I'm primarily interested in Brown Bear in Alaska, Red Stag in New Zealand, and Plains Game in Africa - Kudu, Sable, Zebra peak my interest, but there are so many more that are fascinating. I'm not completely sold on Dangerous Game just yet, but I'm open to the idea. I'm 52 and in excellent shape, living at 8800 ft elevation and hiking and hunting the Rockies regularly, so I'd like to get out there before age or injury catches up with me.
I grew up hunting with a Rem 788 in 7mm-08 for Texas Hill Country Whitetail, and picked up a Rem 700 Stainless Sendero in 7mm-STW right before moving to Colorado, thinking I'd use it for Elk, but I have only used it on a few Whitetails back in Texas. Most of my recent hunting has been with a .308 SCAR17s with a 3.5x ACOG within 200 yards, though I dropped my first Pronghorn with it at 435 last year. I have a lot of time behind that rifle and several other tactical firearms competing (participating lately) in 2 and 3-gun over the last 10 years. However, my passion is really for walnut, blue steel, and quality simple scopes - my eyes aren't what they used to be for open sights.
I love my Winchesters: 73, 86, 92s, 94, and several Browning Citoris from the '70s and early '80s in all gauges, and a 16 g Winchester 97 that I take on our annual Kansas Pheasant hunt. I've collected many classic revolvers, pistols, tactical rifles and shotguns, but my classic rifle collection is lacking. I recently picked up a beautiful German made 300 Wby, but am now in the market for a 375 H&H - primarily looking at Blaser R8 and Dakota 76 - read a lot of great information on these forums. I'd be interested in a 460 Wby for the right deal since I reload as well - recoil is not normally an issue for me, but the specs on that cartridge gives me pause.
We live on 80 acres outside Florissant, CO (8800 ft ~35 miles West of Colorado Springs on the other side of Pike's Peak) and have a range on the property out to 350. I also take a few trips a year down to Whittington Center, NM for 3-gun comps, Sporting Clays, air out the Barret 99 50 BMG on their 1000 yard range, and practice shooting positions on their silhouette range with a .308 out to 500 meters.
My wife's uncle has hunted the world and he has encouraged me to go out and experience it. I'm finally in a position to be able to, and this forum has provided a great deal of information. I'm impressed with the civility and actual factual experience found here - as opposed to many gun related forums - Thanks! I look forward to learning more and booking my first hunting safari.