Mozambique’s Army Combats Insurgents Near Total's $20b Lng Project

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(Bloomberg) --Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi has put the military in charge of combating a growing Islamic State-linked insurgency in the natural gas-rich Cabo Delgado province after limited success by the police force.

Nyusi on Jan. 14 promoted army general Eugenio Mussa to chief of staff of the military, according to a statement from the Presidency, and was earlier named as the new commander of the nation’s northern operational command post in Mueda.

Mussa, a confidant of Nyusi since 2012 when he was defense minister, replaces Lázaro Menete chief of staff. He had been in charge since October 2017, the month of the first attack.

Mozambique has struggled to contain the insurgency that has left more than 2,500 people dead and caused 570,000 to flee. The violence this year prompted Total SE to evacuate workers from its $20 billion liquefied natural gas project as attacks encroached on what is Africa’s biggest private investment.

“A move to turn operational control of the conflict over to a trusted lieutenant suggests that Nyusi will play a more active role going forward in developing counter-insurgency strategy,” ACLED said.

“The military will have a credible command voice,” Adriano Nuvunga, a political science professor at Maputo-based Eduardo Mondlane University, said of Mussa’s appointment. “This is the start of the correct management of the war in Cabo Delgado.”

Mozambique, Tanzania to launch joint operations against insurgents​

MAPUTO, Nov 23 (Reuters) - Mozambique and Tanzania are to launch joint operations to combat an Islamist insurgency under an agreement that will also see some 500 suspected insurgents extradited, Mozambique’s state-owned newspaper Noticias said on Monday.

The three-year-old insurgency is concentrated in Mozambique’s northernmost province of Cabo Delgado, separated from Tanzania by the Rovuma River and home to gas developments worth $60 billion.

In October, however, it spilled across the border when some 300 insurgents attacked a Tanzanian village. Many of the insurgency’s recruits are also thought to come from Tanzania.
Noticias said the agreement would see the two countries launch joint operations in Mozambique and cooperate in areas like information sharing, while Tanzania will deport to Mozambique 516 suspected insurgents it has in custody.

A Mozambique police spokesman was not immediately available to confirm the details of the agreement.

However Mozambique police commander Bernardino Rafael said on private broadcaster STV after signing the accord in Tanzania at the weekend: “The agreement provides for us to work together to control the Rovuma border.” He thanked Tanzania for its willingness to cooperate.
Wipe 'em out. Islamic extremism is a cancer on the African continent, scratch that, on the world in general. The Islamic insurgents won't stop until they're all dead or in custody. They exploit the suffering of poor villagers (suffering committed by their own hands) in an attempt to gain sympathy from Western media. The exact same thing happened with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan when fighting the Soviets and then the Americans.
I hope they are successful...But I fear without support from intel and Air assets this fight will too evenly matched poorly armed light infantry units fighting it out...advantage to the most ruthless and brutal.
I hope they are successful...But I fear without support from intel and Air assets this fight will too evenly matched poorly armed light infantry units fighting it out...advantage to the most ruthless and brutal.
Depends on troop numbers committed and the leadership provided at the front. Hope they can push the bastards into a hole.
I would suspect the extradited insurgents will succumb to lead poisoning.
I would suspect the extradited insurgents will succumb to lead poisoning.
Yup Boka Haram in Nigerian is rolling over and begging for mercy ...U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) announced on Sunday that the United States has effectively completed ban all out “retreat” of troops from Somalia...At least 100,000 people in the Central African Republic (CAR) have been displaced by fighting between government forces and a coalition of opposition militias in recent weeks...Ethiopian government forces allegedly killed about 750 people in an attack on a Christian church in the city of Aksum, located in northern Ethiopia’s conflict-ridden Tigray region... Yup those pesky insurgents are easy to kill no bother at all???
The Army(s) need to hit them hard and fast! As we’ve seen in the Middle East they’re not the “Junior Varsity “ team that Obama portrayed them as and look what happened. A prolonged mess!
Whom ever is in charge needs to read Eeben Barlow's - Composite Warfare

I suspect that part of the problem up there on the border is the perceived distribution of wealth

If more of that oil/gas money went to the locals the terrs wouldn't have the local support or rather, not be able to exploit the resentment
Liberal Westerners often find a way to portray the terrorists as victims....:distribution of wealth" issues. I think the root cause now is much simpler....surging populations, millions of young men who want power, sex, and money and want it now. No working or planning. They see others with these things on TV and social media. They take from the easiest victims.....other poor villagers, often ones they know well. But the brutality is beyond measure. Rape, torture and murder. It doesn't affect Liberals in the USA and Europe....unless it happens to them. No, the terrorists are Evil in it's purest form, and they need to be killed. While I don't always agree with Barlow, I hope every military leader in Sub-Saharan Africa has read his two best books. He may be a diplomat, but he is also an African soldier of great experience..........and he knows how to KILL THEM ALL!.............FWB
I think some of your suggestions as to route cause are certainly relevant

Your continuous reference to liberals is a bit confusing

Barlow was/is not a liberal but a strategist and soldier of some experience

Economics often play a part in social unrest - either as a direct cause or an opportunity for others to exploit

Simple solutions are always attractive but rarely accurate
Perhaps you did get confused
"Liberals in the USA and Europe..."
"Barlow is African....."
in no way suggests that Barlow was a Liberal. Subject and object confused. But thanks for stating that anyway.................FWB
Perhaps you did get confused
"Liberals in the USA and Europe..."
"Barlow is African....."
in no way suggests that Barlow was a Liberal. Subject and object confused. But thanks for stating that anyway.................FWB

I think somehow we have got onto the wrong foot

I'm not so sure we are so far apart in our opinions

I understood very well that you labelled me as a left leaning pom from the UK

However I do recognise the violence that is typical of the African continent

I was borne in Zambia and brought up on my Grandmother's farm near Wankie, Rhodesia

I served 2 years with the Rhodesian infantry during the bush war and had my share of fire force ops where I witnessed the kind of violence you alluded to

I went on to work as a game ranger back in Zambia

I saw that violence when 'Mugabe's 5 th' persecuted Joshua Nkomo's people, some of whom worked for us and we were unable to protect - I also saw it in the eyes of the youths that turned up at my Grandma's farm/homestead and gave us 24 hours to leave.

I witnessed it yet again in the al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM) when I served as an officer in the British forces and was posted to Mali, Mauretania and Niger.

I would recommend Barlow's books to all young infantry and intelligence officers that are required to understand how on earth such an evil philosophy as that of ISIS can have any resonance within the African continent

But resonance it has - we best understand it in order to engineer its defeat
I respect your service, and your opinion. I rarely "label" anyone. Without an entire discussion on geopolitics and political science, I must simply say that I feel very strongly about this issue. It may soon overwhelm the hunting World. Surging populations in Africa (especially of young males) make problems exponential. Economic solutions are linear, at best......negative feedback must play a larger can adapt more quickly....hunt safe, be well......FWB
I would recommend Barlow's books to all young infantry and intelligence officers that are required to understand how on earth such an evil philosophy as that of ISIS can have any resonance within the African continent
Would anyone have a copy of Barlow's works available for purchase? I fit the 'young officer' criteria... can't seem to find a copy online.
Would anyone have a copy of Barlow's works available for purchase? I fit the 'young officer' criteria... can't seem to find a copy online.

Hi Whit

You can find his works through Amazon as a digital copy for kindle

That's a great suggestion, but I'd have to decline to follow the suggesteion. I confess my approach is old-school. Nothing replaces bound paper in hand. Kindle is just another electronic device to monitor, and lord knows there's enough of those in the Western world.
Yeh - I don't like it either

Far better to have a book to hold and read

Perhaps it can be found in SA?

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Would anyone have a copy of Barlow's works available for purchase? I fit the 'young officer' criteria... can't seem to find a copy online.
Ironic it's in South Africa.


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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?