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Apr 27, 2015
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Hi I'm new to this site! I'm a sixteen year old girl who went recently went on a hunting Safari with my dad for a week at Tootabi Hunting Safari I the Eastern Cape of South Africa. This was a whole new experience for me because this was the first time I left country and it was the first time I have ever hunted in my life. I would say it was the best week of my life. Tootabi is a very welcoming of me and my dad and made us feel like family. Before the trip, I was very nervous that I would be bored or not have lots of because typical hunters are not sixteen year old girls who dance and shop in their free time. However, at Tootabi, they managed to keep me entertained by taking me on amazing places to see all the exotic animals. For instance, my first night there, I saw giraffes, zebras, and many other animals native to South Africa. They took me to see all the amazing animals within hours of stepping off the plane. My favorite animal they took me to see were cheetahs. I enjoyed them the most because I actually got to pet one of the cheetahs. Another cool thing I got to experience was seeing wild elephants, lions, rhinos, hippos, hyenas, and many other animals with in feet of me when we went on a safari car ride through a park that housed all these animals. I can't forget the hunting. What would be a hunting trip without the hunting?! On the first full day I was there in South Africa, I went hunting with my dad, our ph, and tracker. It was the morning and we were only out for a short amount of time tracking the animal I was hunting for. We were searching for an impala. We found a beautiful bull and I got it down in 3 shots(okay well technically 4 shots) That was the first time I have everyone hunting in my life, and it was so much fun. The thing that stood out about the animal I shot is was it was actually much bigger then the average bull impala. I would have to thank my ph and tracker for finding such a magnificent animal. We actually got to eat some of the meat from it. It was one of the best things I have ever eat. All the food there we had was amazing and prepare by such a lovely lady. She always made sure I had food I liked and I was happy with it. She and everyone else at Tootabi really treated me like family. To add on to the hunting, I went on a few of my dad's hunting trips. Those were actually fun. I thought it would be boring just following them around and waiting for an animal to show up. However, it wasn't like that. It was really fun, and I got to really see the beautiful terrain. All in all, Tootabi is amazing place, and I can't wait to go back. The worst part about the trip was having to leave. I wish I could just stay there forever.
Welcome to the forum, thanks for sharing with us your experience and yeah you've been bitten by the Africa bug. Just relax and learn to live with the fact that you must go back, and everything will be fine.
Again welcome!
well welcome. I told your dad if he wanted to get any of his kids in to hunting you take them to Africa. I see you took a real liking to it. Glad you had a great trip my son feels the same way about the place. You got a very nice impala by the way.
It sounds like she is hooked for life!
Welcome to this forum Chick! Yep I'd say you are hooked. I'm glad you had such a great trip and I hope you enjoy many more hunting adventures!
Welcome! I read the report that your dad posted and sounds like agood time was had by all ! This hunting thing will be something that will bring you joy for the rest of your life! I have a 26 year old daughter that has been my hunting partner for the last 14 years!
Welcome to AH ! Glad you and your dad had a great time and your quite a shot congrats on your Impala. LOL now you just have to learn to look at the camera and smile. your dad did a great report of the hunt you guys did, I'm willing to bet your already talking about the next time.

Been talking to your dad since he joined the forum and was so excited when he announced you would be going with him. Even happier that you had a great time.

Africa is a special place. The memories you and your father made will last a lifetime. :)
Thanks for posting your report on your experience. It is quite interesting to hear the tale from the perspective of a new hunter.

Congratulations on your successful hunt and obviously very enjoyable trip to South Africa.

Welcome to AH.
Welcome and Wow! What a way to start off your passion! Congrats to you and your dad. Those memories will be stored in a special place in both of your hearts for the rest of your life.
Welcome to AH TootabiChick! Thank you for sharing your first time in Africa.
Welcome to AH and congratulations on your african experience.
Welcome to AH.

Thanks for sharing your experience. Glad you had a great time.
Hello and welcome TootabiChick! It sounds like you and your dad had a fantastic trip (y)
gday tootabi chick
welcome to AH
glad you and the old boy had a trip to remember, that's about the norm, for them fellas , every one leaves ,feeling like family
glad you got to hunt and observe hunting ,
them cheetahs a real cool , were they brother and sister, at the place you visited ?
Welcome to AH. When you coming back ;)
Welcome to AH and thank you for the write up of your hunt. It is nice to hear a different perspective. I have a 9 year old daughter practicing for her upcoming hunt with Loodt. She has already given me a heck of a trophy list and I really look forward to a father/daughter hunt in Africa.
BTW My daughter melted when she saw your picture of the cheetah!
Good on you girl !
CheersDory .

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.