Safari Related - Want To Sell My Wedding Photos


AH ambassador
Mar 4, 2015
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Wisconsin, behind the cheddar curtain
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NRA Life Benefactor, Trout Unlimited, Safari Club International
I know what you’re thinking, yes, you want to buy my wedding photos. Totally safari related in that I enjoy safaris and these are my wedding photos. I paid $15,000 for them so I’m selling them for an amazing price of 1/2 of what I paid. Only $7500.

My thoughts are that we can check back on this thread for awhile to see if there are any takers to gauge the customized item resale market. If there aren‘t any interested parties after 2-3 years of TTT reminders, maybe this thread is an analogous to other for-sale items of a similar nature.

Examples include:

-Selling taxidermy for half of what you paid for it. Because everyone wants to enjoy the taxidermy of your hunt for the same discount rate as my wedding photos. Heck, instead of hunting in the future I can just accumulate the same treasured memories by owning your taxidermy at full price.

-Selling custom gun stocks that were to your dimensions and specifications for half of your purchase price.

-Selling your left handed custom rifle with your name engraved on the floor plate that fits your 5‘ frame perfectly for 30% off of your purchase price.

-Selling items you got with your wholesale, guidefitter, or ExpertVoice credentials and then offering them for sale for full MSRP. Because everyone likes to bUy second hand, no warranty Leica, Zeiss, and Swarovski for MSRP.
Helluva a start to the New Year, did you wake up with a raging hang over?
Helluva a start to the New Year, did you wake up with a raging hang over?
Probably some contagion of remorse, related to opportunity cost.
It normally helps to post photos of the photos you are trying to sell if you want to get the best price. Most people want to see what they are buying. Especially if the price seems to be a premium for the subject matter.

No need to worry about unlawful taking of the photos. "Africa Hunting.Com" will be stamped in the corner.
Last ones I saw that sold were to an ex-husband who bought them from his ex-wife. Said they made for some colorful flames in his fireplace.
I know what you’re thinking, yes, you want to buy my wedding photos. Totally safari related in that I enjoy safaris and these are my wedding photos. I paid $15,000 for them so I’m selling them for an amazing price of 1/2 of what I paid. Only $7500.

My thoughts are that we can check back on this thread for awhile to see if there are any takers to gauge the customized item resale market. If there aren‘t any interested parties after 2-3 years of TTT reminders, maybe this thread is an analogous to other for-sale items of a similar nature.

Examples include:

-Selling taxidermy for half of what you paid for it. Because everyone wants to enjoy the taxidermy of your hunt for the same discount rate as my wedding photos. Heck, instead of hunting in the future I can just accumulate the same treasured memories by owning your taxidermy at full price.

-Selling custom gun stocks that were to your dimensions and specifications for half of your purchase price.

-Selling your left handed custom rifle with your name engraved on the floor plate that fits your 5‘ frame perfectly for 30% off of your purchase price.

-Selling items you got with your wholesale, guidefitter, or ExpertVoice credentials and then offering them for sale for full MSRP. Because everyone likes to bUy second hand, no warranty Leica, Zeiss, and Swarovski for MSRP.
I would be open to a trade! I believe I have mine somewhere on that newfangled medium called a VHS
I would be open to a trade! I believe I have mine somewhere on that newfangled medium called a VHS

You really are on a newfangled medium. Ours were upgraded from Super 8 to Betamax.:LOL:
Were these photos taken pre 1964, or post 1964?

I'm asking because if they were taken post 1964 they are pretty much worthless, no matter how nice the shot looks. No one with any sense or understanding of the value of wedding photos will be interested in post 1964 photos, at any price.
Could be a single-shot falling block action.

:E Shrug:

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Could be a single-shot falling block action.

:E Shrug:

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Depends on how quick your trigger breaks.
When I was a mere child of 19, having just returned from a brief honeymoon with my child bride,.. I was working at Boeing in Seattle (1973), and there was a guy I worked with about 10 years older than I.
He asked if I had any naked pictures of my brideo_O, to which I replied somewhat huffily, NO:(. He says to me, "wanna buy some?" LOL.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Depends on how quick your trigger breaks.

One would hope that on a honeymoon the trigger is not yet broken, even if it goes off at the lightest of touch.
So do your photos include any of Francis Macomber, the PH or Mrs Macomber who would have been along on your safari? If so, did you happen to get an autograph of any?

Most days, I‘m Francis in the final scene of that story.
I may be interested in the photos. would you be willing to take partial trade on a drake mallard I mounted when I was 10. It somehow ended up with 2 bills and only 1 eye but other than that it is sweet.

I can envision the quality of your drake mallard mount whereas you clearly cannot envision how ugly I am in a photograph. It wouldn’t be ethical for me to accept your trade, sorry.
One would hope that on a honeymoon the trigger is not yet broken, even if it goes off at the lightest of touch.
I used to work with this old half literate farmer, horseman at the ship yard. He was always doing an Archie Bunker and ruining the English language. He was reading, sort of, Ann Landers column in the paper one day at lunch and says, "why yeah, this guy writes in and says he has premature escalation problems!" We all busted out laughing, he was clueless why. I said dont we all have that problem?!

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gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.