NAMIBIA: BOWHUNT: Africa Is Not For Sissies Hunting With Otjandaue Hunting Safaris


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Sep 15, 2015
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This is my review of my hunt with Roy and Janet van de Merwe of Otjandaue Hunting Safaris. I have written this in a story format with images. A basic review is at the end. Please feel free to ask any questions.


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May 20 – The Long Journey

Nervous. I had the feeling in my gut. That wrenching, twisting feeling where your insides aren’t sure if you’re going to puke or crap yourself. I’d travelled to many places around the world, but this trip was different. Travelling for business to the orient or with my wife or family was one thing. I was never nervous about those trips. Maybe it was because the ones I loved were always with me. One can never be sure of the reasons, but the feeling stayed with me until I arrived at the airport.

I met John at the airport around 4:30 on the 20 of May. It was a beautiful day in Denver after a few days of bad weather. A perfect day to start our journey to the dark continent. As hunters, we had both chased our game on many occasions through the Rocky Mountains. Always on foot and many miles in wilderness, we would track, call, spot and stalk our quarry through forests and high mountain meadows. This trip was different. A far off land where we knew not the terrain or game.

We were meeting a professional hunter, a PH as they are called, named Roy. He would lead us through the veld in the country of Namibia to chase the many wild plains game once sought after by great adventurers like Theodore Roosevelt and Ernest Hemingway. John and I had years of experience with our bows in the states, but this would be the first in another country. It is a strange feeling to not know the terrain or to not have studied it prior to hiking through many miles of dangerous country. We were placing all our trust in a complete stranger. While we had spoken with Roy many times and met him twice, I still considered him a stranger by all accounts. Little did I know that would soon change.

Two long plane flights from Denver to London and then to Johannesburg leaves us tired and weary.
May 22 - Arrival

We arrived in Windhoek on a beautiful Monday morning. The weather here is spectacular. It is similar to the temperate climate of my home state, Colorado, but without the snow and cold weather in the winter. The terrain amazes with the wide open areas and bushveld. The country reminds me of the western slope of Colorado, Utah and Northern Arizona that is so familiar to John and I. We travel through the small Windhoek airport and meet Roy and Janet. I’ve met Roy and Janet twice before and both strike me as salt of the earth people, genuine in nature, charismatic and greets you with open arms. We greet and say our hellos but must quickly get on the road for the 2.5 hour drive to the ranch in Omaruru.

Roy is a character. His personality is of a jokster and a blunt and honest man who wears his heart on his sleeve. His smile is genuine, and his laugh is contagious. Janet is the quiet and loving woman, the only type that could put up with a husband such as Roy. The two of them are a perfect match. They have two lovely daughters, Kaylin and Rune, both of whom I expect will grow to be respectable women. Kobus is Janet’s uncle. A tall, thin man with a stout beard. He is the quiet, strong type, and I expect he is a hard working man who never complains.

We arrive at dark to the ranch. Both John and I are excited and tired at the same time. Celia, the lodge chef, greets us with a friendly smile. We eat a fantastic dinner of impala with sides Celia prepared. I wish I could remember the meal, but I was so hungry the food barely hit the plate and it was devoured. We spoke of the morning’s hunting plan and what time we should be ready. Soon after, John and I went to bed to prepare for the beginning of the hunt.

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May 23 – Namibia Virgins: Misconceptions are Out the Window

I awoke at 7am. Quite late for a day of hunting back in the states, but this is Namibia. The cool morning air was pleasant and helped to wake my senses. Adventure awaits no man and the plan was to have breakfast, eggs, toast, game sausage and coffee, then get on the road to try a morning spot and stalk. We drove just less than a quarter of the property, but already I could see the difficulty in spot and stalk with a bow. Open areas were not very open, and unlike the tall lodge poles in the Rockies, these trees were lower and wider. The brush was thick with thorns and ranged from the low shrubs to tall bushes almost 6 feet high. Otjandaue has approximately 25,000 acres of land. A large land mass for anyone to manage, but in the first hour we drove, we spotted many African game animals; Kudu, Gemsbok, Impala, Springbok, Giraffe, Warthog, and Steenbok.

The wind did not favor us today and swirled relentlessly. We spotted a large, old impala laying in the tall grass with two other young impala rams. We decided to try a spot and stalk on the old ram. Driving to a spot around the back of the impala, we were initially downwind of the animals, but as we stalked quietly toward the impala, the wind swirled and changed direction. We stalked to within 100 yards of the old ram, but other impala spotted and smelled us. We glimpsed the old ram through the bush, but the impala let out the alarm and off they went.

May 24 – The Long Day

The jet lag hit today as I awoke at 3am. Strange that I would be wide awake at this hour, but I was. I phoned my wife in Colorado to let her know everything was going well and spoke to my boys. I miss them dearly, but adventure seems to pull at a man’s heart strings. How I yearn for the days of the pioneers when the world was so new and undiscovered. Namibia was my undiscovered country. Today the hunting really begins as we head to the kudu blind early.

Roy, John and I had coffee on the go and headed to the blind. Once settled, we drank some more coffee and peeled back our eyelids to watch for game. Nothing approached this blind in the early morning. We took a chance at this as we knew all the game camera images showed afternoon activity. We decided a quick move back to the lodge to have breakfast and then on to the Impala blind to sit until lunch. We arrived at the blind and quickly setup at 9:30. We passed a small bachelor group of impala standing in the shade as we drove to the waterhole, and five gemsbok scattered when we arrived. No matter. We were feeling lucky.

I never realized how wary and skittish African game are. They are more skittish than their North American brethren. A female gemsbok came to the waterhole, but as she approached, stopped at 30 yards. She spent 30 minutes going the last 30 yards to the water constantly looking, listening and twitching. The wind was swirling today as it did yesterday. She took a long drink and returned to the bush. We broke at lunch and decided to try a spot and stalk on a group of impala nearby. Again, the wind gave us away at 100 yards.

We headed back to the kudu blind for a late afternoon attempt on a kudu. One immature bull came to water. No shooters this evening. Roy was very upset, but John and I were having a fantastic time. We were enjoying our time in Namibia and seeing all these animals invigorated us. Not having the perfect shooter in Roy’s eyes was not a concern to us, but bless Roy as he was putting forth every effort to counter the bad wind we were having. Roy just wasn’t going to let us take an animal that wasn’t a mature trophy.
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Good start, looking forward to more!
May 25 – Fate, Not on Our Side

Up early again, we left the lodge at 5:30am. You have to appreciate Roy’s drive to get us on our animals. He was disappointed in the weather to say the least. We headed to a second Kudu blind. Roy was taking a gamble as he caught two poachers and their dogs on his game camera just three days before we started our hunt. We saw nothing that morning. The poachers had ruined this waterhole, at least for today. We then headed to the Impala blind, a concrete and stone wall blind with mesh roof. This in-ground blind is typical of the standard bow hunting blind. To be honest, I prefer the Kudu blind with its natural grasses and tree branches with dirt floor. The smells remind me I’m in Africa.

The afternoon at the Impala blind was filled with various animals; impala, steenbok, black back jackals and warthog. The trophies just didn’t show themselves. The wind was against us again. This day, it was howling and blowing in every direction. I stepped out of the blind during a break and a dust devil formed in front of the blind. I questioned whether I was about to be in the middle of a tornado. The African adventure was forming at every moment.

As dusk approached, a herd of impala about 30 strong, strolled past the blind. Unfortunately, the dominant male had broken one of his horns while fighting. He was limping from a fighting wound, also. Suddenly, the herd turned and began barking. We could not determine what they were barking at. They appeared to be looking at us, but yet, they weren’t. A black backed jackal appeared to our right, slinking through the grass. He stopped 22 yards in front of us and laid down. Light was fading quickly, and while I originally planned for an impala or gemsbok to be my first African animal, Africa decided that was not the case. I asked if I could take the jackal, and Roy agreed. At last light, I put an arrow through the jackal, and it expired on the spot without moving more than a foot. A good day by my account considering the terrible wind.

Back to the lodge we went after photos and handshakes. We had another fantastic dinner and sat by the fire with drinks. Roy, Janet, Kobus, Kaylin, John and I had great conversations about family, their lives in Namibia, marriage (which in Roy and Janet’s case is quite amusing) and children. Another wonderful day in Namibia.

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May 26 – A Gift Presented

I awoke early to speak with my wife again. This time, she didn’t answer the phone as it was getting late in the US. I prepared myself for the day, gathered all my hunting gear, and met everyone at the truck. Roy was waiting and ready to go at 5:30. A person up and ready at this time of day shows they are dedicated to their work.

We got everything setup for the day. During the previous days, I had been placing action cameras around the waterholes, but I discovered yesterday that it was spooking the animals. Something so small and trivial to us can easily spook our game. The animals refused to go to the water with the cameras there. They stood at the edge of the pool, but would not take a drink. Today, I would not set out the action cameras.

Early, we spot a female steenbok and soon after a male warthog. I was willing to take the warthog, but he was immature and small according to Roy and Kobus. Another year or two and he will make a fine specimen. About 9:15am, two gemsbok approached. I had high hopes one might be a male, but my luck is not that good. Both were beautiful females, and they were pregnant. This negated them from the trophy selection. The wind was blowing every which way again today, not quite normal in Namibia for this time of year.

I soon realized this wind was not going to let up and was giving away our position on a constant basis. After a little more waiting in the blind, I asked Roy if he wouldn’t mind us going back to the lodge to eat lunch a little early. As we stepped out of the blind at 10am, I had a wild hair and said, “Let’s try a quick spot and stalk before lunch.” He agreed and we were off.

We went from the blind to a semi-open area with a large water tank near a natural rock formation. As we crested the rocks, Kobus spotted a lone gemsbok bull about 75 yards ahead. The gemsbok was moving around us it seemed, so I got an arrow ready. We were discussing our plan of attack when I noticed something black and white out of the corner of my eye. The gemsbok had slid around some bushes and was now about 100 yards to my left. Too late, he was in and out of a little clearing where I could have had a shot if I was ready. Another 5 yards and the gemsbok stopped. The wind had changed direction for the 100th time, and the gemsbok winded us. He took off back the way he came. We tried desperately to continue the stalk, but to no avail. We simply could not out run the wind.

After a delicious lunch, you must ask for Celia to make the pumpkin pancakes as they are superb, we headed back out to try another spot and stalk. We drove to another section of the ranch looking for worthy game. This time, I stood up in the bed of the truck while Kobus drove, carefully I might add, unlike the Ferrari safari way Roy drives. I spotted two impala rams that looked good and tapped the roof of the cab. We stopped and took a look as the impala ran off. We drove further trying to get slightly ahead and down wind of the impala. Once in position, the stalk began. As I said before, spot and stalk in Namibia is rather difficult to near impossible. Every step crunched, partly because everything is so dry, and partly due to the thorn heads that get stuck in the bottom of your boots. We were only able to get to 100 yards on three occasions and that was further than I would like to shoot. We backed off from the impala and went back to the blind to cool off and hunt there the rest of the evening.

The rest of the afternoon was amazing as warthog, impala, steenbok and a young male giraffe came to the water. One after another they came as if on a long chain. At 4pm, the wind stopped and all the animals left. I turned to Roy and said, “This is it. It’s going to happen tonight at last light. We’re going to get a gemsbok or impala.” As 5pm approached, I was worried my positive attitude would be proven wrong as nothing had come to the water hole for almost an hour. The feeling of hopelessness started to set in, but I decided to look out the back of the blind one last time. When I did, I spotted the large gemsbok bull we tried to stalk earlier making his way past the blind to the waterhole. My heart jumped out of my chest!

The bull slowly and cautiously, as all gemsbok do, approached the waterhole. I started my video camera and grabbed my rangefinder to measure the distance, 31 yards. I knew I could easily make this shot. I drew back steadied my pin and pulled through on the release. SHWACK! The sound of the arrow hitting the gemsbok was deafening. But something was wrong. My shot was too far forward! My arrow had barely penetrated past the bone it broke. My heart sank as the bull ran off. Kobus quickly got out of the blind and said we must begin tracking it. As we started tracking, Roy got Bullet, their trusty Fox Terrier, onto the track. We found my arrow about 50 yards from the waterhole. The broadhead looked like it was shot into a brick wall. One should never underestimate the strength and toughness of the gemsbok. They are built like tanks.

Bullet was off like a rocket, and as light was quickly fading, we decided Roy would finish the gemsbok quickly so it would not suffer. Bullet tracked and cornered the gemsbok three times, and after a rapid chase for about a mile through tall grass and thick brush, one shot from Roy’s .338 put the bull down. Everyone shook hands and congratulations were said. I was happy, but disappointed in myself. I made a poor shot and put everyone in harms way with a wounded gemsbok, not to mention the wild chase through Namibia’s brush in the fading light. Photos were taken, and the gemsbok was loaded into the truck. Back to the lodge for drinks around the fire and dinner. What a day in Namibia!

My buddy John was not having much luck. He shot at two impala, missing both. We came back to the lodge mid-day and realized his QAD broadheads were planing his arrows six inches low. He readjusted his sights for the afternoon hunt.
Congrats on the gemsbok!
May 27 – The Day the Wind was Good

The morning started out slow. After the previous evenings treacherous chase through the bush, we elected for a 6am breakfast and meeting to discuss the days plans. Hunting, up to this point, had been difficult due to the unfavorable winds. The tall grass from the rains didn’t help either. The past three years, Namibia had seen droughts, which forced Roy to feed his wildlife to keep them from dying. During this time, his waterholes were constantly filled with animals. Rarely did they stray from the waterhole or food when humans approached. That’s how bad a drought can affect an animals mental state. Those years were a turkey shoot for hunters. I’m glad I didn’t come to hunt during those times. That is not hunting to me.

We sat the Impala blind this morning, but nothing came to the water. The morning air was cool, so the animals did not need water badly with the succulent green leaves and grass to quench their thirst. As the time approached noon, a single impala ram ran into the waterhole. I liked the look of this ram, and while Kobus was not sure it was a mature ram, Roy reassured that it was a very old ram. His horns were wearing down, and I said I wanted it. He agreed to let me take it, and I let loose an arrow. The ram dropped 50 yards from the waterhole. I was delighted! He is a beautiful ram with thick bases. No chasing a wounded animal, and the impala died quickly. That’s the way hunting should be.

We gathered up the impala, took pictures and shook hands. A great day in my book. I felt better about this “non-trophy” impala than I did about the Gold medal Gemsbok. I’m just a different kind of hunter, I guess. I prefer the war torn and battled veterans. The impala even had the tip of one of his horns splintering. A feature I requested stay that way on the mount.

After heading back to the lodge and changing broadheads on my used arrow, we proceeded to the Springbok blind. This is a large waterhole with shots out to 60 yards. The animals that frequent this hole are kudu, steenbok, springbok, blue wildebeest, warthogs and leopards. I truly hoped I could see a leopard today!

Sitting in a blind is not easy work. I’m reminded of my earlier hunting days sitting in a treestand. Blind hunting is 99 percent boring and one percent excitement. Although, the one percent is worth all the wait. About an hour in the Springbok blind, a female steenbok approached the far side of the waterhole. 56 yards is not an easy shot on an animal so small. I hoped any good specimens would come around to the close side.

Another hour passes and two warthogs come to the water. They circle the water hole on the far side. Miraculously, the wind was in our favor this afternoon. The warthogs didn’t scent us and proceed to drink. The male was a fine specimen, but one tusk was completely broken to the base. I wasn’t after a warthog on this trip, so I elected to pass with Roy’s advice. We were waiting for a kudu, blue wildebeest, steenbok, or springbok. None of them came to the hole. Later in the afternoon, John got an impala ram that came to the waterhole. A double impala day with bows!

We left the hole and proceeded back to the lodge. What a great day of hunting! Double whisky with lamb, pork bellies and garlic bread on the brai, two sides, a potato salad type of dish and what I was told are grits, but much creamier and not as coarse as our grits. Desert was a pudding dish that was spectacular. We had great conversations that evening with Roy, his family and a few neighbors. This was turning into a real party.
May 28 – Two Days to Go

Since my two main animals were down, we elected to have a late breakfast at 7am to start the day. I was feeling good this morning, and Roy thought we should head to the Wildebeest blind. This was a blind that John nor I had hunted. The game cameras had shown blue wildebeest, kudu, eland, gemsbok, warthog, zebra and steenbok on a daily basis.

We left the lodge for the blind after breakfast. On the way there, Kobus pointed out multiple kopis, rock formations, along the ranch road. I soon looked out my window while taking photos and spotted a steenbok about 70 yards from the road under a bush. Kobus hits the brakes and slowly reverses the truck. As Roy and I get out of the truck to try a spot and stalk, the steenbok bolts.

We drive a little further toward the back waterhole. I spot a steenbok in the bush. I think it is the same one, now about 100 yards away. We decide to try a spot and stalk on this steenbok, but this time we made a quick plan. I would exit the vehicle and quickly move behind a bush and move around and behind the steenbok. Roy and Kobus would stay in the car and try to keep the steenbok distracted. The plan worked beautifully. I moved around and behind the steenbok to 15 yards. I shot an arrow through a small six inch hole between two bushes and dropped the steenbok. What a beautiful animal. He was an old, mature ram. So old, he had started to wear and lose some teeth. An excellent spot and stalk.

After dropping the steenbok off at the skinning shed, we headed back toward the far waterhole. Once about a ¼ mile from it, we stopped the vehicle and decided to try and stalk our way in. We moved slowly and as quietly as possible to the waterhole and didn’t see anything. But, we miss-judge our quarry. Two springbok rams were tucked back to the south. We couldn’t see them because of the bushes between us. We stood up and walked out toward the waterhole as if strolling, and the springbok bolted.

We setup a bush blind by chopping some branches off a bush between the waterhole and a small clearing. We setup facing the small clearing because we believed the animals would come from that direction to the waterhole. Ten minutes after we were setup, a large blue wildebeest bull began its approach. I made a mental mistake. I questioned whether I should take him. I let him pass and still regret that decision. I was trying for springbok or a warthog, but I should have taken that wildebeest.

I’ve learned that Africa is a land that will provide you with many hunting opportunities. Don’t be too picky, unless you already have them all, and take what Africa gives you. You won’t regret it.

After about an hour, another trophy steenbok, larger than the one I stalked, walked into the waterhole. I truly find these animals beautiful. I began to wonder if I should take another, but I didn’t like the thought of taking a second one on the same trip. I left the opportunity for another hunter.

Three warthogs surprise us and come from the side near our bush blind. Two baby warthogs go on one side of the bush and the female comes to our side with the opening in the bush. She was large with big tusks. As she approached the opening, she turned and faced me at 15 feet. In the bush blind, I was sitting on the ground starring at this warthog! Luckily, she winded us and moved off. I almost crapped myself when that warthog starred me down. I wasn’t sure what I would do if it charged.

Nothing more came to the waterhole. We decided the steenbok was good enough for today, and headed back to the lodge. Another great day with Roy and Kobus.

Today was a real heartbreaker for my buddy John. He got a shot on a gemsbok and completely missed, twice! He could not figure out what was going on. One more day to try for Kudu or a gemsbok or both.
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May 29 – The Longest Day

I awoke with a feeling of sorrow knowing we were leaving tomorrow. We have had so much fun and such experiences with Roy, Janet and Kobus that I feel they’re like family. If Roy needs anything, I’ll be happy to help him. They made a couple of average guys feel special with their treatment and humorous conversations. I would liken them to a mid-western family, full of good humor, honesty and a strong work ethic.

We lit out from the lodge around 8:30am. We would try the Wildebeest waterhole one last time. We saw many animals on the way to the waterhole, but nothing stood around for me to spot and stalk. The waterhole was slow this morning as only a gemsbok and steenbok approached. The wind was swirling again. After a little over two hours, we decided we should head back to the lodge. I wanted to go to the Bushmen village and see what they had. Kobus and I drove there while John and Roy went back out to find a kudu. I didn’t have time for a full tour, as it was rather far, so I purchased some gifts for my wife, and returned for the afternoon hunt.

We joined Roy and John late in the afternoon to hunt the last hour and a half of light in the bush blind. The Namibian sunsets are amazing. I was joking with Roy and Kobus about my luck that some animal John and I had no desire to hunt would show up, like zebra or giraffe. Sure enough, at last light, a herd of giraffe almost walked in on top of us. First warthogs at 15 feet ready to charge and now giraffes about the step on us. They winded us a little and began snorting and starring at us. One can feel very small next to such large creatures. I was amazed at their beauty and size and thankful I made the trip to Namibia.

Today was worse than yesterday for John. While Kobus and I went to the Bushmen village, John missed another gemsbok and realized something was wrong with his bow. His QAD drop-away rest was jammed in the up position and would not drop. I told him before the trip it was junk, but he decided to try it anyway. He got back to the lodge that night, and I tried to fix it. The fine dust in Namibia got inside the mechanism and prevented the cable string from releasing the drop away. What a heart break! Now, on the last morning, John was going to have to try for a Kudu or Gemsbok with a rifle. That cheap rest was the reason he was having so many issues, but he didn’t realize it until the last day.
May 30 – Let the Trumpets Sound

John and I headed out with Roy and Oscar (one of the spotters) for one last chance at a Kudu or Gemsbok. John was going to use Roy’s .338 Win Mag to try and take one during a stalk. I joked with John that he would get one in the first 30 minutes. He wasn’t sure as he’d had so many issues and luck didn’t seem to be on his side.

We started driving to find a kudu Roy had seen on the game cameras so often. About 15 minutes into the drive, Oscar spots kudu running through the bush. We did not see a bull, but many cows. Roy was convinced a bull was there. He drove forward another 40 yards and behind some tall grass and bush, there he was. Roy stopped the vehicle and told John it was a mature kudu. John took his time and placed a single shot into the kudu. The bull ran about 40 yards and piled up. John’s hunt took 30 minutes. We were all ecstatic after all the trouble John had with his bow through the week. Photos were taken, handshakes, hugs and laughter were exchanged. We loaded up the old bull and went back to the skinning shed.

We still had plenty of time, so I asked Roy if we could try for that blue wildebeest I saw a few days before. Roy cleaned out the truck, John and I piled in, and we headed out for the wildebeest. As we were driving down the road, a large group of bulls were just off the road about 100 yards ahead of us. Roy quickly spotted the oldest bull in the group and pointed him out to me. I took aim with the rifle, trying to steady myself with my pounding heart. Bang! I couldn’t tell where the shot hit, or even if it did hit the wildebeest. After 30 minutes of searching and having Bullet run into the herd, no blood was found. Bullet did not even smell blood or the hormones of a wounded animal as he so usually does. Roy was convinced that I missed the blue wildebeest completely. I was disappointed, but still happy with the animals I took with my bow.

Off to the airport we go! And we just barely made out flight. British Airways was paging us as we were saying our good-byes to Roy and Janet. We are going to miss them dearly as they will now be life-long friends, but plans are in place to return. I’m going to do my best to return next year, and John will try again in a couple of years. We’ll get a chance to see them at the Denver ISE in January, too.

The flights back are just painful. Our jet lag is terrible on the return. We run through London for six hours during our layover and enjoy the sights. We’ve had such a good time and dread the return to work.
Conclusion – Review Summary

Hunting with Otjandaue was more than just a hunting trip. We had many laughs, ate very well for a hunting trip, and slept peacefully, if our excitement didn’t keep us up. While this was supposed to be a hunting safari, I did have plenty of time for many wildlife photos and a short trip to the Bushman village. I got to see much of western Namibia near Omaruru, and many interesting sights. I highly recommend Otjandaue Hunting Safaris for either bow or rifle hunts. Feel free to PM me with any questions you might have.

Total hunting days = 7

Total days in country = 9

Equipment used:

2015 PSE Decree 70lb, 290fps with Gold Tip 300 Ted Nugent arrows. Total arrow weight 472grains with broadhead. Gold Rush 5 pin sight, Hamskea Pro Hunter drop away rest, Tru-ball Stinger three finger thumb release, G5 Striker Magnum, Toxic Arrow Archery and NAP Killzone Max broadheads.

2017 New Breed Blade 70lb, 290fps with Easton FMJ arrows. Total arrow weight 472 grains with broadhead. Trophy Ridge 5 pin sight, QAD flipper arrow rest (CRAP!), Tru-ball hunter trigger release, QAD broadheads (CRAP!)

Ruger .338 Win Mag rifle, .338 win mag ammunition with barnes TSX bullets

Total animals taken: 6
I hunted that same area with Nick Nolte Hunting Safaris in 2014...brings back good memories! I too took an ancient impala with 5 or 6 inches of length worn off of his horns. Doesn't look like much, but tells a good story! I absolutely love your buddy's kudu. Congrats to you both!
Thanks for the great hunt report and pictures. When are you headed back.....
Thanks for the great hunt report and pictures. When are you headed back.....
I don't have a firm date set yet. I'm working on that with my wife. I'm planning for next year though. After my buddy got his kudu, I definitely need to go after one. Also, that blue wildebeest is haunting my sleep.
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Great to hear that you had such a good time. You made some great memories. Pretty cool getting a spot and stalk Steinbuck. Congrats on a great trip. Bruce
Congrats for a great hunt, and thanks for sharing !

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FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards
Read more at the link about our 40000 acre free range kudu area we will also be posting a deal on the deals page soon!
Our predator control is going very well
Looking for brass or reloads for 475noz2 Jefferies ammo. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Charles