Foreign citizen Professional Hunter exam?


AH legend
Aug 14, 2016
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Namibia - Kalahari, Namibia - Khomas highland, Namibia - Caprivi
Can a forign citizen make a PH exam?
Question is mainly for Namibia, but any information for any other country is welcome.

Next question, if making PH exam, what options does a foreign citizen get?
Namibia, or any other country?
IIRC, and could be wrong, have you tried a search on the forum for your question? Seems not too long ago, some time last year, maybe, another AH member was in Africa trying to or in process of getting his PH license. But I don't remember where or what country he might have been trying to get licensed.
Are you looking to become actually licensed and be able to work as a PH in an African country? Or are you simply looking to take the course for educational/experience purposes?

If the former, each country has its own set of rules regarding residency (among others).. in many places you cant get a license unless you are a resident and actually intend on working as a PH..

If youre considering the latter, Im in the process of getting a PH course put together for a group of US hunters, that will be taught in South Africa late summer/early fall of 2025 by one of the better known PH schools. You'd be welcome to join the group if interested (assuming there are slots left.. right now its looking like the max number of people we could have in the course would be 10-12 and Ive got more than 20 expressing interest.... but who knows how many will actually attend once we start collecting deposits and making firm commitments to be there)...
Can a forign citizen make a PH exam?
Question is mainly for Namibia, but any information for any other country is welcome.

Next question, if making PH exam, what options does a foreign citizen get?
Namibia, or any other country?

There is a big difference between exam and a license, and there is also a big difference between citizenship and residency.

Several countries have private PH schools that will happily include foreign nationals in their classes and in their exams.

But passing the exam does not give someone the legal right to guide. This is accomplished through the State or Province licensing system, and this is where citizenship or residency requirements exist.

Other countries have different curriculum and citizenship or residency requirements exist as early as entering apprenticeship.

I agree with Ridge Runner, Internet is your friend. You can search country by country, through both state game departments, PH associations, and PH schools.

Edit: looks like mdwest and I were typing at the same time, but he hit "post" before me :)
Can a forign citizen make a PH exam?
Question is mainly for Namibia, but any information for any other country is welcome.

Next question, if making PH exam, what options does a foreign citizen get?
Namibia, or any other country?
Many PHs are citizens of one country but are licensed in one or more other countries. Beyond that I do not know what the details are.
I think SA is only country with PH "schools" ....zim ...Zambia you have to be an apprentice and do all the shit jobs for basically peanuts while gaining experience....this is over a few years...then you get examined to varying degrees...not sure about tanzania..Botswana ..Namibia..Mozambique etc....yes in some countries you can get a licence if you are a qualified ph in another country...others zambia the licence fee varies as to whether you are a citizen...have residence status..or not...citizen fee is tiny...residents is pretty cheap...other it's usd 5000.00 a year....

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Brian wrote on Skshyk's profile.
Thank for the laughing post! You have a keen sense of humour. I am usually able to just ignore those geniuses but this time I could not get past it. chuckle, Brian
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Hello Clark
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Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.