Scirroco vs Accubond


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Feb 3, 2018
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I was considering a gameking for my 7mm Rem mag, and have decided to stay with a premium bullet, even for whitetail, so as to keep things simple. I know the Accubond is advertised to perform the same as the Partition, and that seem to be the general census. I see the A Frames and Scirroco are regarded very highly by African hunters. Would the Scirroco be similar to the Accubond in terminal performance? Anyone have experience with the Scirroco they would like to share. I have only killed one whitetail with an Accubond, a mature buck and my only concern was a small exit hole after shooting broadside through both shoulders, and so so blood trail, albeit anly about 30yd to a dead buck, from a 7mm-08 140gr at around 2850fps. Thanks
I believe @Divernhunter and some others here have used the Sciroccos in Africa. I never could get them to fly with any accuracy, though recently told you need to seat them deep and that would solve accuracy issues. I was more interested in them for the high BC and using where I thought longer shots may be needed. If they hold their weight the way they're advertised, I'd think it would be a great bullet.

@Buff-Buster has used the Accubonds for lots of animals both here and in Africa and he swears by them.
I've been curious about the Scirroco, as the the BC makes this look like a great long range bullet. I use and love the Swift A Frames too, so that's another reason for my interest However, it's also relatively expensive. A couple years ago, I hunted in RSA and used the the outfitters 7mm mag with suppressor. They used Hornady SST , which I think is a similar design to the Scirroco and we had 8 one shot kills (kudu x2, nyala x2 , impala x2, zebra, blesbok). I was so impressed with the SST, I started using it in my 270 and took my Dall Sheep @234 yards with a single shot. Very accurate in the guns I've used it in. Currently testing the SST and GMX in my 338 WM.

Article on the SST:
Somewhere in this forum, I posted a report testing bullets in Africa. I shot 61 widebeest and gemsbok on that trip. The 180 grain Scirocco was the best performer. Followed by the A-frame, followed by the Partition. I have also used the 150 grain Scirocco on whitetail deer and it has performed perfectly. The Accubond is a good bullet and I have also used it. It is hard to go wrong with either one. I think the Scirocco is a tougher bullet. It has a thicker copper shank than the Accubond, but it expands well and retains weight while penetrating. For clarification, I am using the Scirocco II, not the original Scirocco.
The SST and Sirocco are not alike. The Sirocco is a bonded bullet with a pure coper jacket. It retains weight. The SST is not bonded and has a copper alloy jacket. It loses much of the core and can separate the core and jacket. I have used the SST for our smaller Blacktail deer here in Ca ok. But since using the Sirocco I have used it mostly.

I prefer the Sirocco over the Nosler AB bullet because the Nosler bullet is designed to have the jacket fold tight back against the shank to give penetration like the Partition which sheds the front core. This leads to a smaller wound channel and exit hole if it exits. The Sirocco will mushroom but keeps the lead intact(mostly) with the jacket. Being a copper jacket it is less likely to loose petals and with more of the core you still get penetration.

I prefer the Sirocco over the Nosler AB or the Hornady SST. I tried the Hornady Interbond but could not get good accuracy so gave up after just using .308 caliber bullets in 30-06 and 308win.

One VERY IMPORTANT thing to remember with the Barnes bullets and the Swift A-Frame and Sirocco bullets is that they use pure copper. They also need and like a lot of bullet jump which goes into the face of what people think they need for accuracy. Also you need to super clean(no #9) the barrel if you have shot regular jackets bullets in it before shooting one of these 3. Then you will get accuracy and not have a fouling problem. Try this. 1st Wipe-out...let it set and then patch. Then Sweets7.62 or Barnes CR-10 and patch. Then Butches Bore shine or one of the Montana products or Tetra-Gun or Shooters Choice or whatever besides #9. Then oil if not shooting soon. I like Tetra-Gun oil but whatever you like. Or if you honestly think #9 is worth anything besides smell you can use it after the others and before the oil or just open the bottle so it can give you the smell while you are really cleaning your rifle :)

If using Barnes then push them as fast as possible for better terminal performance and accuracy.

My 2 Cents

PS--Forget the Nosler AB and the Hornady SST. Use the Swift bullets. Either the A-Frames or the Sirocco. Not sure I have spelled the Sc bullet correctly but that is what my spell check says it is.
I’ve shot 150 grain (if memory serves me correctly) Swift Scirocco II bullets that were loaded in factory ammo by Remington from my Sako 85 Finnlight in 7mm Rem Mag. I purchased the rifle right before a Utah Mule Deer hunt and had little time to work up loads for it so I went with factory fodder. I ended up getting acceptable accuracy (slightly under MOA) with them at the range out to 300 yds. I took a nice mule deer at a shade over 400 yds and at an almost straight down hill angle / quartering away with that rifle. Performance was very good and what you would expect/hope from a premium bullet. The deer, which scored right at 180 inches (green score), was built like a tank. I swear that thing weighed 300 lbs on the hoof although we didn’t officially weigh him. The bullet did it’s job well.

Having said that, as some have alluded to above and elsewhere, the Scirocco bullets have a reputation for being a little finicky. Some rifles can lay them in one ragged hole all day long, and some rifles you have to work hard to find a powder and primer combo to get acceptable accuracy. I admittedly don’t shoot that rifle much but if I ever decide to shoot it again, I’ll stick with the 160 grain Nosler Accubonds. In my Sako, Accubonds are extremely accurate. I’ve got a fair amount of experience with 140 grain Accubonds and Ballistic Tips in my 280 Ackley Improved and have taken a couple of sheep with each (Dall - BT and Stone - AB) at distance. The performance of these bullets has been stellar. All things being equal, I’ve switched to the Accubonds simply because they are a tougher bullet for animals like goats, etc.

I think you’d be well served, as far as terminal performance, with either bullet (Scirocco IIs or Accubonds). My vote would be for the one who gives you best accuracy and velocity.
if you honestly think #9 is worth anything besides smell you can use it after the others and before the oil or just open the bottle so it can give you the smell while you are really cleaning your rifle :)

Couldn’t agree more. Bore Tech products work well too.
I have not used Accubond before, but my (very limited) experience with Swift Scirocco 165gr at 2650fps from a .308 was on the rifle's first hunt 3 weeks ago. 13 Animals, (Zebra, Blue Wildebeest, Waterbuck, Red Hartebeest, Nyala and smaller) with 13 shots. 4 bullets retrieved all varied between 131gr & 135gr from the original 165gr.

I have seen lots of Woodleigh protected points, Hornady Interbonds and Norma Oryx bullets perform as well. Go with what gives you the best accuracy
I've taken nearly 50 animals in Namibia with my 7mag and 160 Accubonds, up through wildebeest, zebra, kudu sized game. I haven't killed an eland yet. I intentionally busted through the shoulders on most shots, and the bullets performed perfectly. About half of them exited the animal, and half did not. Most all of them retained approx 60% of their weight. Textbook performance to say the least.
Wife and I both used factory Rem Scirocco 180 in 30/06 in Africa..Found them to be very accurate and retained 150 - 160 after taking animals...Deep penetrator I would use on anything..I think they are too tough for light skinned animals as we shot right through some ..Mushrooms were textbook perfect on all recovered bullets..She shot a Tika n I had a Weatherby..Very happy but going with Feds Trophy Bonded Tip next.
The Scirocco II is a bit tougher bullet than is the Accubond.
If you can get the Scirocco II to shoot in your rifle, it is about
the best bonded bullet out there, with a great BC as well. I have
taken several head of game, including Elk and Moose, I have only
recovered 2, and they show classic expansion. The Accubond is
also a great bullet, but will not retain quite as much as weight as
does the Swift bullet. Dave.
I was considering a gameking for my 7mm Rem mag, and have decided to stay with a premium bullet, even for whitetail, so as to keep things simple. I know the Accubond is advertised to perform the same as the Partition, and that seem to be the general census. I see the A Frames and Scirroco are regarded very highly by African hunters. Would the Scirroco be similar to the Accubond in terminal performance? Anyone have experience with the Scirroco they would like to share. I have only killed one whitetail with an Accubond, a mature buck and my only concern was a small exit hole after shooting broadside through both shoulders, and so so blood trail, albeit anly about 30yd to a dead buck, from a 7mm-08 140gr at around 2850fps. Thanks
I personally see no point using premium bullets on smaller deer. If it was m e I would just load a good soft point or 160+ grain SST. This bullet gives excellent performance on our Australian deer and usually gives pass thru penetration. Shoots as flat as the accubonds and half the price. Sorry this didn't answer your question but I feel the accubonds and Sirroco are a bit tough for smaller deer.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
