Land Rover Supports Anti-Hunters


AH fanatic
Aug 4, 2012
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South Africa,Zimbabwe,Sweden
Interesting development for a company that once targeted hunters and Africa as its biggest market.


For decades Landrover has been an extremely popular vehicle with wildlife conservation agencies, hunters and PH’s in Africa. These organizations and people are therefore an important target group for the company. In some countries Landrover dealers organize special events for hunters or offer vehicles that are specially equipped for hunting.

Interesting enough the Landrover Company has selected the “Born Free Foundation”, a pronounced British anti-hunting NGO as its “primary global conservation partner”. According to the company’s website “Landrover is committed to provide the Foundation with practical help by supplying vehicles as well as financial backing for the next five years, reflecting its integrated approach to building global sustainability.” Another animal rights’ campaigner, the “Environmental Investigation Agency”, which concentrates on undercover work against real and perceived wildlife crime and wildlife use, is also privileged to traverse London in a posh Range Rover Evoque.

Like most animal welfare groups, Born Free does only limited practical conservation work. It concentrates on animal welfare activities and also lobbies for its welfare objectives including denouncing hunting. In its own words the Foundation “fights to end this glorified ‘sport’”.

As an example for its animal welfare work six landrovers from the UK were used to transport a circus lion from a resort in Belgium to Schiphol airport. The poor animal was flown to Lusaka and then driven 800 kilometers by an escort of a landrover fleet led by a silver Discovery to Lilongwe in Malawi. There it is living now, again behind fences in a kind of zoo. Lion Simba (a very inventive name for a lion), as it was called, shares now this new confinement with a lion from Romania. It is unknown whether these two European lions find African fences more pleasant than European bars. It is also unknown whether this type of moving misused creatures around the world is only a publicity stunt to collect donations for Born Free or whether this is the “integrated approach to building global sustainability” Landrover speaks of on its website.

The little that Born Free does around the globe for conservation is at the same time used as a door opener for its anti-hunting propaganda and its efforts to close hunting. Also on CITES meetings, the Foundation is active to rally support against pro-wildlife-use decisions and to organize by different means votes for this cause.

On its website the Foundation agitates against hunting in Africa and killing game in “cold blood” and taking “grotesque trophies” home. Born Free concludes „that the ethical, social and biological problems associated with trophy hunting far outweigh any positive contribution the industry can possibly make.“ The Foundation is also active to put pressures on Governments to ban trophy imports. In 1993 the Foundation was instrumental to establish the so-called „Species Survival Network“, a coalition of animal welfare organizations, which works against wildlife utilization including hunting. Born Free’s President is also the President of the network.

Hunting is controversially discussed in the public. We as hunters know this. We are therefore all the time stipulated to evaluate what we are doing and to secure that our hunting is sustainable, ethical and positive for biodiversity in line with the relevant international conventions. African Indaba is a good example how hunters do not hesitate to criticize occurrences, which do not come up to accepted international hunting standards. We do not expect from a company like Landrover to agree with hunting as a way of sustainably utilizing natural resources and thereby contributing to species conservation and rural livelihoods alike. However, it is difficult to accept that an equally controversial anti-sustainable-use pressure group that tries to destroy hunting gets financed from the revenues of the landrovers, which also we hunters buy.

If you drive a landrover or plan to buy one, you may have a few questions to your local dealer.
Author: Rolf D Baldus

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This should help sales to those folks that drive around the cities in their four wheel drives.
Do the idiots in the corporate gifting department do any research!?:confused:
Change of target market - Parents taking the kinds to school in their luxury 4x4's and the odd camping trip to Kruger?
I have 2011 Land Rover (not the range rover). I was looking at the new models and the transmission that makes this vehicle special off-road is now an optional upgrade! So are they making the corporate decision that form trumps function? That would be consistent with their new role in the conservation movement lol. Sad because I don't believe we get the cruisers in Canada.
Typical of most big businesses.

Just like in politics they give to both sides of the isle.

They are trying to show support to both sides. And if it is notices as mentioned above, They can be quick to point out that they support your cause also.
Typical of most big businesses.

Just like in politics they give to both sides of the isle.

They are trying to show support to both sides. And if it is notices as mentioned above, They can be quick to point out that they support your cause also.
True, Having your bread buttered on both sides is much better than just the one.
Well at least they should give every anti hunter a dog with their purchase, at least they wont have to walk home alone when the Landy breaks down, that and a heated tailgate so your hands dont freeze when you you push it home:D:ROFLMAO: No offence Landy owners!
Would think they would rather focus on the enviromental footprint a off road vehicle leaves behind, but sure is a easy way to shift the focus. Then again maybe too many of them will only ever climb a sidewalk.
Heard you can now buy different color motor oils for your Landy. At least the oil stain will now match your driveway paving.....
Well at least they should give every anti hunter a dog with their purchase, at least they wont have to walk home alone when the Landy breaks down, that and a heated tailgate so your hands dont freeze when you you push it home:D:ROFLMAO: No offence Landy owners!
Would think they would rather focus on the enviromental footprint a off road vehicle leaves behind, but sure is a easy way to shift the focus. Then again maybe too many of them will only ever climb a sidewalk.
:D:ROFLMAO: Rand Lovers
Heard you can now buy different color motor oils for your Landy. At least the oil stain will now match your driveway paving.....

But Landys dont leak oil, they mark their territory:ROFLMAO:
Another reason to buy one, you never need to change the oil, it does it itself:D
Has anyone checked the source of the info to see if it's true? It's interesting that the author cannot even spell Land Rover correctly....
I looked up the sponsorship on the Land Rover website. No mention of Holland & Holland btw. As for all the other banter about Land Rover, do I detect a smidge of jealousy and and insecurity :P

Dang, not sure what to do at this moment, defend or attack LR?:S

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