The Ministry of the Environment, the Green Economy and Climate Change
conducted on Tuesday 19 December 2017 in Pama, capital of Kompienga
province, in the Eastern region, at the official launch of the campaign
Wildlife Operations 2017-2018.
Under the patronage of the Prime Minister, Paul Kaba THIEBA, this campaign
is held under the theme “Promotion of domestic tourism in protected areas
to optimize the economic and socio-cultural valorisation of wildlife
potential “.
By placing the campaign under this theme, the challenge is to address the
many challenges facing the wildlife sector so that it can continue to play
its multiple roles, namely food, cultural and socio-economic.
The choice of this theme also denotes, on the one hand the will of the
Ministry of the Environment, the green economy and climate change to
promote debate on the issue of valuing our protected areas, including
wildlife and on the other hand to analyze the feasibility of promoting
internal tourism in protected areas; the objective is to enable these areas
to be viable and especially that they continue to play their role of
creators of green jobs and promoter of socio-economic development.
Indeed, wildlife is one of the most important renewable natural resources
of our country, but its management is undermined by enormous difficulties,
one of the most important remains poaching.
In the last ten years, Burkina Faso has recorded a significant number of
cases of elephant poaching. Added to this is the early drying up of water
points in certain wildlife areas; anything that causes significant loss of
wildlife, with certain consequences.
In the last five years, for example, there has been a drastic drop in the
number of tourists, especially those from abroad who are in wildlife
protection areas for vision tourism and sport hunting. Moreover, it is
worth noting the uncontrolled occupation of certain wildlife areas by
illegal operators, the development of gold washing in and around the
peripheries and the use of chemicals that are very dangerous for wildlife.
Measures for the success of the 2017-2018 wildlife harvest campaign
The Ministry of the Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change has taken
a number of steps towards the success of the 2017-2018 wildlife harvesting
This includes compliance with wildlife harvesting regulations, including
the collection of annual license fees and licensing fees, hunting guide
licenses, hunting license fees, collection slaughter taxes and quota
monitoring by zone.
Also, the ministerial department will continue the implementation of the
three-year plan of the project “Mitigation of water stress on the great
fauna” (PASHF) which will make it possible to build or rehabilitate water
infrastructure in wildlife areas and build the capacity of wildlife
management stakeholders and set up a program to monitor their activities by
a multidisciplinary team.
The implementation of these measures should help strengthen the state of
conservation of our resources, ensure better governance of protected areas,
improve public revenues, and promote the wildlife sector in Burkina Faso.
2016-2017 operating season, a satisfactory balance sheet
In Burkina Faso, wildlife is an important socio-economic support for the
population. In fact, our country has 78 classified areas, 28 of which are
wildlife-related. For example, a 1995 wildlife management reform introduced
a tripartite approach involving the state, local communities and the
private sector to improve the governance of protected areas and increase
the number of wildlife and the contribution of this sector to the national
Moreover, the 2016-2017 wildlife harvest campaign recorded a satisfactory
record, even though it took place in a context of international economic
and financial crisis, insecurity in the West African subregion, terrorist
threats, persistent effects of climate change, and increased poaching,
During this season, there were 303 sport hunters and 3,443 tourists
received, the levy 424 mammals and 10,513 game birds, venison production
estimated at 86.398 tons and direct financial revenue of 542,724,544 francs
CFA distributed between the Public Treasury, the Concessionaires, the
Riparian Communities and the communities.
Other remarkable achievements are the participation of Burkina Faso in
high-level meetings on environmental crime and the fight against elephant
poaching, the finalization of the process of recognition of Arly Park as
World Heritage of the Organization of United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the regularization of
management contracts for 16 concessions and the compensation of victims of
wildlife damage following the adoption of Decree No. 2016-111 / PRES / PM /
MEEVCC / MATDSI of March 23rd, 2016 concerning conditions and procedures
for repairing damage caused by certain wild animal species in Burkina Faso.
Hunting is the tracking of animals in order to capture them or shoot them
down. It is subject to regulation and poaching is its practice outside the
legal framework. According to the provisions of the law N ? 003-2011 / AN
of April 05, 2011 on the forest code in Burkina Faso (art 123), the hunting
season is determined each year by order of the Minister in charge of
wildlife. Thus, the 2017-2018 season is scheduled for 1 st December 2017 31
May 2018.
Source: https://africasustainableconservati...ife-sector-to-burkina-fasos-national-economy/