Safari Club International out of controll!!!!


AH fanatic
Jun 17, 2013
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Wallkill, NY
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Life member of DSC, SCI, NRA, Rocky Mt Elk Foundation, American Hunter, Buck Masters & Ruffed Grouse Society
Russia, Argentina, Canada & South Africa
Hello everyone,
I'm new to AH and like what I'm reading.
I notice there is nothing about Safari Club International (SCI) and SCI Outdoors on this forum?????
SCI has started their own Booking Agency to sell hunts for there top tier Outfitters, which is being financed by SCI at a tune of $645,000.00 to there LLC company.
There is a lot to it, but it's a big money maker for the EC of SCI..........
Instead of the money going towards conservation, SCI instead takes the money and puts it in their own pocket.
Venders are boycotting the convetion....

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From what I've read elsewhere the reaction to the announcement was swift and very critical. As such SCI has decided to reconsider, a wise move in my opinion.
Hi Phil,
They won't put it in writing............
As of now it is dead. It was a stupid idea.

Who are the vendors boycotting the convention?

Are you trying to say the Executive Committe members are personally profiting from this venture?
Heard the same Mike, dead issue at this time and hope it stays that way.
I believe it will remain dead. If not there will be hell to pay. It does concern me they could conceive such a hair brain idea and expect it to fly.
Interesting idea to have an organization going into competition with its members and being funded by them to start with.

It might just be an extension of the mind set where Outfitters are required to "donate" and pay for booth space.

Maybe the SCI show is so good you should have to pay a third time. :)
Interesting idea to have an organization going into competition with its members and being funded by them to start with.

It might just be an extension of the mind set where Outfitters are required to "donate" and pay for booth space.

Maybe the SCI show is so good you should have to pay a third time. :)

Just taking their cues from our gov't is all.
As of now it is dead. It was a stupid idea.

Who are the vendors boycotting the convention?

Are you trying to say the Executive Committe members are personally profiting from this venture?
I am one of the venders/ exhibitor, and there is over 100 other venders/exhibitor not including members.
Mike, it does concern you!!!!!
They are using dues and convention money......
Mike, it does concern you!!!!!
They are using dues and convention money......

I think Mike said it DOES concern him. Having known Mike from here and having met him personally, I can assure you he cares deeply about hunting.
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Thanks, Phil. Yes it does concern me, and I thought that was clear, but just in case it was not read on.

If you are truly concerned, email the members of the Executive Committee of SCI. There is no need to be belligerent or rude. We can make our points in a professional manner.

These are their email addresses. All the email addresses worked for me with the exception of one. Some of these guys are retiring on July 1st and some are starting their term on July 1st.

Craig Kauffman:
Larry Higgins:
Bruce Eavenson:
Paul Babaz:
Mike Borel:
Eddie Grasser:
Don Harter:
Joe Hosmer:
Sherry Maddox:
Alan Maki:
John McLaurin:
Sandra Sadler:
Laird Hamberlin:
Richard Parsons:
Veronica Kosich:

Here are some talking points for the email. These are stolen from a buddy who is more eloquent and much smarter than me.

I am extremely unhappy with the decision to form SCI Outdoor, LLC for a variety of reasons. These include but are not limited to the following:
1- SCI was formed as a not for profit corporation . I object to the use of funds raised by the non-profit to organize and , at least initially, fund SCI Outdoors, LLC.
2- I believe that this decision will put SCI in a direct conflict of interest with a major portion of its membership. Specifically, booking agents, outfitters and certain other businesses.
3- I view this action as a slap in the face to a segment of the membership who has been long time SCI supporters. These supporters have brought countless new members to SCI and have donated many millions of dollars to SCI through donated hunts, goods , services, etc. Why would they continue to contribute under these circumstances? I know I would not.
4- SCI Outdoors will be in direct competition with certain segments of its membership. It would be similar to Remington selling guns at the convention directly to consumers while bypassing their retailers. I cannot conceive of forming a business to compete with those who support SCI and without whose support, SCI would fail.
5- SCI will be in a no win situation when inevitable disputes arise between outfitters and clients.
6- This action forces SCI to distinguish between different groups of outfitters all of which are members.
7- This impairs (what is left) of SCI’s credibility. SCI can no longer hold itself out as totally not for profit in its activities when it is actively entered into a for profit business. This in and of itself will weaken the SCI message when SCI now has a profit motivation. How will the “antis” see SCI now that SCI has a profit motivation?
8- This decision is dividing us , as hunters, at a time when we are under attack. We need to band together not take divisive actions. I fear this action will be a crippling blow to SCI who should be the hunter's biggest advocate.
9- SCI is going to find a drastically reduced dollar volume of contributions. I know of a LARGE group, including many big names, who are planning on withdrawing their contributions in the very near future.

This should give you some good ideas to write your letter.

In the end ask them to permanantly disband SCI Outdoors.

I hope this is resolved without a boycott. I believe it will be. However, hopefully everybody remembers the Harrisburg show a couple of years ago when Reed pulled their boneheaded stunt. The boycott hurt a lot of good people including some outfitters on this forum, but was necessary.

Another interesting point was I was in Washington DC for SCI lobby day on May 8th to meet with several elected officials. This was facilitated by SCI.
Lobby Day coincided with the board meeting. While I did not attend the board meeting, not one person I spoke to even mentioned SCI Outdoors. As per SCI it was approved by all 147 board members. As I understand it these board members are chapter officers. It is hard to believe the EC Committee would approve this but even more shocking all the board members voted for it.
SCI has put the suspension notice in writing. The problem is it is a suspension, not a termination coupled with an apology. From the "Hunting Report"

SCI Suspends Booking Agency Launch

(posted June 05, 2014)
Yesterday, The Hunting Report reported that Safari Club International had created its own hunting and adventure travel booking agency to be launched this coming October. As that news bulletin was distributed, SCI's Executive Committee was reviewing whether to continue with those plans, and late yesterday distributed a press release announcing that SCI Outdoors had been suspended pending further review. Here is what the press release says:

Safari Club International created SCI Outdoors in the spring of 2014. SCI Outdoors' goal is to recruit new hunters to the organization from non-traditional, non-endemic markets in the United States and elsewhere. The SCI Executive Committee feels that this new business venture holds strong promise to stimulate new membership in an increasingly difficult market. As a grassroots organization dedicated to hunter advocacy and wildlife conservation, SCI's strength is founded on members, and by increasing membership we increase our effectiveness to represent all hunters.

Over the past few weeks, many SCI members, outfitters, guides, and agents have expressed their interest, vision, frustrations, and excitement for SCI Outdoors. To address all of the input from SCI's members on SCI Outdoors, it has been decided that the program will be suspended indefinitely so that future evaluation and consultation with the members, outfitters, guides, and agents can proceed in a constructive manner over time. We want to ensure that all member's comments and concerns are considered before proceeding further with the program.
Fellow Hunters,

If those SCI types will try this while people are watching them, imagine what they will do when they think nobody is looking.

Velo Dog.
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147 Board members voted for it. Do people read this stuff before they vote on it?
This must have been packaged with incredible skill.
I agree that this is (was?) a very bad idea. In my experience, bad ideas have a way of getting a life of their own in large organizations. The issue with SCI, like any large organization, is not whether bad ideas surface, but how they handle the situation when more level heads (or those who haven't drunk the whisky) point it out. Some will become even more resolute in the face of criticism, while others will stop, look and listen. While I do not support SCI in everything (I am a member though), in this case the pull back - while not permanent yet - was immediate. For that they are to be commended.

Now is the time to point out to SCI that this is not why they were created, not why we support them, and not what we expect them to do with our money. I suggest that doing this in a reasoned, rather than rabid, fashion, is more likely to achieve the results we want. Just a thought.
Hank this reminds me more of folks drinking the magic "Kool-aid".
Well 'm a Brit not an American but I have been following this story on another forum. I was disgusted by the actions of SCI. I do think that it would be a very good ida if many people boycotted their convention even if they have reversed their decision,just to show tem once and for all how stupid their idea was. Teach them a lesson and all that...
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SCIO is officially discontinued and it is in writing. At least they listened to their members. While I strongly disagree with some of SCI's actions I do agree with much of what is written in this letter. We are facing more and more pressure from anti-hunters. If we do not band together and stand our ground on every hunting related issue, whether it impacts us personally or not, we will lose our right to hunt eventually.

June 17, 2014
From: Craig Kauffman, Safari Club President and Your Executive Committee
To: All Safari Club International Board Members
My Fellow Hunters,
Hunters around the world have experienced an unprecedented increase of anti-hunting sentiments through government policies, restrictive laws, verbal assaults, and downright ignorance of our sport. It comes as no surprise to most of you that SCI is facing increasingly well-funded and well-organized opposition.
Just recently the U.S. government banned the importation of elephants from Zimbabwe and Tanzania; U.N. regulations will impact all hunters who travel on airplanes; SCI chapters are fighting HSUS in Michigan to protect their wolf hunt, and SCI is fighting CITES and the ESA to stop the African lion uplisting. Social media websites allow every anti-hunter with a computer to threaten any hunter. Quite simply, it takes revenues far beyond our current capabilities to effectively fight these increasing threats.
SCI's members, chapters, and convention exhibitors have long been SCI's #1 source of revenue for our mission of being First For Hunters. And in recent months, SCI has been exploring many options to expand our revenue streams and membership to tackle the many challenges that lay ahead of us.
Recently, a program branded as SCI Outdoors was initiated to achieve new revenue and new membership growth. SCI Outdoors was to officially launch in October 2014. It was designed to provide hunting, fishing, wing-shooting, and outdoor adventure booking and travel agency services, and eventually hunt tag-application services for members. SCI Outdoors was designed to "open the door" for new members by attending large non-endemic, non-hunting conventions within the U.S. for industries such as medical, dental, and construction professions. The attendees found there have similar professional profile, personal income, and leisure time to enjoy our sport and lifestyle. The intent was to attract to our Club new members, who in-turn would attend the annual SCI Hunters' Convention to visit with all convention exhibitors.
However after extensive communication from current SCI members, exhibitors, guides, and agents, we have reevaluated SCI Outdoors. SCI Outdoors is officially discontinued. We understand and recognize that SCI Outdoors could have caused unintended competition with current booking agents who attend the SCI Hunters' Convention who have been loyal to the organization. We realize that SCI members and chapters have long forged relationships with agents. SCI Outdoors was intended to better foster those relationships rather than compete with those existing friendships.
As a way forward, SCI must understand the needs and priorities of all SCI members. Beginning in July, Safari Club International will prepare a member-wide survey. The survey will focus on 1) How to grow membership and revenues, 2) How to prioritize SCI's mission of First for Hunters, 3) How to improve, identify, and evaluate membership benefits. We look forward to receiving your suggestions and creative thoughts for the future benefit of us all.
We are all committed to the future of our great organization and to the continued freedom of worldwide hunting. We want to see the organization grow, thrive, and succeed because SCI has the responsibility to be "First For All Hunters." We are the strongest, largest, and greatest organization protecting the freedom to hunt. The opposition to hunting is now as fierce as ever. Your personal commitment to Safari Club International is a demonstration of our great and collective strength.
Thank you for your contributions to SCI and we look forward to your participation in the upcoming membership-wide survey. If you have any questions, please contact so they can be addressed.

First For Hunters,
Craig Kauffman - President
Larry Higgins - President-Elect
Paul Babaz - Deputy President Elect
Alan Maki - Secretary
John McLaurin - Treasurer
Bruce Eavenson - Vice President
Eddie Grasser - Vice President
Veronica Kosich - Vice President
Laird Hamberlin - Vice President
Don Harter - Vice President
Sherry Maddox - Vice President
Steve Skold - Vice President
Kirt Fredericks - Alternate

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt