That reminds me of a story
There once was a farm in the Limpopo with a very nice 50” kudu bull and a yearling bull barely sprouting his horns. One day they were hanging out at the neighborhood waterhole and the bigger bull commented to his younger compadre, “Have you heard they are bringing another breeder bull, supposedly a real monster 60”? ” as the bigger bull proceeded, “but I’m not worried I have my 10 cows, which is plenty, and the new bull can have whatever is left over.” The younger bull retorted, “Yeah I have my 5 cows picked out and no new guy is going to take that!” They both sauntered off into the night feeling confident in their stature.
Several days later a stock trailer pulled unto the farm accompanied by tremendous thrashing and snorting noises coming from within. As the trailer gate was opened, a huge, muscled up, fire breathing beast of a kudu bull emerged. His eyes were fiery red and snot was running from his nose. He was in charge and everyone on the farm had an instant understanding of his status, but to even emphasis the point more, the beast stepped up to the nearest tree and began demolishing it with his glorious set of horns. The 50” bull began muttering to his young compadre. “ Well yeah, uh uh 10 cows is a lot of work. I’m sure 1 or 2 would fit my schedule better.” To his surprise the younger bull was pawing dirt and snorting in an aggressive gesture to the new beast. “Yeah little fella, what are you doing?” voiced the displaced king of the farm, “you are going to get killed!” The little fella responded. “ Just want to make sure he knows I’m
a bull so there are no mistakes once the breeding season starts!”