Pet peeve
AH has not been hacked. NOT HAPPENING.
Some mystery person in China did not magically grab your details from SPAMMING AH. They dump spam here and run. ie. Meet their quota and head onward.
If you think your AH account has been hacked, think about how YOU shared your password with some muppet.
I used a duplicate password in ERROR once. I found out about the error when a post magically appeared on AH that I did not do. It happened once, I caught it immediately.
AH was not hacked, there was one person who had access to that password elsewhere and they used it and posted something innocuous here on AH posing as me. It was actually a nice warning shot. It provided me a wake up call to quickly review passwords. I caught my error, changed the password and secured everything and low and behold no more BS.
Look in the mirror and your computer and the answer should be there.
The worst crap AH has suffered through is a DDOS attack a while ago around the time of the SCI convention.
Members of a longer tenure may recall having issues accessing the site years ago.
The site was not hacked. Access was slowed. Look up DDOS and you can see what they do.
It was a PIA and we got it managed.
Otherwise, if you ran foul of the rules for some reason you may have been banned, not hacked.
AH has not been hacked. NOT HAPPENING.
Some mystery person in China did not magically grab your details from SPAMMING AH. They dump spam here and run. ie. Meet their quota and head onward.
If you think your AH account has been hacked, think about how YOU shared your password with some muppet.
I used a duplicate password in ERROR once. I found out about the error when a post magically appeared on AH that I did not do. It happened once, I caught it immediately.
AH was not hacked, there was one person who had access to that password elsewhere and they used it and posted something innocuous here on AH posing as me. It was actually a nice warning shot. It provided me a wake up call to quickly review passwords. I caught my error, changed the password and secured everything and low and behold no more BS.
Look in the mirror and your computer and the answer should be there.
The worst crap AH has suffered through is a DDOS attack a while ago around the time of the SCI convention.
Members of a longer tenure may recall having issues accessing the site years ago.
The site was not hacked. Access was slowed. Look up DDOS and you can see what they do.
It was a PIA and we got it managed.
Otherwise, if you ran foul of the rules for some reason you may have been banned, not hacked.