They are very effective in my experience with the unit I have. I have used it on pellet rifles, suppressed 22lr, suppressed 22 pistol. I tested it against my Magnetospeed V3. It was hanging with it. So I believe accuracy is their.
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I have had a LabRadar for a long time, the housing cracked. I did not want the hassle of sending it back so I purchased a new one (kept the old one for a backup). On a home range a Labradar works great. When you are shooting it around a bunch of people it will get some false reading (think public range).
The Garmin Xero attracted me for the size and the lack of setting a trigger. It will not read speed at 100 yards like the LR. It is more simple in that regard. I have been very happy with my Magnetospeed speed in a Gray Ops mount attaches to my rifle to pick up shots when I'm shooting different positions. I just had to fight the cords. The Garmin eliminated that.
Garmin Xero
It is smaller
Simple to operate
Can be ran on or off the gun
Not triggered by others on the line
Only reads MV can't go past that
Leader in the industry
Is an accurate system
Larger footprint
Reads to 100 yards
Not good on a firing line with multiple people
Simple to operate
Only reads the gun it's on
Unless you spend several hundred dollars on a mounting system it attaches to you barrel.
Have to deal with wires