. That is getting it done and shows with good planning and traveling from place to place you can get better then avg. Trophies.
Awesome trophies, bet the barrel never cooled down!
My son and I will be over to hunt with Andri in June. I am looking forward to hunting with him and your pictures just add to my anticipation.
peters gemsbuck is bigger than mine a 41 inch cow with huge bases we thought it was a bull.
Cody Andri is a great guy and you will have the hunt of a lifetime, bring plenty ammo and put some lead in the air!
Congrats, a great hunt !
That's alot of good hunting right there! Very nice trophies!
Excellent job. Congratulations.

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia