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Bwana Man

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Jul 20, 2022
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Always dreamed about hunting Africa. It could finally be a possibility. I would like to explore the options. Would like opinions on a starting rifle for African game, even if I never get there. .375 H & H? .458 Win Mag? .460 Weatherby? Winchester? CZ? Weatherby? Ruger? What are your opinions?
Since you are new to Africa you will probably want to do a PG hunt first and then leave buff and other big stuff for later. If you are a competent shot though you could jump straight in and do a buff first time too.
For just PG a 30-06 or 308 would do everything up to Eland, and a Sako 85 is a great looking rifle for that.
If you potentially have buff too go with a 375H&H,
There is only need to go bigger if elephant are on the cards. My first own rifle was a Ruger No1 in 375H&H and I dived in and did a buff with it early on. My PH buddies have either CZ550's or 70's.
If you want a truly classic and nostalgic Africa experience consider a double rifle with a detachable scope mount. Sighted in on the one barrel you could reach out for any PG or DG and with the scope off you are ele ready. Mine is a Heym 450/400. Nothing more necessary, and I opted for a red dot instead of a scope, but when mini scopes come along I'll get one.
Always dreamed about hunting Africa. It could finally be a possibility. I would like to explore the options. Would like opinions on a starting rifle for African game, even if I never get there. .375 H & H? .458 Win Mag? .460 Weatherby? Winchester? CZ? Weatherby? Ruger? What are your opinions?

Welcome to AH! A .375H&H in a CZ550, Ruger RSM is a great place to start. Of course gentlemen, like myself, prefer Winchester M70's ... :)

Not knowing what calibers you've had experience with in the past, but jumping from even say the 300's up to 458's or crazier yet a .460Wby, that's probably not wise, big difference in recoil. Get a .375HH and you'll never get rid of it. After you've had it awhile, then move up to the bigger calibers, but keep that 375.
Welcome to AH Bwana Man! Nice to have you join us.
Take something like 300 win mag, 338 win mag, or 375 H&H.
Any reliable rifle will do.
The .375 H&H Magnum is probably your best bet. You can literally take anything with it - even small game just use a solid. I have a CZ550 American Safari in .375 H&H and find it to be fine to shoot. Kicks a bit but nothing too tough - unlike my .416 Rigby that kicks hard enough for 2 rounds to be a full day shooting for me.

I took my elephant with a .375 H&H and you can jump right in with the big stuff if you like. My first trip to Africa (actually the first time in my life I went hunting for big game) was a bow hunt for Cape buffalo, which you can see in my profile pic. I am headed back next month to hunt with the same PH I did on my first trip 6 years ago.

I am also from CA and can commiserate with you over the sad state of affairs here.
Giday Bwana Man. Welcome to the A H forums.
Welcome to AH @Bwana Man!

Best rifle for African Game is the one that you handle the best and shoot the most accurate in my opinion!
With a .375 H&H you can hunt basically anything in Africa, from PG to Big Game.
Welcome welcome welcome
Hello and welcome!
Would like opinions on a starting rifle for African game, even if I never get there. .375 H & H? .458 Win Mag? .460 Weatherby? Winchester? CZ? Weatherby? Ruger? What are your opinions?
There can only be one.....

Ruger M77 Mk II Express Magnum in .416 Rigby....., aka. Ruger RSM.

Welcome to the forum! Get a 375, either H&H or Ruger. Then practice, practice then be sure to practice!!
Welcome. A 375 will do it all and go after all your heart and budget will allow, like it’s your one and only trip. You’ll spend too much but you’ll also immediately want to go back.
Welcome. Lots of information from very knowledgeable folks on here. The answer to your gun question is Yes! Or if multiple choice it's D- all the above.
All you would ever need for Africa is one 375 H&H, that will do all the game that you can hunt here, from the bi5 to duikers. But a long distance flat shooting caliber, like a 300 win mag would be nice as a second caliber.
Good luck with your planning
Welcome to AH.

Hard to argue with the advice on a 375, it is a do all. But it is nice to be looking down the barrel of something a bit bigger for dangerous game if you are skilled enough shot and deal with recoil well. The only thing I would add to the 375 discussion is that right now its nearly impossible to get 350 gr loads (Woodleigh or North Fork) for the 375....which in my opinion make a big difference on critters like buffalo. A 416 Remington is easy enough to shoot, and can be used for everything as well. 400 gr loads are easy enough to find and there are lots of rifle choices. 416 rigby the rifle usually ends up being a bit bulkier and harder to find affordable good rifle. Just my opinions. I have a couple 375's and love them, they do work well but I hand load very specific loads when after buff.

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FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards
Read more at the link about our 40000 acre free range kudu area we will also be posting a deal on the deals page soon!
Our predator control is going very well
Looking for brass or reloads for 475noz2 Jefferies ammo. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Charles