One Of The Most Hardcore Cape Buffalo Hunts Available

KMG Hunting Safaris

Since 2013
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Jul 9, 2010
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Eastern Cape, South Africa
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DSC Life Member ; Eastern Cape Game Management Association ; PE Pistol and Rifle Club
South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, New Zealand, USA, Canada
11 Nights with 10 Full Hunting Days for 2 hunters, hunting 1x1. Offer is only valid for 2015.

1x Cape Buffalo

Second hunter has choice to hunt plains game with his own PH or accompany other hunter.

$13,000 total.( Day Fees for both hunters and Trophy Fee included.)

Hunter needs to be relatively fit. You will see plenty of Buffalo. The Herd is between 70-100 strong with quite a few hard bossed bulls around. No guarantees that you will get a Cape Buffalo. This is not a project bull or pen hunt, but a Cape Buffalo hunt that will match anything that Africa has to offer. Terrain is mountainous, with thick vegetation. Hunting method will be walk and stalk and tracking on foot.
Last hunter, took his bull one hour before dark on day 8. (Final Day)

I would advise anyone interested, to look at using a .375, and be relatively comfortable out to 180yds. This is about the distance between the valley faces. Shot will either be across the valley, or really, really close range.

Cape Buffalo Trophy Fee - $10,000. ( Refundable if not taken.)

Hunters may add game at trophy price list rate found here:

Outfitter: Marius Goosen T/A KMG Hunting Safaris
Outfitter number: HC 04/2013 EC
PH Number: PH 16/2013 EC
Area : Eastern Cape

The following are included in your Safari:
All accommodation, food and beverages
Trophy Fees
Daily Laundry
Services of a licensed professional hunter, tracker and ground staff
Transport to and from the airport as well as all ground transport for the duration of the Safari
Field preparation of trophies and forwarding them to a taxidermist or shipping agent of your choice.
14% Government Tax on Day Fees

The following are excluded in your Safari:
Dipping, packaging or any processing of trophies
Shipping charges for your trophies to your own country
All International and Domestic flights
Accommodation before and after safari dates

Best Regards and take care,
Marius Goosen

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Marius, why do you do this to me, you know I want to hunt buffalo in the worst way!
Knowing your luck, the buff will be sleeping under the first tree! Never in my life met a hunter with your luck... :)
I know you are returning next year, but this one has to be done in 2015 buddy.
Very nice deal Marius..Exactly what I was looking for....
This sounds like a really fantastic hunt! If you want you us back after next year....
not many replies marius i am wondering if you made it sound too hard and difficult..........;):E Big Grin:

Marius had me at "it's a $3k buff hunt if you don't get one!" That's a steal right there, especially amongst two!
How big is the area and is it fenced?
Hi Thor,
the area is about 12,000 acres and is fenced yes. It's about the terrain and vegetation what makes it such a challenging hunt. I have hunted Buffalo in the Limpopo,and still do. It's just this specific area that lend itself to a very challenging experience. The bottom photo is a photo of the area that you will encounter.

It's this:

vs this:

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Wow that is beautiful country and looks like a scary place to follow a wounded daggaboy.
Marius, that's looks very green but after two or three months it will be more dry and easy down there, right ? Where in EC is the hunt ?
Gordon, it is still very green. We also had a big rain a couple of days ago, so that will carry the veld for another month at least. Winter will help without a doubt. Visibility will be slightly better, but what will help the most will be the animals sunning themselves after a cold night. At this stage they feed and drink the entire night, so their movement is very little during the day. They will move around more during the day during winter for sure. Its situated close to Jacques Greef. Between Grahamstown and Fort Beaufort.
Typing off my phone , on our way back from checking baits.
Thanks for the information Marius. Can you please clarify the price : $13.000 for two hunters incl. 1 bull, if not any buff is taken you will refund $10.000 ? If that's the offer it's a hell of a good price for a father/son hunt and the son can take some PG after the price list...

It's not easy to find prices like this down in EC as long the game breeders pushing up the auction prices, this will be sold in a couple of days !

Best, G
Since I m a novice ( but not for long) on African hunting, am I to assume the cape buffalo on the eastern cape and limpopo are put there from game breeders? If so I would have to assume they are still very dangerous animals regardless.
Depends Johnnyblues, some fenced farms have running buffalo for many years, they only put in some new blood to keep everything healthy, those animals is mostly wild and that's it.

Then you have some farms that buy a couple of "hard bossed" bulls 7-8 years old, keep them on a boma and then released to get shoot in a short period.. This buffalo never get really interesting to hunt, it's like put and take... I feel that those buffalo that are hold in a boma getting a bit unpredictable because they lost the respect to people, same as the lions.

But to hunting on a farm that have some thick vegetation and not too flat and offer +3000 ha there is not much different in the way and feeling of the hunting compare to a open non fenced area, except from one thing and that's the "unexpected" huge bull that you sometimes find in open concessions, if a fenced farm in RSA have a bull over 42" it will most probably be darted and sold on a auction !
Interesting...Buffalo is on my hit list in probably 2 years. Either buff or lion. I know for sure I can't afford a true fair chase lion hunt in the wild, but as we have seen from what happened to Reinhart they are never the less very dangerous fence or no fence. I guess if I had to ask one question while trying to find a buff hunt it may have to be were they born there or put there? Do you agree? And again unfortunately most of the true fair chase buff hunts are a little out of my budget. Not getting any younger and wanting to do these hunts in the next several years.
I would not necessarily say that, but a bull need at least a year on a farm to start to behave normal, also it's important that the farmer do not keep them in boma more than 4-5 days, just to come down after the transport.

Marius property looks like a nice place for a good experience, not too easy..

Furthermore I fully agree with you that a 80.000 dollar free range lion in Zim is not really worth that money when you can take the same or even better cat I RSA for 25'
Here is a picture of one of the last buffalo hunting in that area before they where reintroduced.

I am not sure when the photo was taken but it was quite some time ago.


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I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg
cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's