AH enthusiast
I post this in case someone else ever encounters this. My old work horse rifle is a Winchester 54 made in 1926. It is plain but I love this old gun. It has the original stainless steel barrel with the factory paint job, yes paint, and is chambered in 30-06 with a Lyman W64 peep and 2 folding leafs. I shoot it all the time but lately it hasn’t kicked empties far, more like puking them. You can see how thin the original is in the picture. Well, I couldn’t find the part anywhere I normally find such things and since it’s not my only 54 I tried swapping it with another I don’t use much but the bolt wouldn’t come close to closing. I could however source pre 64 model 70 extractors and new one too. So I tried one from my 300H&H pre 64 and it was closer but the bolt still wouldn’t close so I ordered a new one to fit. Well, to put this to an end, it arrived and after a little time spent smoking and diamond filing my old gal is throwing them 10 feet and the old one is with my spare parts. Maybe someone else has an old gun retired that doesn’t have to be.