Massive Tahr cull trying to be stopped


AH fanatic
Dec 8, 2014
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Canterbury, New Zealand
Hunting reports
The Minister of Conservation is proposing to cull 30,000 tahr from the NZ conservation estate and private land. Hunters and Guides in NZ are understandably upset at this announcement. We accept that numbers need to be reduced, but population estimates are 17,000 to 50,000. Hunters are trying to get a High Court injunction to stop the cull until proper population estimates are done and with more consultation with hunters and guides as to acceptable numbers to cull.

If you can help please give to
Hope you can get them to do a count and make a plan
I will take a SCI Gold one at cull price.
That's the thing, if you want one now all it'll cost is boot leather on ground and a bit of perspiration. Tahr hunting in nz is free for anyone, it's a fantastic renewable resource that contributes far more to the economy than people realise. Not that extreme green people care about that.

I wonder after the tahr if those politicians are removing themselves from NZ, we're an introduced species after all.
The same minister has a proposal to poison trout in rivers, at the discretion of the Department of Conservation, without consultation with Fish and Game (who oversea trout fishing in NZ).
The same minister has a proposal to poison trout in rivers, at the discretion of the Department of Conservation, without consultation with Fish and Game (who oversea trout fishing in NZ).
The problem with these environmental evangelists is that they're so focused on the environment that they are incapable of contemplating bigger picture items like social and cultural impacts, not to mention economic implications.

By qualification I'm a biologist and when I used to work in that field it was a never ending source of frustration that people were so short sighted and self righteous in their approach to nuanced issues like this.

It's certainly a left of center political issue, everyone has the right to a voice as long as it's the same as mine otherwise shut up type thing.

Hunters in nz just like in Aus shoot themselves in the feet sometimes. We get guys as justifying bomb ups of animals as "conservation because after all they're not native". What you're then saying is that they have no place which confirms what these purist green idiots believe.

We, and I mean both nations, need to start focussing on bigger picture arguments like those mentioned above e.g. social and cultural importance, economic importance etc. I'd argue a couple of points in addition pertaining to deer in Australia, one that we are beginning to accept that aboriginals caused the extinction of megafauna here, which has created a niche free for large mammals to fill. To that point I would add that a niche cannot be filled unless there is space to fill it.

Secondly, we suffer from the shifting baseline effect when trying to ascribe a measure of normality and pristine to any environment.

Thirdly, I'd argue that given how variable and resilient nature is does it really matter? No animal is as damaging to the environment as us, so yeah maybe manage any species numbers so they don't overwhelm resources, but that should go for natives too. Yet we rarely hear of calls from greens to reduce over populations of roos in Aus do we?

Apologies for rant, for what it's worth I plan on writing a more articulate letter to your government.
@stug, the idiocy of politicians is worldwide.

Here in Spain the left/green coalition decided that the entire population of Aoudad (barbary sheep), would have to be culled, because, they said, they are not an original species.

These animals are today original from Morocco which is a few Km. away across the straits of Gibraltar, but did they live here many years ago as fossils can attest, and we reintroduced them about 40 years ago in the mountains SE of the country where the habitat is very close to northern Morocco and they have prospered.

Culling Mouflons was also considered, but thankfully we managed to put a stop to all this idiocy.

Wish you success in your fight.
They need to start that full program with humans as obvious invasive species. Perhaps those twits will volunteer to be the first to go.
Greenies are an invasive species in many Western USA states. When I become King, culling will be authorized. They do not come to a waterhole regularly, but can be baited with a Mocha Latte and a pair of Birkenstocks. Free food usually brings them on the run. I hope the Tahr and the Aoudad outlive them..............FWB
From Modern Huntsman:

Great news! The cull has been stopped (for now) due to all the pressure. The Minister must now consult with the hunting industry and recreational hunters. Thanks to all those that helped.

That is good news.
Man what the hell is going in the hunting fields of the world? It’s bad news all over the globe. NZ Tahr, brown bear hunts closed in Europe, elephant permits on hold lion closed for importation, leopard imports possibly stopped, stopping grizzly hunts in British Columbia, proposed grizzly hunts stopped in the western United States. So who here believes we’re in deep shit.?

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