AH ambassador
It appears local tv news station WCBS tv channel 2 in NY is after hunters AGAIN. Over the years this has been the only "news" station that has consistently attacked hunting and hunters. They were the only station that aired Senator Avella's conference about the purposed bill to ban big 5 imports into NY port. Now this morning they attacked us again overt the decline in numbers of the Giraffe. They purposely showed hunters with their harvest of a giraffe. I implore everyone here to write to this station as I just did and demand the present truthful and honest fact's when it comes to hunters and hunting. I also urge everyone to please write to Senator Avella to object to his purposed NY port legislation. I wrote him and other Politicians and let them know my feelings. We need to STAND up to these attacks. God bless SCI and others who protect our rights. But they need to hear us also.