I am not a lawyer but read these types of things constantly. I have scanned and found the following most notable:
Page 37:
14. Declaration of Protected Areas
(1) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, in terms of this Act or the regulations hereto, declare any area to be a Protected Area in one of the following categories:
A National Park
A Nature Reserve
A Site of Special Conservation or Scientific Importance
A Protected Landscape
A Contractual Park - I had to read this one twice, still not sure what they mean.
Page 48:
Effectively NO HUNTING in any of the Protected Areas.
Page 67:
41. Listing of Species that require protection
This is outside the Protected areas and basically states the minister shall classify the species that are endangered, endangered or vulnerable and you will not be able to hunt them without a special permit.
Page 68:
42. The minister will determine the hunting season, restrict the number of any species or sex. Can be country wide or "any part or parts of Namibia". This applies to private land and communal land as well. Thus ending the private management of the animals on "your" land.
Page 74:
45 Hunting on State land, which includes communal land, now requires a written permission from the minister. I read it as the operator, PH, and hunter. Not sure what it was before.
Page 75:
#46 and 47: If you own at least 1,000 hectares of land with a game-proof fence you are subject to this act. Thus the minister will dictate huntable quotas of all animals. Again not sure how it applies to free range hunting operators.
Page 77:
49: The hunter will now get a permit before the hunt for the species and number of each species but in no case will it exceed the following:
3 head of large species
2 head of large and 4 head of small species
1 head of large and 8 head of small species
12 head of small species.
I do not know about what animals are classified as large and small.
Page 97:
61. Restrictions in regard to firearms and capturing apparatus:
(1) No person shall use a revolver, pistol or semi-automatic or automatic firearm, sniper firearm, or any non-lethal instrument including a dart gun, when hunting wild animals.
Defined as, in the act:
“sniper riffle” for the purpose of this Act is a person-portable, high precision, shoulder-fired rifle, fitted with a telescopic sight designed to ensure more accurate shooting at longer ranges than other small arms;
I stopped here, there is enough crap here to really screw up Namibia. Jerome, is this up for a debate or is this going through. I would hope the landowners and PH organizations mobilize. Let us know how we can help.