I have two that I have kept. Both are in useful calibers.
The prettiest and best preserved is a Steven Grant built on a miniature Martini Henry action. It is chambered in the very useful .380 centerfire. Like many so chambered this one chambers and shoots .38 Long Colt very accurately. Thanks to cowboy action shooting, there is a lot of it to be had. It has bowled over quite a few squirrels and armadillos.
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The other isn't nearly pristine, but the bore is in great shape. It is also the only original .44 Winchester rook rifle I have ever heard of much less seen. Built in Birmingham by a C. H. Laurenburg, it uses the famous Westley Richards sliding bite action. Of course the .44 Winchester is better known here as the 44-40. Ammunition for it is also relatively plentiful.
I think of it as my rook stopping rifle. It is decisive on a charging opossum.
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All in all these old rifles are a lot of fun.