Hunt needed. Watch what u say!


AH enthusiast
Feb 19, 2011
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Well apparently when i told the truth about my bad experience in zim last year and let people know the ugly truth about a few of the so called respected ph's i ruffled some feathers. The outfitter i booked my may leopard hunt with found out from other zim outfitters that get on this website that i was coming to hunt. All i can "assume" is that i am on a black list and my hunt was canceled. Their reasoning was that i bad mouthed their ph and that they do not want me coming. I did not bad mouth their ph. All i did was get on here and ask if he was a good ph and if he was licensed properly. However the information that led to this cancelation was because i notified the ah community via my posts and whoever doesnt like me on ah notified the outfitter i was booked with. So now i have some spare change and am not going to loose my first class tickets. Im still planning on coming may 9th and leaving may 20th. Does anyone know where i can go hunt a really old and large leopard first. If not i will secondly be looking for a monster buffalo and if that doesnt pan out i will look for a south african large maned lion. Please post ur responses up here if u wish to take a hunter who is obviously a bad person to deal with according to the zim ph's know something that i dont.
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Hope you get a hunt set up T.
That really sucks so near to leaving on that trip.I sent you those pics earlier on those lions if you want I can check if he has opened times at the dates.Would think it will be hard to get a leopard hunt this soon but hope you get lucky.
if the outfitter didnt like you asking about his p.h on a public forum it makes me wonder what skeletons he has in his closet ?
i wouldnt loose any sleep over it .
the truth is best put out on the table i beleave
theres plenty of good and honest outfitters /p.h out there to cater for your needs /wants you obvously have the funds and everybody likes funds .
im sure something will surface with in the next month .
i hope you have a memorable hunt this year mate .
looking forward to your report and pictures
thanks bill. I got the pictures. I agree with you bluey. I figure that if the outfitter canceled due to being good buddys with an outfitter I know to be crooked then that means he is crooked himself. At least I was able to steer clear of a train wreck this time. The thing that worries me most is that the guy I booked the hunt with is a very good friend. He's not telling me the entire story but he said he's not about to go to zim himself right now much less take me. He said he greatly fears for our safety if we go and that we are definitely at great risk if we go. I trust this man with my life and I am not about to second guess his recommendation. After being in zim before and seeing the "good ol boy" system and how those good ol boys are tied into the government and how they are very questionable people I can completely agree that if someone pissed off the wrong people they could get hurt and apparently I pissed off the wrong people. Beings as I'm being told my safety is a stake here I am electing to withdraw from zim and I dare say I will ever go back to that country unless I am with a safari company that can guarantee my personal safety.

Leopard will be difficult to take in on a short notice.

Have you looked at Mozambique? For both Cape Buffalo and Leopard?

South Africa for Lion ... check around.

For the things you have mentioned many hunters are reluctant to post unfavorable reports on there safaris.
i cant say i blame you for safety sake but thats just made zim babwe about the last plac on this planet id want to hunt and thats sad as i beleave that there are a lot of real good outfitters there that there for the right reason .

Try Pieter Stofberg @ African Days. He sent me an email he has had a cancellation on Leopard for 2013, his US number is 517 231 1341. Pieters company is based in Namibia, I found his camps and staff first class. Im sure if you contact him he can give you any necessary information. I wish you good luck. Tell him Stuart in Minnesota sent you.
I will give him a call. I can definitely see why people don't post negatively on outfitters, especially the ones in the extremely corrupt countries. I wouldn't hesitate to make my exact same report all over again. If all else fails Im planning on at least going after my dream buffalo. If I cant locate a great leopard hunt my second choice right now is a bongo hunt. I have located a very safe area to go to and its a very exciting prospect for me at this moment in time.

Thanks for all the help and emails guys. I really do appreciate it. thanks billc for emailing me those lion pics. My wife informed me that I cannot do a lion without her. She specifically forbid me from shooting one. She says she gets to be the first to put a large maned lion on the ground. I guess she's going to add one on after my September Botswana ele hunt.
Pieter also has 4 buff hunts available in 2013, send me your email I can forward you my info on both hunts. Buff hunts are in SA near Krueger national Park.
my last message didn't post. My ph will be contacting Pieter when he wakes up. pending a good report from my trusted ph this hunt will be booked. I was astounded at the size of the leopards Pieter just sent me. His gemsbok were amazing also. Cross your fingers and lets hope all works out. Thanks a million stuart. It looks like you may have saved my safari.
I actually feel really sorry for you tap, because you have a passion for leopard hunting and you can't seem to find a hunt that fits your dreams and expectations. And that does sadden me because you run a successful business and have the time and money to hunt.
Glad I can help out wherever I can. I have been working as a field rep for Pieter since June of last year here in Minnesota. Things are a little slow but word is getting out. I wouldnt be with African Days if I didnt think they had a great product to offer. We got back in October from a two week hunt, and our hides are in Atlanta now. THought that was a pretty quick turnaround. Looking at a return sometime next year for some unfinished business!!!! Best of luck on booking with Pieter. Let me know how things go with him. Pic is my Gemsbok in September. Old Bull heavy wear couldnt have been happier!!!


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enysse, I appreciate the kind gesture. Don't feel bad for me. I've hunted more in the last 5 years of my life than most people will hunt in 5 life times. You know whats sad???? the fact I don't have anything paid for. Every time I have a spare dime I go hunting with it. Heck, my 6 yr old daughter is dying to go to a "tropical beach" and see the whales. Im spending over $30,000 this year making her dreams come true and spoiling her rotten. I may not have my house paid for but when I die my kids aren't going to remember the day we paid off our house. They are going to remember the entire summers we spent hunting in africa, or going to the Bahamas, or staying in the princess castle in Europe. No sir don't feel sorry for me. I will keep my dream alive. What would I do if I killed a 200 lb leopard in zim next month? I would have one less dream to look forward to.

So far I haven't shot my dream leopard or buffalo, and my dreams are still in tact. Im doing just fine. thanks very much for the well wishes, that does mean a lot.
Good luck Tap hope it all works out well......

My best always
Tap we have a Leopard permit in the Marula area, Zimbabwe - over hounds. Only baited hunts allowed in Namibia at present. If you are interested please email me at
Good luck hope you find your dream hunt.
I hope you will experience many great hunts this year tap, and for lots of coming years too.

If agents, outfitters and PHs can't stomach questions about themselves and their business, it is much better to spend the money somewhere else.
Sorry, permit no longer available.

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Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.