Burkino Faso is an interesting destination at the moment. Assuming you have trip insurance, I would watch two things. First, and I think the major concern, is any civil unrest following the intervention of the Army leadership into the government last month. There were demonstrations earlier this month, but the situation seems to have quieted down with the appointment of the transitional government (St. Louis, Missouri, regrettably, seems more unstable) . The other concern is, of course, ebola. I think that is a pretty small risk. There are as of yet no reported cases, and even if there were, the chances of encountering a situation conducive to transmission would seem to be extremely remote. Indeed, many are suggesting this latest epidemic is starting to wane. Remember the doom sayers who were predicting a million cases by the new year. All that is a long way around to saying if the situation doesn't deteriorate over the next few weeks, I would certainly go.