Just thought I'd take a moment to share a few things.
My lot of Norma 375H&H cases hold 83.4 grains of my lot of IMR4350
For the 270g boat tail Speer, the Speer book shows a "max" of 80g IMR4350 compressed, I'm starting at 76.5 and it fills the case to the bottom of the neck.
The 270g Speer boat tails weighed in at 269.8 to 270.2, which I'm guessing while not great, is acceptable deviation.
I neck sized only, since all the brass easily chambered.
The freebore is ... well, I rammed one home after it hit the rifling, and got 3.83 COL. I'm not sure what to make of that, except it's probably set to take solids which have much flatter ogives, and usually wide meplats.
The magazine box of my new production Model 70SE will not really take 3.600 COL. More like 3.595 barely fits, which is fine I guess.
To achieve 3.6 or 3.595 COL, I've got the die fully against the shell holder and the seating stem holding on to about 2 threads of the retaining nut. I've got to get the die shortened. HDS will do that for something like $10 plus return shipping. I'm thinking take off .1 inches. Nix that, just found out that HDS has closed shop. I find that distressing as I used to have a good relationship with them, being the "custom shop" of RCBS (same building, just retail store up front). I'm sure I can find a local outfit with a surface grinder and a beer thirst....
That's all I got. Only loaded up 5 rounds. I'll see what happens, how they shoot, and decide what's next.