"Military style" weapons for hunting????


AH legend
Apr 17, 2009
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NRA,Missouri hunters ed, SCI, Owensville Gun Club, Quail Forever
USA, South Africa, France
In light of a recent picture I posted, I am just REALLY F****g curious, who out there uses a military styled rifle for hunting???? I don't care if it is Coyote (which I have one for that) or deer/ medium size game( have one for that too). This is not reserved for the US members of this forum, if it is legal to hunt with in your country, I would love to see (pictures and animals) of the rifles and animals taken with you "ASSAULT" I hate that word, your military style rifles, how's that....???
I don't own one, but since rifles are now legal in all counties in Wisconsin to hunt deer, they are becoming really popular.
Spent most of my professional life carrying such weapons for real, and have no desire to hunt with one. Whenever I see one at the range can't help but feel like I am looking at a "wannabe". I know that is both unreasonable and unfair but it is my honest reaction.
Respect that statement... I felt the same way while serving, it's the simple reality of things... I never thought I would EVER own a 15 because the 16's were shit, inaccurate and malfunctioned. As luck would have it though, 3 years ago my pawn shop buddy hooked me up with a rifleandammo combo I could not pass up, (despite my better judgement), and I am glad I didn't pass on it. The advancements in this particular platform of rifle have grown by leaps and bounds. You may want to consider one of these where the selector switch is either safe or fire... There's no third option..LOL
WTheF did Red Legs post go????
I don't own one, but since rifles are now legal in all counties in Wisconsin to hunt deer, they are becoming really popular.

Only reason I bought the 308 was for the deer drives my buddies want to do, I don't like deer drives, and have never attended. Hope I never do. However, if it were legal in OZ or Africa, they would make a great cull rifle...
WTheF did Red Legs post go????

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Sometimes people change there mind about what they want to say.
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Sometimes people change there mind about what they want to say.
thank you sir. again, i am still learning....yeah right
I think the .308 would be nice!

I respect what Red Leg wrote...think the same thing. I never served in the military, but I respect the people that have a lot.
ha ha ha ha im sorry if l upset you ,with the ASSAULT thing 35 .
but l can hardly remember 'the good old days'as the old fellas call them when they were using bars and sks and skk.hound hunting .
then a couple of yobbos stuffed that up for everyone .
when im in port i will see if any of the old grey beards have any photos of them on the hunt .
when l was real young my old pop threw a coulpe of boxes of 22 hollow pionts to me and an semi auto , and said go shoot some rabbits .
man every time l fired the bloody thing i emptied the clip .
never shot one rabbit , but was getting pretty qwuick at emptying it by the time l ran out of chaff for it .
ha ha ha ha im sorry if l upset you ,with the ASSAULT thing 35 .
but l can hardly remember 'the good old days'as the old fellas call them when they were using bars and sks and skk.hound hunting .
then a couple of yobbos stuffed that up for everyone .
when im in port i will see if any of the old grey beards have any photos of them on the hunt .
when l was real young my old pop threw a coulpe of boxes of 22 hollow pionts to me and an semi auto , and said go shoot some rabbits .
man every time l fired the bloody thing i emptied the clip .
never shot one rabbit , but was getting pretty qwuick at emptying it by the time l ran out of chaff for it .

Never upset, just never saw anyone ask the question before.
never wanted one before. I was army national guard a long time ago.
But, the platforms today seem great and I can certainly understand why some like them.

Who knows, maybe I'll by one to plink with one day.
Spent the last 25 years carrying one and until recently never would have thought about using one. To me they belonged in the hands of the military and/or police forces. That said, went to the range to meet some Army buddies and tried out one and was amazed at the form and functionality of his .223, not to mention the accuracy. More importantly, I was extremely comfortable using the rifle for obvious reasons. I have seen this written before, but up here in Canada, if you went to the deer camp when I was a kid, there was a lot of surplus .303 Lee-Enfields around. Probably the same reason why my pals use military style rifles today. I will likely pick one up upon retirement for nostalgia, especially considering the quality products that are available today.
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Sometimes people change there mind about what they want to say.

Read my quote after I posted and felt it was both harsher than intended and not really the subject of the question.
to the op's question,

i love the modern sporting rifle. here in iowa we can hunt every thing but deer with it. I only have one in 223 but i have 4 others in wildcats 20 practical, 7.62x40wt, 6.5pcc and now a 270AR. the 20 is excellent on coyote and down 32gn at 4100fps and 3/4" groups at 100.

as someone else said they are very comfortable to shoot and very accurate.

here are my 7.62x40, 20 practical, rossi 92 45lc, 6.5pcc



  • IMG_20130616_101254_602_zpsaaff9576.jpg
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I haven't YET hunted with any "military style" rifles but I fully intend to do so.
I am planning to do a feral hog culling hunt with my .308 LWRC REPR using night vision.
Not sure where yet.
Lets be realistic. These are semi-automatic weapons... PERIOD. They are only assault weapons if we choose to assault someone with them. If all they ever get used for is hunting then they are hunting weapons, no different than any other semi auto out there save for looks. the only reason there is any controversy is the "assault" tag. They are designed for quick handling and high volume shooting, it just makes sense to use them in any hunting situation where that is possible or probable.

If I were to wear fatigues and carry a military style rifle would I be a soldier? No I would just be some guy in fatigues with a military style rifle. Never judge a book by its cover.
Lets be realistic. These are semi-automatic weapons... PERIOD. They are only assault weapons if we choose to assault someone with them. If all they ever get used for is hunting then they are hunting weapons, no different than any other semi auto out there save for looks. the only reason there is any controversy is the "assault" tag. They are designed for quick handling and high volume shooting, it just makes sense to use them in any hunting situation where that is possible or probable.

If I were to wear fatigues and carry a military style rifle would I be a soldier? No I would just be some guy in fatigues with a military style rifle. Never judge a book by its cover.

exactly! very well said.
I have a Yugo SKS a Mosin Nagant a Czech Mauser and a Nat Match M1A,,,The M1A is a bucket list purchase and a Fun range Gun that gets shot more by the inquisitive than myself,,I would use the SKS when I go Praire dog hunting while the barrel of my Varmmit gun cools down plus the surplus Ammo is still cheap,,the Nagant is just a Range Novelty for me because It,s Loud and Fire comes out the barrel ,,I thought of taking my 8MM to Africa but I ve got better Rifles for that purpose,,I,m not a Wanna be,I just Like Shooting ,,The range I shoot at get a large variety of Military as well as Commercial Firearms ,,even the occasional Barrett 50 and Fully Auto crazies
Lets be realistic. These are semi-automatic weapons... PERIOD. They are only assault weapons if we choose to assault someone with them. If all they ever get used for is hunting then they are hunting weapons, no different than any other semi auto out there save for looks. the only reason there is any controversy is the "assault" tag. They are designed for quick handling and high volume shooting, it just makes sense to use them in any hunting situation where that is possible or probable.

If I were to wear fatigues and carry a military style rifle would I be a soldier? No I would just be some guy in fatigues with a military style rifle. Never judge a book by its cover.

gday diamondhitch ,
ldont believe l was judging a book by its cover mate.
in america where your semi auto weapons ,are common place .it is l guess acceptable for each and everyone to use / own one or more of these firarms .
in australia where the only place we see semi auto firearms , is in the militry and police, mate .
they used to allow them , but a few wankers wanted to be famous and no more of that rubbish needs to be said ,
where you guys say hunting weapons in australia we say hunting firearms .
where you guys say millitary weapons , we say assault firearms .
where you may say its only an assault weapon if used to assault some body
where in australia our hunting firearms are only weapons when used to assault some body .
and i rekon if l seen some bloke in fatigues carrying an assalut (millitary ) firearm (weapon ) riffle i'd nearly bet he was a soldier
look ive already appoligised for the terminology , but i never meant to upset anybody .
its just the different ways we speak

and if l was allowed to have one of thgem bad ass looking riffles , dont you worry ,id have some playtime with it in a hart beat .
In light of a recent picture I posted, I am just REALLY F****g curious, who out there uses a military styled rifle for hunting???? I don't care if it is Coyote (which I have one for that) or deer/ medium size game( have one for that too). This is not reserved for the US members of this forum, if it is legal to hunt with in your country, I would love to see (pictures and animals) of the rifles and animals taken with you "ASSAULT" I hate that word, your military style rifles, how's that....???

have used Hk93 and beretta AR70 and AK47 to hunt 2 legged poacher things , dont know if that counts ? ;)

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.