Ordering The Vegetarian Meal? There’s More Animal Blood On Your Hands


AH fanatic
Dec 18, 2015
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The ethics of eating red meat have been grilled recently by critics who question its consequences for environmental health and animal welfare. But if you want to minimise animal suffering and promote more sustainable agriculture, adopting a vegetarian diet might be the worst possible thing you could do.

Renowned ethicist Peter Singer says if there is a range of ways of feeding ourselves, we should choose the way that causes the least unnecessary harm to animals. Most animal rights advocates say this means we should eat plants rather than animals.

It takes somewhere between two to ten kilos of plants, depending on the type of plants involved, to produce one kilo of animal. Given the limited amount of productive land in the world, it would seem to some to make more sense to focus our culinary attentions on plants, because we would arguably get more energy per hectare for human consumption. Theoretically this should also mean fewer sentient animals would be killed to feed the ravenous appetites of ever more humans.

But before scratching rangelands-produced red meat off the “good to eat” list for ethical or environmental reasons, let’s test these presumptions.

Published figures suggest that, in Australia, producing wheat and other grains results in:

  • at least 25 times more sentient animals being killed per kilogram of useable protein
  • more environmental damage, and
  • a great deal more animal cruelty than does farming red meat.
How is this possible?

Agriculture to produce wheat, rice and pulses requires clear-felling native vegetation. That act alone results in the deaths of thousands of Australian animals and plants per hectare. Since Europeans arrived on this continent we have lost more than half of Australia’s unique native vegetation, mostly to increase production of monocultures of introduced species for human consumption.

Most of Australia’s arable land is already in use. If more Australians want their nutritional needs to be met by plants, our arable land will need to be even more intensely farmed. This will require a net increase in the use of fertilisers, herbicides, pesticides and other threats to biodiversity and environmental health. Or, if existing laws are changed, more native vegetation could be cleared for agriculture (an area the size of Victoria plus Tasmania would be needed to produce the additional amount of plant-based food required).

Most cattle slaughtered in Australia feed solely on pasture. This is usually rangelands, which constitute about 70% of the continent.

Grazing occurs on primarily native ecosystems. These have and maintain far higher levels of native biodiversity than croplands. The rangelands can’t be used to produce crops, so production of meat here doesn’t limit production of plant foods. Grazing is the only way humans can get substantial nutrients from 70% of the continent.

In some cases rangelands have been substantially altered to increase the percentage of stock-friendly plants. Grazing can also cause significant damage such as soil loss and erosion. But it doesn’t result in the native ecosystem “blitzkrieg” required to grow crops.

This environmental damage is causing some well-known environmentalists to question their own preconceptions. British environmental advocate George Monbiot, for example, publically converted from vegan to omnivore after reading Simon Fairlie’s exposeabout meat’s sustainability. And environmental activist Lierre Keith documented the awesome damage to global environments involved in producing plant foods for human consumption.

In Australia we can also meet part of our protein needs using sustainably wild-harvested kangaroo meat. Unlike introduced meat animals, they don’t damage native biodiversity. They are soft-footed, low methane-producing and have relatively low water requirements. They also produce an exceptionally healthy low-fat meat.

In Australia 70% of the beef produced for human consumption comes from animals raised on grazing lands with very little or no grain supplements. At any time, only 2% of Australia’s national herd of cattle are eating grains in feed lots; the other 98% are raised on and feeding on grass. Two-thirds of cattle slaughtered in Australia feed solely on pasture.

To produce protein from grazing beef, cattle are killed. One death delivers (on average, across Australia’s grazing lands) a carcass of about 288 kilograms. This is approximately 68% boneless meat which, at 23% protein equals 45kg of protein per animal killed. This means 2.2 animals killed for each 100kg of useable animal protein produced.

Producing protein from wheat means ploughing pasture land and planting it with seed. Anyone who has sat on a ploughing tractor knows the predatory birds that follow you all day are not there because they have nothing better to do. Ploughing and harvesting kill small mammals, snakes, lizards and other animals in vast numbers. In addition, millions of mice are poisoned in grain storage facilities every year.

However, the largest and best-researched loss of sentient life is the poisoning of mice during plagues.

Each area of grain production in Australia has a mouse plague on average every four years, with 500-1000 mice per hectare. Poisoning kills at least 80% of the mice.

At least 100 mice are killed per hectare per year (500/4 × 0.8) to grow grain. Average yields are about 1.4 tonnes of wheat/hectare; 13% of the wheat is useable protein. Therefore, at least 55 sentient animals die to produce 100kg of useable plant protein: 25 times more than for the same amount of rangelands beef.

Some of this grain is used to “finish” beef cattle in feed lots (some is food for dairy cattle, pigs and poultry), but it is still the case that many more sentient lives are sacrificed to produce useable protein from grains than from rangelands cattle.

There is a further issue to consider here: the question of sentience – the capacity to feel, perceive or be conscious.

You might not think the billions of insects and spiders killed by grain production are sentient, though they perceive and respond to the world around them. You may dismiss snakes and lizards as cold-blooded creatures incapable of sentience, though they form pair bonds and care for their young. But what about mice?

Mice are far more sentient than we thought. They sing complex, personalised love songs to each other that get more complex over time. Singing of any kind is a rare behaviour among mammals, previously known only to occur in whales, bats and humans.

Girl mice, like swooning human teenagers, try to get close to a skilled crooner. Now researchers are trying to determine whether song innovations are genetically programmed or or whether mice learn to vary their songs as they mature.

Baby mice left in the nest sing to their mothers — a kind of crying song to call them back. For every female killed by the poisons we administer, on average five to six totally dependent baby mice will, despite singing their hearts out to call their mothers back home, inevitably die of starvation, dehydration or predation.

When cattle, kangaroos and other meat animals are harvested they are killed instantly. Mice die a slow and very painful death from poisons. From a welfare point of view, these methods are among the least acceptable modes of killing. Although joeys are sometimes killed or left to fend for themselves, only 30% of kangaroos shot are females, only some of which will have young (the industry’s code of practice says shooters should avoid shooting females with dependent young). However, many times this number of dependent baby mice are left to die when we deliberately poison their mothers by the millions.

Replacing red meat with grain products leads to many more sentient animal deaths, far greater animal suffering and significantly more environmental degradation. Protein obtained from grazing livestock costs far fewer lives per kilogram: it is a more humane, ethical and environmentally-friendly dietary option.

So, what does a hungry human do? Our teeth and digestive system are adapted for omnivory. But we are now challenged to think about philosophical issues. We worry about the ethics involved in killing grazing animals and wonder if there are other more humane ways of obtaining adequate nutrients.

Relying on grains and pulses brings destruction of native ecosystems, significant threats to native species and at least 25 times more deaths of sentient animals per kilogram of food. Most of these animals sing love songs to each other, until we inhumanely mass-slaughter them.

Former Justice of the High Court, the Hon. Michael Kirby, wrote that:

“In our shared sentience, human beings are intimately connected with other animals. Endowed with reason and speech, we are uniquely empowered to make ethical decisions and to unite for social change on behalf of others that have no voice. Exploited animals cannot protest about their treatment or demand a better life. They are entirely at our mercy. So every decision of animal welfare, whether in Parliament or the supermarket, presents us with a profound test of moral character”.

We now know the mice have a voice, but we haven’t been listening.

The challenge for the ethical eater is to choose the diet that causes the least deaths and environmental damage. There would appear to be far more ethical support for an omnivorous diet that includes rangeland-grown red meat and even more support for one that includes sustainably wild-harvested kangaroo.

Thanks to many colleagues including Rosie Cooney, Peter Ampt, Grahame Webb, Bob Beale, Gordon Grigg, John Kelly, Suzanne Hand, Greg Miles, Alex Baumber, George Wilson, Peter Banks, Michael Cermak, Barry Cohen, Dan Lunney, Ernie Lundelius Jr and anonymous referees of the Australian Zoologist paper who provided helpful critiques.

Source: https://theconversation.com/ordering-the-vegetarian-meal-theres-more-animal-blood-on-your-hands-4659
Further proof, if any was needed, that there's no free lunch (!).
I’m a hunter, and a meat eater. And I’m fine with both. Both just as hunters shouldn’t give unnecessary aid and comfort to those who would ban our sport, you have to think that those who are in any animal related industry shouldn’t either.

One of the first things I learned as a hunter was that you practice, and practice, and then practice some more. Then you learn about firearms, about ballistics, and about the anatomy of animals. To what end? To make sure that no animal suffers needlessly at your hands. I can’t say that every shot I’ve taken has had the desired result of an instant kill, but I can say that I’ve always tried my best to have that be the outcome.

When I see actions like those demonstrated on this video, yes, I take some of it with a grain of salt, but much of it can’t be explained or excused. It’s just wrong to treat animals that way, and doing so is giving aid and comfort to the animal rights activists. Frankly, I would think that every ethical hunter would share the view that these actions are unacceptable.

Where we differ is in our response. I believe it’s possible to eat meat and cheese which have been produced in an ethical manner. So becoming a vegan is not the only alternative, or even the best one. What is an alternative is to have the law come down hard on those who engage in these activities. And if that means that you will have an inspector or two stationed full time at your premises, and that will increase your costs, well, you should have thought of that before you decided it was OK to treat animals in this way.
The article posted by NamStay enforces what I have been arguing for quite some time which is that vegans/vegetarians who adopt their dietary regimes based solely on the moral high ground of the "animal cruelty" aspect of eating animals are, in fact, the ultimate hypocrites themselves.

If you have ever had the pleasure of engaging in conversation with any of these V-folk as I have on several occasions, you can quickly expose them for the ignorant double standard and hypocrisy by which they base a lifestyle upon. It appears that they only have compassion for the cute, cuddly, animals with sad eyes that are commonly depicted in the anti's propaganda videos. They are either ignorant or indifferent to the multitude of the less appealing creatures that are slaughtered wholesale in the production of commercial agriculture across this planet on a daily basis. So the lesson is that if you are a baby fur seal or a bunny, you have a voice, but if you are a snake or a field mouse, your in the blind spot of the bleeding heart V-folk.

As far as the video posted by Foxi, that is one of the anti's propaganda videos that I referenced. Take it for what it's worth... Some admittedly disturbing footage cherry picked out of context for the purpose of shock. I cannot condone or explain some of the acts that the video depicts. But, I have spent several summers in my youth employed on a working cattle ranch, and I can tell you that domestic livestock and especially cattle, are pretty tough animals... I never had the occasion to punch or kick an animal as depicted, mostly because the electric cattle prod was much more effective. The reality is that stock animals are often handled roughly. We rope cattle by the neck, throw them to the ground and brand their hide with a red-hot iron. Steers are created by field castration... There are many examples of what the anti's would describe as animal cruelty that to me is just ranching. From my experiences, these animals are durable, hearty stock that are no worse for the wear as a result of any common handling practices. It's all in the perspective I suppose...

Not to get too far off track from the OP's article, the point here is that no human being that exists in modern society can truly claim to live a life free of animal protein or animal products in some form or another. Unless you live completely off the grid in a cave, foraging roots, berries, and grasses from the earth, and clothing yourself in plant fibers woven from nature, your existence is dependent on the lives of other animals either directly or indirectly.... Every single sign-holding, bleeding heart protester that drives their "green" car to an anti-hunting rally is a hypocrite. PERIOD.
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My food poo poos on their food..... :p:ROFLMAO:
After reading this article I had to evaluate my own diet. I am a vegetarian that also enjoys bow, rifle and shotgun hunting. I would typically give the meat to friends after the harvest or donate to the local food bank. To be clear, nothing went to waste despite my vegetarianism. Believe I will make the transition to 90% vegetarian and 10% lean game meat, poultry, fish and very occasional red meat. Thanks for the article.
In regards to the diary and meat industry do you really trust what PETA or some other animal rights group says about these industries to be entirely true ? They put out a lot of lies and cherry pick what they show to suit their agenda. Its the same thing with slaughter houses. Most people who work in slaughter houses don't torture animals before killing them but do it in a humane and professional manner. Now you may get a sadist who ends up working in a slaughter house and who derives pleasure from torturing the animals to be slaughtered but generally speaking those people don't last long- as that is not your job nor is it in most cases viewed as an acceptable thing to do.

Another claim these vegan zealots make is that cancer and cardiovascular disease are "carnivorous diseases" and that humans who eat meat are dropping dead from cancer and heart disease like flies. Yet this study is rather interesting https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3195409/

"In Sweden, a significantly lower cancer incidence among Sami men has been observed (2325)."

"In Sweden, the lowest cancer incidence has been observed among reindeer-herding Sami men, and the highest among non-reindeer-herding Sami women (25)."

There are only small differences between the Sami and other Swedes regarding the risk to develop cardiovascular diseases (16, 32). In both Swedish and Norwegian studies, it has been found that the reindeer-herding Sami show lower incidences of cardiovascular diseases than other Sami (16, 33).

The reindeer herding Saami have a very low carb diet (like 15% of their diet comes from carbs). It is a very meat high diet. The non-reindeer herding Saami have a diet and lifestyle that is pretty similar to other Swedes.
To be clear, I have no issue with anyone choosing a vegan or vegetarian diet for any number of rational reasons provided that one of those reasons is not the bull$hit "cruelty to animals" narrative.

Like I mentioned, unless you are living of the grid in the bushes foraging 100% wild, there is no possible way to exist completely free of animal product in some form.... Not too long ago, I had a short conversation at a gas pump with one of these loons who claimed to be a strict vegan. She was telling me that she grows her own vegetables in her own garden without pesticides and therefore insisted she had no blood on her hands from agricultural by-kill. All the while, she is pumping 10% ethanol into her hybrid. You should have seen the look on her face when I explained to her that the ethanol she is pumping is made from commercially harvested corn, and millions of small creatures gave their lives for her to drive around in her "green" car to afford her the luxury of espousing her hypocrisy.
Regarding hybrids, if you use electricity you are still likely using pettoleum to generate the electricity? If you are, as electricity travels over distance I believe efficiency is decreased? Has been awhile since college physics.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID