With 1.3,1.4 Billion people,all Wildlife is under pressure,we have a lot of Leopards in the country and the wily Cat knows when and where to get its food,people become careless,leave Children out side and Tragedy Strikes.We had a similar incident nearby,without indoor Plumbing,people use the Outdoors and in squatting position are mistaken by the Cat,once this cat know how easy it is to Kill people,it becomes unstoppable.The only way one can avert these tragedies is to keep a lot off Dogs,packs of Semi Domesticated Dogs keep this Cat away.We provide the Dogs with Food and shelter and a lot of Solar Lights,the Dogs hang around all night long.
As far as putting these Cats down,the paper work and the Flak one has to face is not really worth it.
PS;One fact i failed to mention is Poaching of prey species is really increasing,these Cats are running out of all their Natural Prey,so what are they gonna eat,that is one of the most common reason that these cats are visiting Human Settlements in search of a Meal.then Shit happens