Is it just me?


AH fanatic
Dec 27, 2008
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I am not sure how I feel this morning. I can't quite put my finger on it.......but I guess a feeling of 'disquiet' is as close as I can come and it began yesterday afternoon.

I am completing some home renovations and needed an item that required a drive to the little hardware store in the closest town, about seven miles away. I got what I needed and went to the till. The young lady scanned the items and the total was $5.43. I gave the young lady a ten dollar bill and then gave her .43 cents so that she could give me a five dollar bill, instead of a pocket full of change.

She just simply could not grasp the high finance and the older till could not do the math for her. I explained several times, but she still did not get it, so I said, "OK, just give me the .43 cents back and just proceed as if I had only given you the ten dollar bill. Now she was confused and worried that she may be getting shorted, so she went and got the manager from his little office in the back. He looked at the situation, rolled his eyes, took the .43 cents and handed me a five dollar bill.

In the late evening, after checking the livestock and taking the dogs for their last outing, I turned on the televison and began thumbing through the satellite channels with the remote. I passed Americas Next Top Model and several other 'reality TV' type programs, a number of sitcoms with embarrassingly shallow humor and several 'What's Happening in Hollywood' shows. Despite the plethora of channels, it was quickly narrowed down to watching the media flog the G20 Summit to death on the news, a re-run of Two and a Half Men or a special documentary on Vision TV analysing the contents of a book called The Pagan Christ.

I turned off the TV and read a couple of chapters in Rifles for Africa, by Gregor Woods.

This morning I went out and did the chores, then came in, made coffee and turned on the computer to check for e-mails. The MSN home page flashed onto the screen and the bold headlines read, " Jen Aniston Looking to Experiment With Looks!", "Will We See Two More Brangelina Babies Soon?", "Your Bikini Survival Guide.", and "Tips on How to Ditch Your Cranky Moods." (After this post some will no doubt want to suggest I go back and read the last one.)

It is really amazing that our species has survived for as long as it has on this beautiful planet, but certainly no mystery as to why we have it so messed up. With an endless list of significant problems and issues around the globe that urgently require our understanding and attention, the media continues to bombard us with drivel and frippery. One can only conclude that this happens because it is in fact what the unwashed masses want to read.

More and more it appears that there are vast numbers of hominids wandering the planet with just enough gray matter between their ears to control breathing and other bodily functions.

Is it just me? :)
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It's not just you Kelly. I found out they want to list Lions on the endangered species list. I wanted to hunt them...I was just trying how to figure how to pay for it. The same with the polar bear situation...very sad.

The human race has lost most of it's common sense. Yes, there are hunters that hold the rest of the moron up. Sorry, if that was crude. But, yes people have forgotten the important things in life. Money seems to be number one on most people's mind. Moral, values and ethics have been thrown out the window. It's the me society!

Everyone has forgotten how food gets to the table. Instead we want to know what Jennifer Anston is doing, How's Brittany? Who cares about the energy crisis. The housing bubble...I don't want to hear bad news...pour me another drink.

I wish people would take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming the next guy or gal. It's been a terrible long week for me....and yes I'm tired.
This topic is something that is always in the back of my mind. I’m only 26 but am constantly concerned about the direction things are going. Sometimes I go so far as to contemplate where I could move to so that I can live the simple life I want, and more importantly one day raise a family in a place where people still care about what is truly important and where life can feel a little more genuine. Now that people can find everything they want to know with the click of a mouse and live their lives through an endless supply of reality stars they forgot how to think for themselves. It’s just too convenient to go with the flow and not think outside the box. It’s kind of sad really. When it comes to TV shows and the media it seems like the small number of people behind the scenes influence the majority of people in a direction they don’t want to go. Perhaps this is one of the driving forces that keeps me out in the woods where I can keep my sanity.
More and more it appears that there are vast numbers of hominids wandering the planet with just enough gray matter between their ears to control breathing and other bodily functions.
... but what more do you need to watch 'America's Next Top Model'?
My mother sent me this link to you tube.

Louisiana Farm Bureau: Martin's Grocery

The story is about Medrick Martin. I have known Mr. Medrick since I was a young child. We grew up near the store and he still remembers who I am when I visit.

The reason I am sharing this is there is still some good in the world.

Unfortunately I clicked a link on youtube called "Racial Profiling and Racism in Franklin". I then watched a couple of other videos shot in my old hometown. I am beginning to think we do not have a prayer as a society.

There is a movie called "Idiocracy". It is stupid and meant to be comedy however I am beginning to believe it is more of a documentary than anything Michael Moore ever filmed.


I once gave a girl $5.00 at a Sonic drive-in. She actually used a wristwatch calculator to give me my correct change. It is scary.

Tomorrow will be a good day. I am shooting a High Power Rifle Match. :)
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The world seems to be going to heck in a hand basket! It took man millions of years to get to where we are & if things continue maybe a hundred years to eliminate man kind! We have to many educated people who seem to think no one can think for themselves! The Gene pool definitely needs a little weeding!!!
If a person really looks at animals, poaching , Etc The anti's would never protect 90 % of the animals they do! Lack of education on the followers part & no time to research or think for themselves! They believe just about anything they are told! As dar as the MEDIA..........?
That's where hunting comes into place - at least if we can't be out there right now we can think about it and talk with other knowledgeable people. When a person is hunting the time, silence & the beauty of creation is what restores ones soul & gives you the sense to continue on & get through, all the B.S. & STRESS THAT WE HAVE PUT UPON OURSELVES!
Africa's Lions Being Poisoned

I found out they want to list Lions on the endangered species list. I wanted to hunt them...I was just trying how to figure how to pay for it. The same with the polar bear situation...very sad.

Check out this report from 60 Minutes about the dwindling Lion population in Kenya where sport hunting is closed...

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For some reason it would not play for me. Said not available in your country or domain.

Kenya is such a sad situation. Many lions are being killed there in conflict issues.

Conservation Force and SCI are working hard to get lion management plans in place in all of the countries with a lion population and in particular those that currently offer lion on licence. This is going to be a nip and tuck situation..........will lion hunting, or at least the importation of lion sport trophies be shut down before this can be accomplished to everyones satisfaction, ie. the USFWS and CITES...........or will everyone get their act together in time?

Watching it frustrates the hell out of me as it reminds me of the situation we have with wood bison and polar bear here in Canada. One things for sure, if the anti-hunting groups and Green outfits around the globe get their way, they are going to 'protect' the lion into extinction.:(
Poisoning Lion is sick! I have heard about this for a long time. The animal rights people are making me sick. I went to the University of Stevens Point and it has a world class Wildlife Program. I wanted to get into Wildlife management...but found out it would take 6 years of school, low pay and the worst thing by far...I would have to work hand in hand with the antihunters. Because they get into wildlife they can mismanage the system. I would have gone off the deep end...working with them. I got in so many made me mad and sad.

I'm glad I work in Water Resourse Management. Hunt hard....and spend a lot of money on sound wildlife management. I give...until it hurts and give some more. SCI is my home away from home and I think they do a good job.

The Conservation Force is a great cause! Mr. Jackson is a excellent lawyer! He fights fire with fire! Please, save the Lions !!!!!!!
The lion poisoning video is not available to me either. We have that problem in Tanzania too and the cattle people are really putting a dent in the predator population down here. Lions, leopards, hyena, jackal and vultures all fall to the poisoning - it is devastating. The government is aware of this, yet does not take action in some places and seems that only international attention will get them to react as years of reports and pushing from us as local stakeholders have resulted in NO action.

Back to the initial concern - the world at large depresses me, so i focus on MY world and involve myself with positive activities and meaningful activities that have a human foundation. Selfish? YES (to some) - but not to those who appreciate a meaningful life.

It's a pity, but the material world rules the present and God knows about the future!!! Tanzania still allows me to heighten my senses and appreciate fundamentals of life and sharing this with people is my driving force and highly rewarding.
I am not sure how I feel this morning. I can't quite put my finger on it.......but I guess a feeling of 'disquiet' is as close as I can come and it began yesterday afternoon.

I am completing some home renovations and needed an item that required a drive to the little hardware store in the closest town, about seven miles away. I got what I needed and went to the till. The young lady scanned the items and the total was $5.43. I gave the young lady a ten dollar bill and then gave her .43 cents so that she could give me a five dollar bill, instead of a pocket full of change.

She just simply could not grasp the high finance and the older till could not do the math for her. I explained several times, but she still did not get it, so I said, "OK, just give me the .43 cents back and just proceed as if I had only given you the ten dollar bill. Now she was confused and worried that she may be getting shorted, so she went and got the manager from his little office in the back. He looked at the situation, rolled his eyes, took the .43 cents and handed me a five dollar bill.

In the late evening, after checking the livestock and taking the dogs for their last outing, I turned on the televison and began thumbing through the satellite channels with the remote. I passed Americas Next Top Model and several other 'reality TV' type programs, a number of sitcoms with embarrassingly shallow humor and several 'What's Happening in Hollywood' shows. Despite the plethora of channels, it was quickly narrowed down to watching the media flog the G20 Summit to death on the news, a re-run of Two and a Half Men or a special documentary on Vision TV analysing the contents of a book called The Pagan Christ.

I turned off the TV and read a couple of chapters in Rifles for Africa, by Gregor Woods.

This morning I went out and did the chores, then came in, made coffee and turned on the computer to check for e-mails. The MSN home page flashed onto the screen and the bold headlines read, " Jen Aniston Looking to Experiment With Looks!", "Will We See Two More Brangelina Babies Soon?", "Your Bikini Survival Guide.", and "Tips on How to Ditch Your Cranky Moods." (After this post some will no doubt want to suggest I go back and read the last one.)

It is really amazing that our species has survived for as long as it has on this beautiful planet, but certainly no mystery as to why we have it so messed up. With an endless list of significant problems and issues around the globe that urgently require our understanding and attention, the media continues to bombard us with drivel and frippery. One can only conclude that this happens because it is in fact what the unwashed masses want to read.

More and more it appears that there are vast numbers of hominids wandering the planet with just enough gray matter between their ears to control breathing and other bodily functions.

Is it just me? :)
No it’s not you. Yesterday I reminded a twenty something year old working for one of our subcontractors to make sure to not damage a fence while felling trees. “Work in unison with your machine operator so he can use the grapple on his skidder to hold and pull tree as you cut”. At first he did what I said . Afterwards,while I was telling their other worker not to dump the debris pile on this archaeological site or the government will shut down this job(2nd time mind you) ,the first kid walks away , he cuts a 40 foot palm tree by himself while my attention was diverted. It crashed through the fence ,patio furniture, pool deck and grazed the house. No my friend, it’s not you at all. For many ADD likely exists.
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The lack of mathematical skills has driven me to only use cash in case of emergency. I think part of the problem is the “new math” they’re teaching. Not sure why kids need to draw pictures and do a whole bunch of other crap to do simple arithmetic.

It is generational. I had a great aunt that was born in between the Wright Brothers flying and World War I. She could do the math before you put it in the calculator and her spelling and grammar where unequalled. We’ve been “dummed” down by technology coupled with a lack of care. Driven by technology and socio-economic equality.
Don’t get me started! Which is to say I agree with you. However, keep in mind you had your go getters and good performing people and you had non striving simpletons years ago. Today is similar in that regard. Don’t go thinking all the youngins are incapable. Some of them are quite brilliant. The ordinary minds are not being taught as we were. The strivers will better themselves and the non strivers will know less.
...With an endless list of significant problems and issues around the globe that urgently require our understanding and attention, the media continues to bombard us with drivel and frippery. One can only conclude that this happens because it is in fact what the unwashed masses want to read.
Have you considered an alternate hypothesis? "With and endless list of significant problems... the media continues to bombard us with drivel and frippery, because they are afraid if we sat down and thought about it, we may propose and enact solutions that destroy their incomes and sources of power..."

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?