RSA Appeals Court Overturns Regulation on Lion Hunting

Conservation Force

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Jun 23, 2010
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RSA Appeals Court Overturns Regulation on Lion Hunting

The appeals court in South Africa has reversed the lower court decision that had upheld the regulations on lion hunting. The appeals court held that the regulations were irrational thus illegal. The court found that the purpose of the 24-month waiting period against put-and-take hunting

was to provide sufficient time for an intensively managed lion (captivebred, fed, canned) to be re-wilded before being hunted. That was “irrational” because all the expert opinion in the record, including the experts of the captive breeders, was to the effect that once captive bred, lion can never be rewilded or wilded no matter how long the period. That decision invalidates the law, but we wonder about the ultimate outcome. We don’t think the opposition to “canned hunting” of lion in RSA is going to accept this outcome. Even PHASA is opposed to put-andtake hunting of lion. Frankly, although I was an expert witness in the case on an unrelated aspect at the request of PHASA leadership, I did not appreciate the conclusiveness of the opinions from all sides that lion can never be rewilded after being captive bred or intensively managed. I certainly understand why the breeders have not broadcasted that disturbing reality to hunters.

The RSA authorities have to go back to the drawing board or abandon the reform effort. For the time being, the lion will not be subject to any such regulation. The regulation has not been in effect because the regulation was voluntarily suspended already by the RSA authorities. Some think that almost all lion hunting in RSA may ultimately be banned because intensively bred lion can’t be re-wilded. The time period may simply be dropped from the regulation, and the restrictions on the minimum size of the enclosure could remain. That would not eliminate the put-and-take that is believed to be unacceptable. A regulation that knowingly accepts some degree of dependence less than complete re-wilding may be able to pass court review.
I for one think they made the correct decision. I can only hope that those people concerned would focus there efforts on protecting the habitat of wild lions instead of punishing the folks breeding captive lions. Banning Lion breeding for hunting will only be the first step in banning breeding all species of animals for hunting, all hunting behind a fence, or the raising of any animal even for food. Reguardless if you intend to hunt this way or not, eventually this will spread to animals as simple as a cow.
Personally I think a 24 month waiting period might not be such a bad thing but the questions would be can the hunts still be offered at a competitive rate then?

Would it not be a good idea to have a government official with every hunt to ensure that the laws are upheld and that the lion is hunted in a fair chase manner?

There has to be a compromise that will resolve this issue.:doh2:

Best Regards
Louis van Bergen
I think the goverment will never win any case against the breeders they have a lot of money in it and behind them. I would say lets keep it simple. After all it was the animal rights people who started the court cases.

Making sure the client knows he's buying a bred lion proof of that must be submitted and release the lion at least 7 days before the hunt on a track of land with minimum size of 2500 Acres proof of that must be submitted as well then the lion will tottally be drug free and have some time to roam in his new environment and have some game to chase around even if he will not be succesfull.

But I think the most important part is that the client knows hes buying and hunting a bred lion.
I have always maintained that RSA lion hunts are still vital to the over all survival of lion....and keeping the dream of hunting alive. I agree a captive bred lion will probably not act the same as a wild lion. But I think everyone should know that from the onset of the hunt. Hunting lion in RSA is still affordable for a lot of people...and I think if the hunt is done on foot and the right's probably still a exciting hunt. I know many people that dream of hunting lion in RSA....and I never tell them to stop dreaming. I tell them to save and get a deposit ready. I see airfare for South Africa Airlines is fairly cheap right now. Go and get a good hunt.

I always think wild lion conservation is going on...simply because the prices for those hunts are so high....that I think most people would try to conserve them...because one lion...could feed a whole village for a very long time.
A friend just told me that Parliament in RSA has vote for a ban on lion hunting.

Could anybody confirm that ?
Nyati, I am on the look out for new info.
Here attached is a report on the subject of lion hunting in RSA.


  • Mangement-Large-Predators.pdf
    202.8 KB · Views: 411
Thank you Brickburn,

I am concerned, as I had planned a lion hunt for this year, but will have to postpone it for 2012 due to health problems with my wife.
I personally think they are a little goofy! Who decides if these captive raised lions can survive in the wild. There are enough accidents each year with lions killing people because they got to close to them. I sure as heck wouldn't step in thecage or be any where in their sight with out a big enough gun or a barrier fo my protection. Lions have not been bred that long in captive to breed out the instinct of killing. They are carnivores - natural killing machines
Several years ago on a previous safari I visited a White Lion breeding project (NOT albinos) in SA that bred for release in the wild (some may know of the project in the NE of the country). It was interesting to note that the owner's daughter (who was our guide through the compunds, 40 acre fenced paddocks) felt that they never forgot how to hunt and that they were very dangerous even in their project. I could see it if a cub was raised from day one by human hand (see the lions and tigers in Las Vegas Shows?) that they might never "re-wild"
(much like game birds if they are raised as chickens with human interaction every day) but a lion, raised with minimal human intervention (conditioning)? Hmmmmm, I would question that premise. Now, I do think 2500 acres is way too small, even 5000 might be minimal, IMHO, for this activity.
I think it is possible to re wild a lion as long as its raised in its natural environment, given natural food, etc. Norman Carr, who wrote the book 'Return to the wild' managed to hand raise a couple of lion cubs who where called Big boy and Little boy. Their mother was killed by a game scout who was defending himself. In the book is the story of how he managed to raise the cubs and later release them in the wild.
Several years ago on a previous safari I visited a White Lion breeding project (NOT albinos) in SA that bred for release in the wild (some may know of the project in the NE of the country). It was interesting to note that the owner's daughter (who was our guide through the compunds, 40 acre fenced paddocks) felt that they never forgot how to hunt and that they were very dangerous even in their project. I could see it if a cub was raised from day one by human hand (see the lions and tigers in Las Vegas Shows?) that they might never "re-wild"
(much like game birds if they are raised as chickens with human interaction every day) but a lion, raised with minimal human intervention (conditioning)? Hmmmmm, I would question that premise. Now, I do think 2500 acres is way too small, even 5000 might be minimal, IMHO, for this activity.

Was it Mama Tau ?
I just got back a few days ago frim SA and my hunt . we visted Mama Taus and I am not sure but those lions were very tame not in the least bit wild . if thats what they are hunting there is no sport to it . PS I know i am late with the hunt report and it will be up in the next few weeks

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gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.