SCI President Paul Babaz Speaks Out Against Calls For More Gun Control

AH ambassador
Oct 1, 2007
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Hunters Unite!

Safari Club International's mission is to protect the freedom to hunt and to promote wildlife conservation worldwide. The operative word about hunting in that mission is "freedom." This includes the equipment needed to exercise that freedom.

With that in mind, our battles against anti-hunters have been augmented tremendously by a misguided social reaction to the school shooting in Florida recently.

I have kids of the same age and as a parent I am horror-struck and cannot even imagine such a nightmare. But my kids, all girls, are also involved in hunting and target shooting. Many of their friends are also interested in both hunting and target shooting.

I completely agree that we need to find a way to stop this disease that has infected our society, but it is not by telling one of my kids that she can't own a gun and go into the field if that's what she wants to do. Hunters are taught gun safety and firearm responsibility by their parents, adults in leadership positions, by the state agencies that run hunter education courses, and yes, by the NRA.

As parents, we need to take responsibility to instill good judgment and responsibility that comes with the lawful use of firearms, automobiles or anything else that could be used for evil purposes. No hunter would ever dream of doing what that twisted person did in Parkland. It is unthinkable. Evil exists. It must be confronted in the most powerful ways possible and must be defeated.

But there is no need to further exacerbate the tragedy by punishing those who not only had nothing to do with it, but who would have stopped it before it happened or when it was in progress had they had the chance. This is a social problem, not a gun problem. And yes, Modern Sporting Rifles (the actual rifles that so often are misidentified as "assault weapons") are used for hunting.

We have seen this sort of behavior before and I have always been vocal about SCI stepping up to speak up for our members who are gun owners.

SCI opposes any legislation that infringes upon the Second Amendment right of law abiding young adults between the age of 18 and 20 by banning their right to purchase any long gun from a federally licensed retailer, by use of the federally regulated process that includes instant background checks. We have laws on the books to protect the public, and those laws should be enforced to keep our children and families safe at home, school, movie theatres or wherever they go.

I call on all hunters and especially fellow members of SCI to take a stand right here, right now. This is no time to duck and hide, no time to think that this is someone else's concern. We are all involved whether we want to be, or not. The only question is whether we stand and fight, or whether we duck and cover. War has been declared against us and no war was ever won from defense.

SCI-PAC, SCI's Political Action Committee, will no longer support elected representatives who support increasing the age of those eligible to purchase firearms legally. They are speaking out of both sides of their mouths to get themselves reelected. We have a strong PAC and we need to support the representatives who will stand with our membership in good times and bad!

I encourage all hunters, and especially SCI members, to unite in this battle to put sanity back into the public discourse that has been overwhelmed with mass hysteria. Please use any avenues you have individually to get the word out, to organize and to engage in the discussion. The world needs to know that there are many of us out here who oppose what some of the enemies of freedom are proposing. We cannot allow them to take perverted advantage of a tragedy to deny the rest of us our rights and to obliterate our hunting culture that has withstood the test of time since the beginning of mankind.

Rest assured that I will do all I can to right this wrong that is being foisted upon us by the enemies of freedom. I welcome all to join me. Together, we can help right what otherwise could turn into a terrible wrong. Thank you.

Paul Babaz
SCI President

Source: Safari Club International (SCI)
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This is also on the SCI FB page. If you're on FB, share it there. This is not the time to be quiet.
I've hunted for the last 53 years and I love my rifles but honestly I don't understand what 'assault' rifles have to do with hunting. And no doubt I missed something, but where does anyone say they want to take away your daughters guns or her right to enjoy them? I guess if the age at which one can buy a firearm is raised that will be an inconvenience to her for a few years, but in the meantime, I guess she will just have to use yours.
Compare statistics in Canada to the US regards violent gun deaths. We have to pass a firearms course, and some serious background checks, but after that we are good to go. I want a rifle? Plunk down your PAL (Possession and Acquisition License) give the dealer your money and walk out with your gun. But compare one country to the other re violent gun deaths and there is just no comparison.
Sorry, I'm not drinking the Cool-Aid...
I've hunted for the last 53 years and I love my rifles but honestly I don't understand what 'assault' rifles have to do with hunting. And no doubt I missed something, but where does anyone say they want to take away your daughters guns or her right to enjoy them? I guess if the age at which one can buy a firearm is raised that will be an inconvenience to her for a few years, but in the meantime, I guess she will just have to use yours.
Compare statistics in Canada to the US regards violent gun deaths. We have to pass a firearms course, and some serious background checks, but after that we are good to go. I want a rifle? Plunk down your PAL (Possession and Acquisition License) give the dealer your money and walk out with your gun. But compare one country to the other re violent gun deaths and there is just no comparison.
Sorry, I'm not drinking the Cool-Aid...

With all due respect, you don't have to drink the Kool Aid on this one as you aren't an American and didnt't grow up with the Second Amendment and a Constitutional Right to bear arms. This right is given in order to protect citizens from their Government, not just self defense or hunting.

The idea is to arm the citizens in a similar manner as the government is armed, thus access to weapons such as a semi automatic.

To raise the age of gun ownership would be to deny a law abiding adult of a Constitutional Right. I'm Ok with that actually, as long as we raise the age of all things, so no voting until 21 either as an example. But, if they are an adult in the eyes of the law and are law abiding, they have earned all rights, not just some.
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The 2nd Amendment does not mention “hunting”.

As to ARs, even though I trained with one in the Army, decades ago, I never saw the attraction to own one. Then I bought one a few years ago - my most fun and favorite gun to shoot.
I just bought a AR pistol and just shot a wild hog with it. I know it’s on the light side, but I committed to head shots only. Dropped and did not budge at the crack of the pistol. My first pig, and I’ve been trying for three years. But I’m limited to public lands.
Very good handling firearm in the thick stuff and up and down using a climbing tree stand.

Guys, the liberal antis want our freedoms eliminated - big government only will satisfy them. And that means no guns for us. They will not give up.
Don’t be shy, contact your state and Federal representatives.
With all due respect, you don't have to drink the Kool Aid on this one as you aren't an American and didnt't grow up with the Second Amendment and a Constitutional Right to bear arms. This right is given in order to protect citizens from their Government, not just self defense or hunting.

The idea is to arm the citizens in a similar manner as the government is armed, thus access to weapons such as a semi automatic.

To raise the age of gun ownership would be to deny a law abiding adult of a Constitutional Right. I'm Ok with that actually, as long as we raise the age of all things, so no voting until 21 either as an example. But, if they are an adult in the eyes of the law and are law abiding, they have earned all rights, not just some.
Just because I live in Canada does not mean I am not an American. I have a US passport and I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and raised as a Mormon. My dad brought his young family up here in 1960 after his experiences in the military in Korea. He decided that the US was positioning itself to be a world police dog. He did not want us involved in conflicts on foreign sole.
All that aside, I don't think that raising the legal age to purchase firearms will make much difference. I do think that a firearms acquisition license that involves serious background checks (as in Canada) will make a difference. Several individuals including your significant other if you have one, will be phoned and need to unreservedly vouch for you.
The 2nd Amendment does not mention “hunting”.

As to ARs, even though I trained with one in the Army, decades ago, I never saw the attraction to own one. Then I bought one a few years ago - my most fun and favorite gun to shoot.
I just bought a AR pistol and just shot a wild hog with it. I know it’s on the light side, but I committed to head shots only. Dropped and did not budge at the crack of the pistol. My first pig, and I’ve been trying for three years. But I’m limited to public lands.
Very good handling firearm in the thick stuff and up and down using a climbing tree stand.

Guys, the liberal antis want our freedoms eliminated - big government only will satisfy them. And that means no guns for us. They will not give up.
Don’t be shy, contact your state and Federal representatives.
Some control is not the same as "no guns"...
I've hunted for the last 53 years and I love my rifles but honestly I don't understand what 'assault' rifles have to do with hunting. And no doubt I missed something, but where does anyone say they want to take away your daughters guns or her right to enjoy them? I guess if the age at which one can buy a firearm is raised that will be an inconvenience to her for a few years, but in the meantime, I guess she will just have to use yours.
Compare statistics in Canada to the US regards violent gun deaths. We have to pass a firearms course, and some serious background checks, but after that we are good to go. I want a rifle? Plunk down your PAL (Possession and Acquisition License) give the dealer your money and walk out with your gun. But compare one country to the other re violent gun deaths and there is just no comparison.
Sorry, I'm not drinking the Cool-Aid...

Rick, define "assault rifle" for me. Black? Semi automatic? Picatinny rail?
Also, if a person can vote and go to war and die for me and my country, they should be able to own a firearm. Without a "license"
Some control is not the same as "no guns"...

The liberal antis want virtually no guns. Senator Diane Feinstein “ if I had the votes, Mr & Mrs America turn them in”.
I know what they want.
I don’t need my wife’s permission to buy a gun and she does not need mine.
Concealed Carry in my state require a detailed background check with fingerprints run in AFIS. All FFL legal purchases require a national database check. We need improvements in loading that database.
We have plenty of laws .
Some basic law enforcement protocols seemed to have broken down in south Florida. That will get some working over, I’m sure.

Sorry your Dad felt he had to move, but I’m glad you kept your US citizenship.
Just because I live in Canada does not mean I am not an American. I have a US passport and I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and raised as a Mormon. My dad brought his young family up here in 1960 after his experiences in the military in Korea. He decided that the US was positioning itself to be a world police dog. He did not want us involved in conflicts on foreign sole.
All that aside, I don't think that raising the legal age to purchase firearms will make much difference. I do think that a firearms acquisition license that involves serious background checks (as in Canada) will make a difference. Several individuals including your significant other if you have one, will be phoned and need to unreservedly vouch for you.

My apologies for making a poor assumption on citizenship.

I stand by the rest of my statement however. In the United States gun ownership is a RIGHT and does not have to be earned, although it can certainly be lost. To due what you are suggesting should require a Constitutional Amendment that I do not support.
My apologies for making a poor assumption on citizenship.
I would have made the same incorrect assumption ;) When someone resides in Canada and suggests a system more like Canada's, well...???

All that aside, I don't think that raising the legal age to purchase firearms will make much difference. I do think that a firearms acquisition license that involves serious background checks (as in Canada) will make a difference. Several individuals including your significant other if you have one, will be phoned and need to unreservedly vouch for you.
Shall we apply this same requirement to our First Amendment rights? Freedom of speech and religion? Shall only certain people be allowed to exercise their First Amendment rights once they have had someone vouch for them?
When we start curtailing citizens rights under the second amendment, where does it end? The Second Amendment is THE Pillar that supports our Constitution and Bill of Rights and allows us the freedoms we enjoy in the United States. Is there another country on the globe that enjoys the amount of freedom U.S. citizens have and so often take for granted? And why is that?
If someone is willing and psychologically able to commit horrible acts of violence, such as murder and mass murder, why would anyone think an age restriction or another gun law is going to matter to them in the least?
If someone wants to kill a bunch of innocent people, they can just as easily mow down pedestrians on a crowded sidewalk with their vehicle, and that also happens. Shall we start requiring people to get someone to vouch for them before they can get a drivers license? How many people drive without a license, a suspended license or a revoked license? How many drunk drivers kill people every year?
My apologies for making a poor assumption on citizenship.

I stand by the rest of my statement however. In the United States gun ownership is a RIGHT and does not have to be earned, although it can certainly be lost. To due what you are suggesting should require a Constitutional Amendment that I do not support.
No apologies necessary. You know what they say: if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it must be a duck...
The folks expressing opinions on this forum are not those we as a society need to worry about. But gun violence in the US is completely out of hand, it is getting crazier and crazier, and no one seems to have a solution. The status quo is not working, and I think that every responsible gun owner needs to be part of the solution.
There's a reason U.S. citizens have more freedoms than any other country in the world, the Constitution and specifically the 2nd Amendment. It protects all the others.
No apologies necessary. You know what they say: if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it must be a duck...
The folks expressing opinions on this forum are not those we as a society need to worry about. But gun violence in the US is completely out of hand, it is getting crazier and crazier, and no one seems to have a solution. The status quo is not working, and I think that every responsible gun owner needs to be part of the solution.
Kinda funny, I typed that very thing (walks like a duck) and then deleted it because I wasn’t sure it would come across in the good natured, comedic way I intended it :) But glad to see we share a bit of the same sense of humor (y)
And we also agree that the folks around here are not the problem. I would go on to say that members of the NRA are not the problem either. Same goes for all law abiding citizens who are gun owners. People who are law abiding, responsible citizens collectively are not the problem.
Why do people kill people? Especially innocent people at random? I don’t have an answer. I just know that there is a difference between people who value the sanctity of human life and will never murder anyone no matter what gun laws we have on the books, and those who seem to be wired wrong and don’t have the same morals and values the rest of us do. No gun laws are gonna fix that.
One thing I am pretty sure of though, the anti gun crowd is going to exploit the current climate to its fullest with less thought to finding real solutions and more thought to furthering their agenda.
Also, if a person can vote and go to war and die for me and my country, they should be able to own a firearm. Without a "license"

Amen Brother!! Agree 100%
No apologies necessary. You know what they say: if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it must be a duck...
The folks expressing opinions on this forum are not those we as a society need to worry about. But gun violence in the US is completely out of hand, it is getting crazier and crazier, and no one seems to have a solution. The status quo is not working, and I think that every responsible gun owner needs to be part of the solution.


First let me say that I agree that we all need to be part of the solution, and that we need to continue to deal with the issue, and that these mass incidences are terrible. But.... To say that the gun violence overall is a new issue that has gotten out of hand recently simply isn't true.

So we should keep working to lower the rate by addressing the root of the problem (which in the specific case of mass shootings I strongly believe is one of mental health). Treat the disease, not the symptom.



First let me say that I agree that we all need to be part of the solution, and that we need to continue to deal with the issue, and that these mass incidences are terrible. But.... To say that the gun violence overall is a new issue that has gotten out of hand recently simply isn't true.

So we should keep working to lower the rate by addressing the root of the problem (which in the specific case of mass shootings I strongly believe is one of mental health). Treat the disease, not the symptom.

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Can't argue with the stats.
Can't argue with the stats.

The MSM loves to create hysteria, it's how they both make money and promote an agenda. And man do they love a good mass murder to further the cause! It sickens me....

So generally, just as with hunting and conservation, the daily factoids the other side uses are not often actually based in fact. Just keep telling a lie until even the "other side" takes it as the truth.

Cecil was a cute kitty cat who was lured from the park and brutally murdered and purposely left to die a slow and agonizing death. Or, the NRA doesn't care about children and just wants to make money from their death while sitting idly by as the murder rate rockets up, all due to black assault rifles. The playbook used by the anti <insert whatever it is they are against here> is always the same.
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