Hi from SCI

Rick Parsons

AH member
Feb 15, 2018
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Member of
Safari Club International, NRA
Hi folks,

I joined this site a couple of days ago, commenting on a thread dealing with SCI's recent decision on captive-bred lion hunting. I am the CEO of SCI (Safari Club International - for those who may not know us).

I was excited about the reaction to my post and the kind of discussion that goes on here -- even the negative comments.

I tried to post another comment and got stopped cold by a message that said that I was violating some kind of forum rules with my comment. I'm a lawyer by trade so I know about rules, and I was flummoxed. So if it continues I'll get with the forum owner or moderator to figure out what I'm doing wrong. If anyone can help out on that , please jump in.

I have been with SCI since 1985. I was a contractor who served as their governmental affairs counsel. In 1997, I came on board as an employee and ran SCI's governmental affairs office in Washington, DC. I tried to retire in 2008 but that didn't work. I was hired back as a contractor and then at the end of 2016 I was hired as the CEO.

I have a degree in International Law and I worked for the US Government for about 15 years after law school. I helped to write the CITES treaty and then ran the US Government office in the Fish and Wildlife Service that implemented CITES for the US. Essentially I was the chief permit-issuer. I left government in 1983 and started with SCI in 1985. I hold the distinction of being the only person still involved in CITES that has attended every CITES meeting since the original negotiating conference in Washington. Of course that only means that I wasn't dumb enough to step in front of a bus all that time.

Over the years, I've had the pleasure to work with the people who came up with the concepts of sustainable use conservation. I helped them get it adopted as a policy of IUCN (the International Union for the Conservation of Nature) in 1990. I've worked with some of the brightest and best people in Africa, both white and black, who have been the doers in the communities and the government agencies. I've worked with a lot of African professional hunters trying to solve all the knotty problems that arise on that continent.

All in all, it's been a real kick. I've seen the best in the hunting world and in wildlife conservation, especially from Africa.

I hope to tell all of you more about SCI and what we are doing today. I manage a staff of about 65 people. They all care about SCI's mission to protect the freedom to hunt. They take it seriously. We have close to 50,000 volunteer members, and the one thing they all have in common is that they love to hunt and they are willing to give their time and their money to preserve that opportunity.

Rick Parsons, CEO
Safari Club International

We are really glad to have you here and look forward to your participation. This forum prides itself on being a true community, and different from most of the internet. I hope you find it to be the same.

I really appreciate the bio too. I've never known your background and it's nice to see it. Impressive.

Looking forward to hearing more from you and I know there are questions in the lion thread that we'd love for you to answer.

I tried to post another comment and got stopped cold by a message that said that I was violating some kind of forum rules with my comment. I'm a lawyer by trade so I know about rules, and I was flummoxed. So if it continues I'll get with the forum owner or moderator to figure out what I'm doing wrong. If anyone can help out on that , please jump in.

No idea on this.... But either @AfricaHunting.com or @BRICKBURN can help I'm sure.
Rick, I set off the spam filters all the time. Glitches happen.
I doubt you were doing anything "illegal" even in computer programming terms.

As Royal just said, let either Jerome or me know when you run into an issue and we will make our best efforts to get it solved.

Glad you got back to an intro post.

Please head back to the CBL thread and dive in to your hearts content.
Welcome to AH and thank for posting your bio with us. I hope you will share with the community as much as you can with regards to SCI efforts to keep hunting around the world open to us all. In addition, please alert us to the conservation projects of SCI as you deem appropriate.
Again Welcome!
Hi Rick! Glad to have you on AH. Thanks for all you do.
Thanks for all you do and welcome.
Welcome to AH Rick!

We have pretty strong automatic settings and rules in place for new members but after a few posts these rules relax, sorry you just got caught in the spam prevention system. But as @BRICKBURN mentioned please do not hesitate to contact either of us should you need any assistance.

It's great to hear about your background and experience, you have been on the front lines for a long time! I personally look forward to hearing more from you and having SCI contribute here.
Good to have you here. I had a great time at the SCI show a couple of weeks ago. Hope to continue to see you contribute. We don't always agree with one another here, but when we disagree it is generally without any fireworks, so to speak. Please continue to contribute.
Welcome to AH, Rick !
You are most welcome here! Almost always usually most of the time this is a very polite forum - particularly by the standards of a couple of other sites in which I no longer participate. One of the more divisive issues among our forum membership is the CBL business. I personally believe that it is a practice which is indefensible from the hunter as conservationist perspective. But then again, I feel that way about most put and take shooting of large game (puts me on the outs with the genetically engineered release and shoot whitetail community).

Others support it. You will have outfitters among our correspondents who offer it. I would guess a large number of our members don't intend to participate in it, but also don't care much one way or the other.

Perhaps the most prevalent argument in favor of the practice is that it is legal; and therefore, all hunters should support those few who practice it. To not do so is to take up the cause of the anti's.

If I have misstated that, I am sure that I'll be corrected shortly.

Having SCI leadership involved in some of this grass-roots discussion can only serve to inform the club's leadership and to offer a voice to those who, in the end, make SCI viable.

I should note that I am a life member of both SCI and DSC. Frankly, I have spent very little time involved in any SCI activities over the last few years due to what I perceived as a growing arrogance and elitism among the club's leadership. The changes to the club journal a couple of years ago reinforced much of that perception. Whatever you and your leadership team can do to reestablish a positive dialogue with the rank and file of our membership can only serve to strengthen the club as a whole. Being here is a good place to begin that work.
Welcome to AH from Tropical Minnesota
Welcome to AH!
@Rick Parsons,

Welcome! You have an impressive resume! I look forward to your input of knowledge and experience. As others have said this is a civil forum with mostly gentleman and gentlewomen exchanging opinions with courtesy and respect. From some of the recent posts about the SCI, including my own, you can surely see that lots of folks have questions and concerns about the overall message of the organization in the past, present, and future.

I would welcome to hear your views and opinions on the SCI's current message, and some of its past positions and decisions particularly relating to Cecil the lion etc,. With all due respect we have heard the rhetoric. I would like to hear some of the facts.
Welcome Mr. Parsons! Glad to have you aboard and look forward to your participation and knowledge that you can share. You have a tough job as CEO of SCI as I’m certain you are caught in a crossfire by hunters’ stance on issues on both sides and full frontal assault by the anti crowd. Wish you the best of luck!
Great to have you here. Look forward to hearing your prospective on the issues of hunting and conservation.
Welcome to AH. Pretty much ditto what all has been said.

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akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia