Is Johan Calitz operating in Botswana?


AH enthusiast
Dec 19, 2020
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It’ll be a little while before I’ll go on my first elephant hunt therefore I’m using all the time I need to find a quality outfitter. Johan Calitz Safaris caught my eye and my heart warmed knowing that Botswana is lifting the ban on dangerous game hunting. All I need to know is if he still has access to his areas...
I believe that he still has NG41, I am not certain beyond that. Things really got shuffled up through the reopening and then the COVID shutdown.
I believe that he still has NG41, I am not certain beyond that. Things really got shuffled up through the reopening and then the COVID shutdown.
That's good to hear. I was worried that he lost all of his concessions during the ban.
Is there lion hunting in Botswana?
I don’t believe so but I could be mistaken. Elephant, buffalo and leopard are open.
Contact Johan. I’m sure he’s still hunting. I’d love to hunt with him.
Jeff Rann is definitely still hunting in Botswana, you could get hold of him as well. He has a concession, CT1 and has bid on and won 2 different community areas with great Elephant on them, CT4 and NG9.
Johan is still operating in Botswana NG41. I'm going this year if able to travel.

Jeff Rann never responded to my emails or calls.
Len Taylor is now in Botswana as well.
Johan is still operating in Botswana NG41. I'm going this year if able to travel.

Jeff Rann never responded to my emails or calls.
Hi Scott. Jeff is a good friend of mine, I told him that you had tried to contact him but were unable to. He said he'd look into it and get back to you. I'm sure its too late for this year but just thought I'd let you know. Hope you have a great hunt! Good luck!
Hi Scott. Jeff is a good friend of mine, I told him that you had tried to contact him but were unable to. He said he'd look into it and get back to you. I'm sure its too late for this year but just thought I'd let you know. Hope you have a great hunt! Good luck!
@cal thank you. I left a voicemail. Also sent an email in which I outlined my African experience so he would know I was seriously interested. When I didn’t hear back, I figured maybe he was all booked up with the carryover from 2020. I’m booked for early June but I am available in April as well. In May, I will be in Alaska.
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