NRA: Does anyone on AH know what is REALLY going on?


AH fanatic
Apr 6, 2009
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Southern Wisconsin, USA
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SCI Badgerland Chapter, NRA, Local Sportsmen's Club
South Africa, Tanzania

The link above is just one of a recent string of articles about financial issues, infighting and fiscal waste within the NRA. Since there are a lot of members of this forum that are also long-term NRA members (like me), I thought I should ask if anyone has real insight into what is up.

Personally, I've always been suspicious of NRA spending and fund raising. I seem to get one funds request by mail or email from them each week. I also start getting "your membership is expiring" within 2-3 months of paying my dues.

Now the allegations of board members profiting and executive leadership are starting to worry me.

I'd like to know what is true and what is not.

PS: I tried to search out any other posts before starting this thread. If someone else has a similar thread, please point me in that direction. Thanks.

Have no idea.....but like you I get the frequent requests to help the cause. This happens via email weekly and snail mail at least once a month.
Dont know much about the ongoing legal battles between the NRA and Ackerman McQueen...

But I do know that DSC has a pretty close relationship with Ackerman McQueen.. and uses them extensively to produce informational videos, marketing materials, and other things..

It will be interesting to see how things shake out between AMc and the NRA.. a 40 year relationship going into the toilet and multiple lawsuits being filed is certainly not an indicator of good things to come..
Agree with @browningbbr and @CAustin. For about six months now I have received a letter from them begging for money and wanting to give a knife, jacket, pack, gun or something every damn week! Two days ago, I sent an email to the main address telling them to stop sending me that BS! I advised them not to contact me again until early November, to remind me that my membership dues are about due (one year ahead of time). As of yesterday I received an email back stating that they would stop. We will see.

This is all related to their stopping or reducing their live TV broadcast, which I have never received anyway. I am fully aware that they have many problems and are attacked on all fronts. They need to pick their fights for one and get ride of LaPierre. He has been there about 25 years!
I have been a life member for many years and I get mail of some kind at least once a week asking for donations or to upgrade my membership. I became a lifer so I wouldn't be harassed about renewing or upgrading. I'm not familiar with the legal troubles. This thread is the first I've heard but bears watching. Regardless, I give nothing to no one for anything. Too much of it goes into bureaucrats' pockets and not enough to what it's supposed to do.

I do believe they are doing a good job with a lot of the firearms education programs and hunter safety courses. I have noticed a shift into more political arenas lately which kind of contradicts their 2A defense and that is rather disturbing. I think they should concentrate on the 2A and back off on the politics.
Same as all of you. I donate yearly to Friends of NRA local banquet. Newboomer, I’m going to have to try the email thing. I have been a life member a long with a couple of so called upgrades for many years, but getting the emails and snail mail weekly from the NRA, political fund and NRA ILA has to cost them a lot more than I have donated.
They are constainly using scare tactics which really turn me off. Granted the democrats would love nothing more than to get rid of the NRA and guns and someone has to fight fire with fire, but there needs to be a better way. JMO
Thanks all. My "gut" tells me that it's time for a house cleaning (executives and board) because NRA has become a big cow and many are milking it. However, gut feelings are not facts. I will continue to watch for information.
Well they just fired their chief Lobbyist, Chris Cox. And yes I know was a resignation, but they suspended him last week. Also in other news they have shut down NRA TV. I think it's past time for Wayne to go.
Well they just fired their chief Lobbyist, Chris Cox. And yes I know was a resignation, but they suspended him last week. Also in other news they have shut down NRA TV. I think it's past time for Wayne to go.
I believe this is good news! Agree fully that Wayne has overstayed his welcome...about 25 years! I have no feelings about NRA TV one way or the other since I have never seen it. But @Ridgewalker is correct that at least for the past months they have resorted to scare tactics with each piece of junk mail they have sent me!!!
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Well they just fired their chief Lobbyist, Chris Cox. And yes I know was a resignation, but they suspended him last week. Also in other news they have shut down NRA TV. I think it's past time for Wayne to go.
I believe this is good news! Agree fully that Wayne has overstayed his welcome...about 25 years! I have no feelings about NRA TV one way or the other since I have never seen it. But @Ridgewalker is correct that at least for the past months they have resorted to scare tactics with each piece of junk mail they have sent me!!!
some there have lived high on the hog for too many years.
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I totally agree with the need for a good "house-cleaning." Lots of guys have to wear suits to work every day and I venture to say that applies to more than one or two AH members as well. But if the allegations made about Wayne having 250K (for clothing) and another 250K (for a European vacation) run through Ackerman McQueen are true, there needs to be restitution and a departure. I'm withholding all donations/contributions till this mess gets sorted out.
I've been a life member for as long as I can remember, and I think the NRA definitely does some good because they are such a powerful lobby.. But some house cleaning is long overdue, starting at the top!

And I sure didn't like their stance on bumpstocks, when Trump mentioned banning them they (NRA) jumped right on board.. I'm a Trump supporter (although he's not near as conservative as I'd prefer) but his use of Executive powers on the bump stocks could lead to major overreach in the future. I don't like bump stocks, think they're a gimmick good for only wasting ammo, but I dislike the government telling what I can own not own even less.. And now Trump says he doesn't like suppressors, we'll see what the NRA's stance is on that.
I've been a life member for as long as I can remember, and I think the NRA definitely does some good because they are such a powerful lobby.. But some house cleaning is long overdue, starting at the top!

And I sure didn't like their stance on bumpstocks, when Trump mentioned banning them they (NRA) jumped right on board.. I'm a Trump supporter (although he's not near as conservative as I'd prefer) but his use of Executive powers on the bump stocks could lead to major overreach in the future. I don't like bump stocks, think they're a gimmick good for only wasting ammo, but I dislike the government telling what I can own not own even less.. And now Trump says he doesn't like suppressors, we'll see what the NRA's stance is on that.

When the NRA took their stance on suppressors years ago... I stopped giving to them. They turned their back on me so I chose to no longer support them.

They love scare tactics and I don't agree with that either.
I think a few at the top have been in a position of power too long and have lost sight of the original mission. They each seem to have their own agenda and resent any new people with fresh ideas in a position of authority ie; the flap with Ollie North. I do believe a thorough housecleaning is in order. There are plenty of qualified board members who can step in and right the ship. Something has to be done or a great organization is in danger of failing which the antis and looney lefties are fervently praying for. Should that happen we can say goodby to our 2A rights as if they aren't already in jeopardy.
I personally felt the NRA was getting too deeply into political issues that were not core business of the NRA when I was a member, having a hood grounding in what the NRA was even back as a youth in the 1970's (when we earned metal things to wear especially on our scouting uniforms as we progressed through pro-marksman, marksman, marksman first class, sharpshooter, then the eight bars of sharpshooter instead of todays sew-on cloth patches). I discussed this one on one with my NRA instructor for handgun classes last year and he claimed he never saw any of NRA getting away from their historic core mission, including at NRA conventions. Sometimes being too close to a problem hinders having vision wide enough to see it. But for me, the NRA stopped earning my support long ago. It's good to know I'm not the only one although even if I was, that's never really bothered me.

My wife & I are scuba divers and we saw similar things happen in the non-profit Divers Alert Network (DAN) some years ago, and that organization has never been the same since. We've only used them for our diving insurance provider since then.
It's the same with AARP always wanting you to renew your membership. Wonder how many old people just send them a check. I just let them all expire then let them beg me for a few weeks then renew. Sometimes you get a free gift. All these lobby's are a self-serving entity but if you don't belong to them you don't have much political say in this country.
I have been a life member for many years and I get mail of some kind at least once a week asking for donations or to upgrade my membership. I became a lifer so I wouldn't be harassed about renewing or upgrading. I'm not familiar with the legal troubles. This thread is the first I've heard but bears watching. Regardless, I give nothing to no one for anything. Too much of it goes into bureaucrats' pockets and not enough to what it's supposed to do.

I do believe they are doing a good job with a lot of the firearms education programs and hunter safety courses. I have noticed a shift into more political arenas lately which kind of contradicts their 2A defense and that is rather disturbing. I think they should concentrate on the 2A and back off on the politics.
Right now their is a fight for the heart and soul of the NRA. It started when Bush sr was in office. He signed an executive order to limit the importation of barrels. This was to stem the tide of surplus AK-47 parts kits into the United States. Former comblok countries were stripping the FA fire components out of there surplus rifles and dumping them at just above scrap prices to save the expense of guarding them.
The NRA was opposed to this, said it would stop the imports, but it would hurt collectors of rare and obscure firearms.
The NRA was right. The kits were imported, with domestically produced barrels made in the US. There wasn’t enough demand for the collectors of rare and obscure firearms.
The NRA downgraded Bush sr nra grade. Bush sr supposedly cut up his life member card in response. He lost the election, Clinton signed the AWB, lost congress for the first time in modern history to the republicans.
Wayne was to told to cut ties with the current marketing firm over accounting irregularities. Wayne refused, a power struggle ensured, Wayne won.
The NRA... changed under Wayne. They tried to be liked instead of feared. They seem to be worried about raising money than defending the second amendment. Constitutional carry was never seriously taken up, the hearing protection act was never pushed through.

Las Vegas happened, bumpstocks got banned with nothing gained in return.
Parkland happened, Marion Hammer pushes through raising the age on purchasing a rifle. Red flag laws were pushed by the NRA. Red flag laws sound great until you realize the burden of proof is now on the accused, and firearms are seized without the accused having any representation. Your firearms sit in an evidence locker for months, maybe years while the case winds through the courts. Imagine your bespoke safari rifle rusting away in a pile while your suit to get your firearms back winds it’s way through civil court. All because a neighbor or coworker made an anonymous accusation because they don’t like that you trophy hunt.

Right now the bloodletting at the NRA is in full swing. Lots of money has been spent on questionable things. The NRA and it’s matrketing firm are sueing each other. Half the board members are working for the marketing firm, and voting to give themselves huge salaries via them to do their job at the NRA.

The big names on the board of the NRA? Most attend less than 1 meeting a year.
Well, like it or not, defending the 2nd Amendment IS a political issue being fought on the political battlefield. That's not my beef with the NRA. In the swamp things are slimy and long ago I noticed the execs playing footsy a little too tight and triangulating a little too close with the likes of ex-Sen Harry Reid. And yes, Chris Cox in particular gone.... way past due, IMO. The rest of the stuff I hear- dunno?
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Same here.... inundated with flurry of unending emails to renew. Long-standing member.

Things have got a bit out of hand. I appreciate their work. However, they have gotten to adverse towards almost anyone & everyone. Not everything has to be a fight. It’s seems like that has become the mantra. I agree in fighting the good fight. But you catch for flies with sugar than with salt. Insert the Yeti nonsense. They turned what would be a simple part ways as a total shit show.

Doesn’t need to be that way.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID