REPORT: Swift Dip South Africa


AH ambassador
Sep 10, 2009
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Republic of CongoNamibia, Kyrgyzstan(2) South Africa(4) New Zealand Zambia(2)
I hate to start a thread like this , but I'll post the facts and you can go from there. Hunted RSA last May. Trophies were taken to Swift Dip for dip/package and shipping. My taxidermist and PH had worked with them in the past and told me to expect them back to the USA in 6 months or less. I have been in regular contact w/ my taxidermist over the past yr. So far no animals shipped. My PH apparently managed to get a bad case of Malaria and nearly died.
He went by Swift Dip and picked up my animals this week along with another clients from last year. Took them to another company and looks like they should be shipped in the next 2 months. No animals that should of caused a lot of headache. Sable, Kudu, Gemsbuck, Reedbuck, Mtn Reedbuck and Black Wilderbeast.
I have heard secondhand that my PH did not take care of all paperwork and others had to take care of some of it. I have no first hand knowledge of that. I realize that many things can cause delays. My PH picking up the animals tells me he has lost faith in them. It is possible that omissions/mistakes by the PH could of caused some of the initial delays. I would use caution if using Swift Dip. Bruce
I was at Swift Dip two years ago. They were very thorough, everything was done very nice, my capes turned out great...that was from my USA taxidermist. I had CITES permits in place and it was shipped in like 90 days or so. Yes, I thought they were making plenty of money on doing dip and ship. I know Numzaan Safari has most of their stuff done there by clients too.
This story begs you to ask for more details from PH and outfitter! Contact Swift directly and enquire about your stuff. Wonder if PH ever took your hides to them?
Two things I can think could legitimately stall the process for Swift Dip:
1. No PH Register = no export permit.
Which should have arrived with the critters in the first place.

2. TOPS species require an extra permit. Reedbuck and Black Wildebeest for instance.
Which the Outfitter should obtain quickly and have them sent to anyone handling the trophies or indeed accompany the trophies.

This may be another finger pointing exercise. If the PH got sick, his end may not have been completed in a timely fashion.
I know that Swift Dip has had a great reputation. Wasn't sure I should start this thread, but thought some things may of changed there. My taxi here in the states has been looking into a joint venture with my PH. He has good reason to keep the taxi's clients happy. When Christmas came I started to get a bit more concerned about animals. I am thus relatively sure he took the animals to Swift. I also just saw the paperwork showing that another company will be shipping them to the USA in about 2 months.
The whole point is to use a bit of caution and perhaps start to ask questions A bit sooner than what I did. Swift Dip may be the best thing since sliced bread..... I don't know. Maybe things have changed RECENTLY for the worse. Bruce
The whole point is to use a bit of caution and perhaps start to ask questions A bit sooner than what I did.

This is just great advice in general. Since it doesn't sound like Swift has been directly talked to it is hard to say whether the issue was truly on their end, or caused by the PH.

Frequent follow up is smart, or of you don't want to rake the time and effort this is what SSI does for a living. I've actually kind of done both. Im using SSI, but have also kept in close contact with my taxidermist and asked for, and recieved, pictures along the way.

This followup has definitely saved me major heartache.... I shot a less than once in a lifetime Zebra - no shadow stripes, very unusual pattern on the back, and the stripes don't align on one side as the Zebra survived a serious lion attack. When the Zebra arrived back from the tannery and I was sent a picture it was NOT my Zebra in the picture..... Tags had been switched at the tannery.... I was beyond fortunate and my Zebra was there and could be identified due to my pictures. If I had just waited for my zebra to come home I would have never seen it again.

I know the issue in this thread is with dip and pack only, but the thoughts are the same.
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You are right Bruce, asking questions a little sooner might have helped speed the process or raise the alarm so you could act. Good heads up. It is always better to know what is involved so you can act. (for us control freaks)
I really think you pick the right place to do the dip/pack or mount trophies it goes very easy. I have used two taxidermist in SA and both answered emails and questions in a timely manner. Paul at relive goes out of his way to keep you in the loop if you ask for the info you want.
To many guys just don't keep up to date and get the big shock later of things gone wrong. Just never understood why everyone makes all the plans for the hunt but then never stays in touch with the people doing the end work of the trip. I used coppersmith to handle my trophies when they got here in the states but never found a need for a middleman to handle getting me info from the taxidermist.

Bruce I hope everything gets handled and your happy in the end. Hope to see pictures of the mounts when there done.
I used Swift Dip two years ago and the had the dip and pack done in 60 days! It was the best service I've had out of 9 safaris, prompt replies from emails, so unless things have changed drastically I suspect some failure from your outfitter. I am currently having problems getting any response from Images Of Africa on a baboon that Paw Print took there Aug. 1. they just ignore any email.
Thank you Royal.....Our process is designed to avoid this very thing from happening. Ideally, all is set up BEFORE the hunter leaves so that all involved are on notice and we followup frequently to make sure things everyone stays on track. We care for the trophies as if they were our own so if we don't keep after them no one will. You have to remember, most dip/packers/taxidermists abroad have their hands full with orders and rare is the occasion when you find one that will be attentive enough to not let something like this happen. Our proactive approach avoids situations like this when we are in control from day one.
.............. I am currently having problems getting any response from Images Of Africa on a baboon that Paw Print took there Aug. 1. they just ignore any email.

There is one to ask Pieter about!
My last two trips in 2013 and2015 I used swift dip and per my USA taxidermist they do excellent work and my communications with them have been great. I planned on using them again for my upcoming trip in 2017 so I will be paying close attention to this thread and will make sure that I make some further inquires before committing to using them again.
There is one to ask Pieter about!

Have already been working on this with Pieter. The shipper has been told he should be getting it soon to go out. Not sure what happened but trying to get it all taken care of asap.
There is one to ask Pieter about!
Yes Bill has been in contact with Pieter and is trying to get it straightened out which I appreciate.
That is the sign of a good Outfitter. Job's not done until the trophies are home.
Hunted in south Africa in the first week of June 2015 everything went to swift dip. Was shipped out by safari cargo systems. Swift dip did an outstanding job. We took 13 animals . They were sitting on my floor here in USA by the October 3 rd. 2015
When I used Swift Dip they said 60 day turn around after they have been paid, so if the PH didn't give them your info for contact they wouldn't start until they had been paid.
Jeff, there is a good chance that you are right. The part that bugs me is my PH picking up my animals and taking them elsewhere.......... To me that indicates he has lost confidence in them. I just want my animals and had hoped to help someone else avoid difficulties.... Bruce
Bruce it could be the dip/pack place dropped the ball or your ph picked them up to cover his own backside. Him using someone else at this point could be so you don't hear the whole story on what happened.

Either way it looks like he is trying to do right and get your stuff to you. It is up to you if you want more answers from the first dip/pack place which if you do I would make contact with them direct to find out there side.
I've never had a company start my dip and pack before they were paid so that's why you need to contact them as soon as possible to get the ball rolling.

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.