Just found this website and wanted to say hi. Figured this would be a great place to get my feet wet with Africa. My son wants me to take him for his senior graduation present so I figured I better start doing my homework..
I really don't yet. I'm pretty open currently. The buffalo intrigue me. My daughter wants to go for a lion. I told her that I would when she graduates vet school. lol gives me more time to save
Courtney Hunting Club, NRA Life Member, SCI Kansas City Chapter
Zimbabwe,Namibia, South Africa, KwaZulu Natal, Kalahari, Northwest, Limpopo, Gauteng, APNR Kruger Area. USA Georgia, South Carolina, Arkansas, New Mexico, North Carolina and Texas
There's a few around from WY. I'm up in Gillette. Maybe we'll get together sometime. This is a great place to do your homework on hunting Africa. I've been 4 times and may go back this year....
You have definitely discovered the single best resource available to begin research on an African safari. Lots of great folks on here with a wealth of knowledge all eager to help.
Having hosted numerous Father/son and family safaris over the years, I can tell you that you and your son will be in for the ultimate adventure! It will provide memories that will last a lifetime!
Welcome to AH wysongdog. Are you sure that you didn't whisper the idea of hunting Africa into your son's ear? Having your son "request" the hunt is a good way to get the whole idea past Mom. This a great place to start. First of all you need to establish a "ball-park" budget. Then you can decide on which animals you and your son can reasonably expect to take. Stick with the Outfitters that are AH Sponsors. My reason for suggesting that is because they are vetted by some very demanding folks on an almost daily basis. Consider a "Package Hunt" as these generally offer the most bang for the buck. In your spare time, look up some of the previous Hunting Reports, they will give you a little more insight. You might also introduce tour son to AH. He can peruse these pages and build up his knowledge of the pursuits available to him. One thing for sure, your first trip to Africa will not be your last.
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