Hello From North Carolina


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Feb 23, 2014
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Hey All,

I am really excited to have found this site. My only experience is duck, deer, and turkey hunting so I am new to this African safari. I stumbled upon this site after bidding on a Safari at a auction for dirt cheap (1Wk 4 hunters with each getting a 1X blesbok and 1X Impali). It was too good to pass up. So it looks like I'm going to Africa! Unless I decide to sell it.

After reading multiple posts this seems like a great group of people. I look forward to getting to know everyone!
Welcome to AH Raleighhunter!!! Sure the African bug will stick and that you'll feel quite at home in this site !!

Forget about selling it and go do your safari you want to go I know :) even if it is only yourself and your wife...

Selling it would also would not be in the spirit of the donation.. ;)

You will enjoy it so fire away if you have any questions.

My best always.
You gotta go.... You bid on it, because you wanted it. Don't pass it up or you will look back at some point and say DAMN, I should have gone. Just do it. Good luck.... you will love this group. Wealth of knowledge!
Hey Jaco,

Well lets just say she was't exactly jumping for joy when I purchased the trip. Even if it is a steal. In-fact, the guide told me they sold the same trip the next night for 7 times more then what I paid.

But, here is to hoping the African bug will bite her sooner then later.
Welcome Raleighhunter!
You will regret it if you sell that hunt. Your African safari is coming up. Get in there! ( and don't forget to post a report when you get back!)

Best Regards,
Marius Goosen
Welcome to AH, Raleighhunter!
Just go, everyone who goes on a quality safari gets HOOKED! It is something that must be experienced to understand, there is a reason they say once you go you will return.

Welcome to AH, I hope to see you jumping for joy in some pics in the future.

Heres to hoping the African bug that bites you wont be a Tsetse fly! ;)
Hey Jaco,

Well lets just say she was't exactly jumping for joy when I purchased the trip. Even if it is a steal. In-fact, the guide told me they sold the same trip the next night for 7 times more then what I paid.

But, here is to hoping the African bug will bite her sooner then later.

theres times 7 more reason to do this African adventure ,mate .right there ....
im certain your wife will take Africa into her hart..enjoy your hunt .
and welcome to A.H ......
if you bought it at around 14% of its value , it would make a great gift for 2 of your friends or family
Welcome to AH. Enjoy your hunt.
Welcome to AH RaleighHunter!
Good stumble.

Welcome to AH.
Hey Jaco,

Well lets just say she was't exactly jumping for joy when I purchased the trip. Even if it is a steal. In-fact, the guide told me they sold the same trip the next night for 7 times more then what I paid.

But, here is to hoping the African bug will bite her sooner then later.

If she is somewhat like my wife, she'll get use to it!! :) if I may ask who will be the outfitter you got the donation with?

My best always
Hey Jaco,

Not a problem. The outfit is Shaun Keeny Safaris.

If she is somewhat like my wife, she'll get use to it!! :) if I may ask who will be the outfitter you got the donation with?

My best always
I know Shaun's old man quite well Michael Keeny, never met Shaun you should have a great time Michael use to have some real good Kudu! :) one more reason to go! :)

My best always.
Welcome ! I am sure you will find this forum a blast !!! Good luck on your planning ! It is 50% of the excitement !
Welcome to AH !
Welcome RaleighHunter!
Welcome to AH,definitely go!!!

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